Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

Second Ethics Complaint Filed Against AOC Over Accepting Pricey Tickets to Met Gala for Herself and Her Boyfriend​

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published September 16, 2021 at 1:26pm

AAF filed a complaint on Tuesday saying that Ocasio-Cortez violated House Ethics rules by accepting “an impermissible gift” of the highly coveted tickets.

The NLPC took things even further in their complaint, which was filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics. According to a report from the Daily Caller, the organization argued that Ocasio-Cortez’s acceptance of free tickets for both herself and her boyfriend violated gift rules. They also stated that she recieved a prohibited gift from a paid attendee at the gala by sitting at their sponsored table — which are valued at up to $300,000.

The complaint did not stop there.

“Representative Ocasio-Cortez may have violated the House Gift Rule by accepting free admission for herself and boyfriend to the Met Gala event and receiving related gifts before, during, or after the event, including the use of custom-designed dress, limousine service, the use of the Carlyle Hotel, professional hair and makeup services, and any other related services or goods,” stated the NLPC’s complaint, which was filed by the group’s counsel, Paul Kamenar, and obtained by the Daily Caller.
“In short, it is the table sponsor who is gifting or underwriting a coveted seat to AOC at the Gala,” the complaint states. “And if the sponsor of the table where AOC sat was one paid for by one of the corporations attending the event, such as Instagram or Facebook, AOC has received a prohibited gift from the corporation that also lobbies Congress.”

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the charity that receives the proceeds of the Met Gala, told the Caller that AOC was a “guest of the museum.”

On top of all that, Ocasio-Cortez also accepted a ticket for her boyfriend, Riley Roberts. According to House Gift Rules, lawmakers are only allowed to provide a second ticket to a charity fundraiser to a spouse or dependent child.

“Thus, because her boyfriend is not her ‘spouse or dependent,’ her acceptance of an ‘invite plus one’ to the Met Gala would violate the Gift Rule unless AOC or her boyfriend paid for his $35,000 ticket, an unlikely scenario,” the NLPC’s complaint states.

Even the designer “Tax the Rich” mermaid gown that AOC wore might have violated the ethics rules. NLPC’s complaint argues that Ocasio-Cortez’s use of a custom “tax the rich” dress, even if borrowed as she claims, violates the gift rules because the designer used “valuable professional services in designing and making this one-of-a-kind dress.”

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to find out what the other "patrons" were saying behind her back, considering that they're exactly who she's talking about. Bet they're laughing like hell!! ;)
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
White House condemns Republican Gosar video that depicted killing of AOC
Author of the article:Reuters
David Morgan
Publishing date:Nov 09, 2021 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • 14 Comments
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) questions U.S. Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan, during a U.S. House Natural Resources Committee hearing on "The U.S. Park Police Attack on Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square", on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., July 28, 2020.
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) questions U.S. Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan, during a U.S. House Natural Resources Committee hearing on "The U.S. Park Police Attack on Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square", on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., July 28, 2020. PHOTO BY BILL CLARK / POOL /REUTERS / FILES
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WASHINGTON — The White House and Democrats in the U.S. Congress on Wednesday condemned an anime video tweeted by Republican congressman Paul Gosar that depicted him swinging swords at President Joe Biden and killing Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


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“This should not be happening, and we should be condemning it,” White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said.

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi also called on a congressional ethics panel and law enforcement officials to investigate.

“Threats of violence against Members of Congress and the President of the United States must not be tolerated,” Pelosi said in a statement on Twitter.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

The 90-second video shared by Gosar on Sunday appears to be an altered version of a Japanese animated series.

Any anime fans out there?

— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) November 7, 2021

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A House Ethics Committee staff official declined to comment.

One ethics expert said that threatening behaviour could violate both House ethics rules and federal criminal statutes.

“He is putting his real feelings out there, and his real feelings look very threatening,” said Craig Holman, ethics lobbyist for Public Citizen.

Under House rules, ethics violations can result in reprimands, fines, censure or removal from office. Threats can also constitute felony violations punishable by imprisonment.

But Gosar appeared unbowed. “I will always fight for the rule of law, securing our borders and defending the America First agenda,” the lawmaker said in a statement.

The Arizona Republican, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, voted against certifying Biden’s 2020 election victory in January, has backed Trump’s claims of a stolen election and has described Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 as “peaceful patriots.”


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Twitter added a warning label to the video, saying it violated its “hateful conduct” policy. It also restricted engagement with the tweet. But Twitter said in a notification attached above the tweet that it had determined “it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded to Gosar’s tweet with a Twitter thread noting the video posted by a “creepy member I work with,” and said she expected no consequences for Gosar from the House Republican leader.


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Other Democrats called for Gosar to leave office.

“In any other job in America, if a coworker made a video killing another coworker, that person would be fired,” members of the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee said in a statement.
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Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
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“This should not be happening, and we should be condemning it,” White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said.

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi also called on a congressional ethics panel and law enforcement officials to investigate.

“Threats of violence against Members of Congress and the President of the United States must not be tolerated,” Pelosi said in a statement on Twitter."

Where was the investigation of this?


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Hey, Madonna wanted to blow up the White House but between her & Kathy Griffin, they're Democrat supporters so it's ok. Doesn't matter that they aren't in Congress & even if they were they can do and say whatever the "f#@k" they want. Anyone else - well that just won't be tolerated and there must be a way to charge them so they can be thrown in jail with the key thrown away. It's hypocrisy at it's finest.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tests positive for COVID after maskless partying in Miami
Author of the article:
Denette Wilford
Publishing date:
Jan 10, 2022 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read •
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks during a news conference to discuss legislation that would strengthen Social Security benefits, on Capitol Hill October 26, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks during a news conference to discuss legislation that would strengthen Social Security benefits, on Capitol Hill October 26, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Photo by Drew Angerer /Getty Images
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Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced she tested positive for COVID — mere days after she was seen partying at a Miami bar without a mask on.
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The Bronx representative revealed the news on Twitter on Sunday, sharing a statement on House of Representatives letterhead that read: “Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for COVID-19.”

It continued: “She is experiencing symptoms and is recovering at home. The Congresswoman received her booster shot this Fall, and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance.”

The positive test comes after the 32-year-old was photographed in Miami having brunch at a drag queen bar.
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The sight of an unmasked AOC infuriated many. Conservative journalist Brendon Leslie called her a “hypocrite” — not for not wearing a mask but, rather, that she “fear mongers about Florida but then has the audacity to vacation here.”

He also put out the idea that AOC “wanted to be seen in Florida and wanted to test positive a few days after” so people would “lose their minds and trash the state all week.”
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Prior to her trip to the drag queen bar, Ocasio-Cortez was spotted dining on a restaurant patio with her boyfriend, both of them sans masks.

Former Trump campaign advisor Steve Cortes slammed AOC’s boyfriend’s feet and footwear choice, to which she replied, “If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet.”
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She added in another tweet, “It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women & LGBT+ people in general.

“These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird.”

It is unclear when, where or how AOC became infected but her trip down south came when her home state of New York was seeing record numbers in coronavirus cases due to the Omicron variant.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Adam Carolla: 'If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was fat ... would anyone listen?'
Author of the article:
Mark Daniell
Publishing date:
Feb 04, 2022 • 2 days ago • 3 minute read •
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Photo by MANDEL NGAN /Getty Images
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Radio personality Adam Carolla found himself getting roasted on social media after claiming that controversial New York City Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez only grabs headlines because she’s attractive.
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“Here’s a quick thought experiment: If AOC was fat and in her 60s, would anyone listen to another thing she ever said?” Carolla asked Fox News host Sean Hannity .
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The talk show host, seeming to know that Carolla’s comments would set off a firestorm of criticism, responded by asking, “What do you mean by that?”

“She’s young, she’s vibrant and she’s beautiful and everyone’s always putting a mic in her face,” Carolla replied. “But her opinions are idiotic 95% of the time. I don’t think, if she was a middle-aged, heavyset woman, anyone would care what she had to say.”

Hannity didn’t buy Carolla’s argument, saying she’s “way more powerful than (Democratic House) Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi.”

“I’m not so sure I agree,” the conservative host said in response to Carolla’s remarks. “Now, I will say this: You can criticize her ideas — and I do, I think the Green New Deal is madness and insanity — but she’s got the whole Democratic Party following her.”
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AOC didn’t acknowledge Carolla’s comments, but Twitter was quick to criticize the former Dancing with the Stars contestant.

“I had completely forgotten he existed. I’m going to go ahead and continue with that,” one critic remarked, while another declared Carolla as “the last person I go to for punditry.”

Several others pointed to Carolla’s time hosting The Man Show , which was known for its use of female models.

“This guy literally had a show called The Man Show with women in bikinis jumping on trampolines,” one person jabbed.

“Women can’t exist in public without offending misogynists like Adam Carolla,” another raged. “First AOC was too young, then she was ‘just a bartender,’ and now people only listen to her because she’s cute? F— Adam Carolla.”
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This comes after AOC joked that Republicans are obsessed with her because she refuses to go out with them.

“If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that, instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet,” she tweeted after former Donald Trump campaign advisor Steve Cortes criticized her for vacationing in Florida with her boyfriend.
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With 8.5 million Instagram fans and 12.8 million followers on Twitter, Ocasio-Cortez is one of the most watched Democrats in the United States. But her outspoken nature — she wore a white gown with “Tax the Rich” written on the back to last year’s Met Gala — and embrace of socialist policies have frequently made her a target of prominent Republicans, including former president Donald Trump, who called her a “real beauty” as he attacked her large-scale environmental plan, the Green New Deal.

“She knows as much about the environment — do we have any young children here? — as that young child over there,” Trump said during a campaign stop in Ohio in 2020. “I think he knows more. And she certainly knows nothing about the economy.”
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But in the book In Trump’s Shadow: The Battle for 2024 and the Future of the GOP , Trump reportedly said that Ocasio-Cortez makes old men in Congress “shiver in fear.”

“Let me tell you something about AOC. I’ve watched her walk down the halls of Congress, and I see these old men shiver in fear — they shiver in fear whenever they see her,” Trump said . “You want to know why? Because AOC has a base, just like me.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal proposal was aimed at weaning the United States away from fossil fuels and helping curb greenhouse gas emissions. But critics of the plan said it would impact everything from ice cream and cheeseburgers to cars and your right to fly.
  • Wow
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Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
She's crazy, I'm crazy and I think Canada could use her kind of crazy right now. I like her to be honest, bernie too.

If we in Canada cant wipe out student debt then at least let's make the interest on student debt managable.

The burn.... If places like Chipotle keep making record profits then they can afford to not raise prices like crazy and pay their employees a better wage.

I'm sure they have some other crazy policies or opinions but I'm not familiar with them


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
She's crazy, I'm crazy and I think Canada could use her kind of crazy right now. I like her to be honest, bernie too.

If we in Canada cant wipe out student debt then at least let's make the interest on student debt managable.

The burn.... If places like Chipotle keep making record profits then they can afford to not raise prices like crazy and pay their employees a better wage.

I'm sure they have some other crazy policies or opinions but I'm not familiar with them
We already have PM Trudie Singh, that's crazy enough