Alcohol vs Marijuana - what do you think?


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
Did you notice that only the people who do not smoke Marijuana think that it is addictive? Believe me, it is not. It knows when to stop. Or your body knows, when it's had enough. I've been smoking Marijuana for two years, and I can say from my one experience - there are times, when I smoke every night, for maybe two or three weeks, and then there are months when I don't do it at all, simply because I don't feel like. No addiction is formed. As for getting paranoid - well, I never experienced this, but people might have different reactions. I only get positive feelings and useful ideas. For me, Marijuana is something that helps to make an unbiased analysis of some situation.
Alcohol is a far more dangerous substance. Those, who think that alcohol is not addictive, should take a field trip to some special clinic and take a good look at all those alcoholics. Alcohol is very, very addictive. And its main danger lies in the fact that people take few precautions with it. I mean, if you are about to take some substance, like Marijuana, or to take some drug for the first time, you realise that you are doing what few people do, so it makes you more careful. And alcohol is a kind of a social habit (and a very bad one, IMO). Everyone takes it, so what's the problem? So it is much easier to become addicted to alcohol, as it is also more available.
Marijuana helps to open doors in your mind that would otherwise remain closed forever. I think that this is the main reason why it is illegal. Alcohol doesn't do anything of the kind - it just stupefies you and makes you mess up your life and all the situations you might be in when drinking.
And, by the way, look at the Netherlands - Marijuana is legal there, and the Netherlands, nevertheless, is not a country of paranoics :)


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
Jersay said:
From a guy I knew in Toronto who would smoke it like crazy. Just say hello to the guy and he would bug out.

Perhaps, you just shouldn't say hello to him quite so loudly? :lol:


Nominee Member
Jun 8, 2006
united kingdom
Hmm tough one as both do cause problems in your health!
But in my opinion, i would say alcohol is the worser of the 2, you don't want to go out and stab someone to death when stoned now do you?

But i don't do either and to be fair marijuana can cause alot of depression in later years but thinking about that so can life....
the question is what leads people to take either obsessively.....

If life and the way of the world today has but pure pressure on them to hide behind a drug, or drink obsessive then what right do they have in telling people that one is against the law, and not to do it?

I do ramble on but thinking about this shouldnt alchohol be illegal too seen as it causes so many murders and rapes these days?
You would think so wouldnt you, seen as more crime reports come from alcohol drinkers than people who smoke da dope!

Ok let's refresh here and ask a few questions!

What causes people to do either one obsessivley?
Shouldn't alcohol be illegal seen as it bring sin more crimes rates than the pot?

Do you drink alcohol or smoke pot if so how much?
are you addicted to either of these?
If so what caused you to start?

oh btw hello im new :p


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
Yes, it is indeed time to refresh this thread a little :) iBubble asked some very good questions, I'd like to answer them as good as I can.
As for what causes people to do either alcohol or Marijuana obsessively, I am quite at a loss. I think, however, that a tendency to do something obsessively, to the exclusion of other things, which are more important than gettiong pleasure from alcohol or pot, comes from general weakness of character and lack of purpose. Well, in this case neither substance is to blame. If not alcohol or Marijuana, such a person would probably take up something else.
And yes, I guess you all understood already that I smoke :)
I started smoking Marijuana as part of my self-development, because you can really do a lot (I mean, mental work) and really change a lot in yourself in an altered state of consciousness, and Marijuana gets you into a mild state of altered consciousness. One ting I've noticed is that after I smoke for some period of time, situations in my life begin to take a change for the better. The development of situations comes easier. So whenever I know that I have a difficult day ahead of me, or when I encounter some problem, I smoke and think the next day or my problem over. It really helps me to find the best solution and to go through in the best possible way.


Apr 6, 2005
RE: Alcohol vs Marijuana

Coupla random thoughts:

1) legalise pot as it's natural and not at all processed.
2) set legal pot age to 16
3) lower drinking age to 16
4) raise driving age to 19 (gives people a chance to get the initial binging outta their system and also to know their limits)


New Member
Jun 20, 2006
everything taken beyond moderation is detrimental. both alcohol and weed can be bad if taken out of proportion.


Electoral Member
Jan 18, 2006
RE: Donuts vs Marijuana

Alcohol, heck, donuts are more harmful than pot, though they often go together. :)

Seriously though, I come from a very small town and I heard the police could tell when the pot supply had dried up by the increase in fights as people would turn to alcohol for recreation.

I have lost loved ones/family to alcohol (alcoholism leading to suicide) and cigarettes(lung cancer). I haven't lost anyone to pot.

I would wager that donuts send more people to an early grave than pot and are more addictive too.

I have done both in my youth but I don't drink or toke now. I would say alcohol was more damaging to me personally.

I would say there is zero addictiveness in Pot. One of the biggest pot heads I knew, toked up a lot everyday for years. He got married and just quit. No withdrawal or anything.

Certainly there are obsessive compulisive people that could develop a habit, but that is not the substance causing the link, they could get hooked on milkshakes.

I would like to see it legalized and regulated exactly like Alcohol with the added stipulation that you can't smoke it anyplace you can't both smoke and drink. Which would essentially mean, not in public.

I have no real interest in smoking it, I would like to see the revenue stream removed from criminals. You don't see organized gangs killing people over the booze trade after all. Not only that it would be another revenue stream.

Unfortunately, Stephen Harper is GW Bush style right winger and this will never happen with him in power.


New Member
Jul 15, 2006
I wish I could still smoke pot the way I used to. I don't know if it's more potent than it was say 15-20 years ago or if it's just because I'm older and have more things to be afraid of, but I end up getting way too paranoid around people.

The one upside is that I also get into an obsessive neat freak mode. The last time I smoked, I quietly escaped from the party and make my way home, where I then spent a couple of hours completely rearranging my linen cupboard and closet. :p

eta: Freethinker - I meant to comment that your post above mine was excellent. I think any chance of exploring the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is now going to be blocked with Harper in charge. And I'm sure the jail time for possession will increase as well.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Actually I think the greatest danger in using marijuana is that it's still an illegal substance, so the penalties for getting caught with it are way out of proportion to any harm it might do. Alcohol and tobacco are far worse substances in terms of their social and medical costs, though that might also be related to the scale of use and the ready availability of alcohol and tobacco. As far as I know the jury's still out on the long term health effects of smoking pot.

It's not addictive in the biochemical sense the way heroin and and nicotine are, though it might lead to a psychological dependence. Alcohol seems somewhat different: not everybody who drinks regularly is an alcoholic, but anyone who smokes cigarettes or shoots up heroin regularly is an addict. Must be something genetic about that one; alcohol doesn't affect everyone the same way.

I've certainly seen marijuana apparently do a pretty good job of completely demotivating people, but I'm inclined to think they'd have been like that anyway, because I've also seen regular pot smokers who don't seem to show any ill effects at all from it. i.e. if you're a pot-head and a total loser, it's not being a pot-head that made you a loser, it's being a loser that made you a pot-head, if there's any connection at all. Or maybe it's like alcohol: some people it destroys, some people it doesn't affect much beyond the moment.

Neither is it a so-called gateway drug that'll lead you on to using stronger stuff. That's one of the more pernicious myths about it. Because it's illegal, however, using it does put you in touch at least with the fringes of a criminal underworld. Those people might try to draw you in to using hard stuff, but pot itself won't make you want to try anything stronger.

Bottom line for me:

There's no conceivable way to stop people from using it, and it's readily available to anyone who wants to it. I could buy it in the school yard a short walk from where I live. The only response that makes sense to me is legalize it and regulate it, the way the Dutch did.

And just in case you're wondering, despite coming of age in the 1960s and being at many gatherings where pot was being passed around, I've never tried it and have no interest in trying it. I'll stick with my 12-year old scotch. All I've ever seen is its effects on others, and as far as I can tell all it does is make them mellow, cheerful, hungry, and sleepy, usually in that order. What possible harm is there in that? Generally, I'd far rather be with a pot smoker than a drunk; drunks too often are mean and aggressive. That's not usually much of a problem, because being drunk also makes them uncoordinated and clumsy, but somebody high on pot is far more pleasant to be with.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
We should have state sanctioned exports of marijuana to the Middle East. Have joint-drops over extremist territories. We could have world peace.


Electoral Member
Jul 23, 2006
Pointy Rocks
I toke and drink often but i rarely ever get really drunk if I got paranoid on weed I wouldn't do it (I've known people who got paranoid on it). I just like having some in the evening when i'm relaxing. If I can't toke or drink it's no big deal. I don't drive after indulging in either. I like to get a little buzz on and paint.
I give no heed to those that would want to take away my rights to do what makes me happy. I am a libertarian. I take the responsibility for my actions I don't blame others for what i do and don't allow them to tell me how to be happy.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
There was a time in the land when most folk had never heard of marijuana. The door opened and now every drug imaginable seems to be for sale on some street somewhere. Life was simpler then. And kids were kids. Adults actually had a life. If drugs haven't been a big catalyst in screwing everything up I'd like to hear a decent explanation.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
Alcohol's healthy in moderation - approximately 1 drink per day. Where marijuana is not healthy, while recent studies of shown that marijuana may not cause lung cancer it is suspected in promoting other types of cancer, as well as heart disease much like tobacco cigarettes. Also marijuana deposits large quantities of tar in the lungs causing oxygen deprivation in the blood.

Yes, THC is a very effective painkiller, new THC based drugs are coming out on the market making the legalization of marijuana pointless and counterproductive. Many people in the test studies report that the processed THC is far more effective than smoking a joint in relieving pain.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Alcohol vs Marijuana - what do you think?

Graeme said:
Alcohol's healthy in moderation - approximately 1 drink per day. Where marijuana is not healthy, while recent studies of shown that marijuana may not cause lung cancer it is suspected in promoting other types of cancer, as well as heart disease much like tobacco cigarettes. Also marijuana deposits large quantities of tar in the lungs causing oxygen deprivation in the blood.

Yes, THC is a very effective painkiller, new THC based drugs are coming out on the market making the legalization of marijuana pointless and counterproductive. Many people in the test studies report that the processed THC is far more effective than smoking a joint in relieving pain.

Marijuana should be legalized simply because a very large minority of people choose to use it, and its negative traits are less than some substances now legal, namely tobacco and alcohol.

I've known people who smoked dope almost daily for 35 years.......they have loving families, raised good kids, hold down jobs, stay married, and are reasonably healthy in their early fifties.

The illegality of marijuana does more harm than the substance itself.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
I've noticed that many long time weed smokers have some mental problems ie: paranoia, short term memory problems. Now I don't know what came first mind you. :lol:


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Most longtime weed users I know also have problems. Not that we all don't. Theirs just seem to be more acute and protracted. We have enough legal drugs. I don't want to see any more. Those folks who think it's cool to smoke outside the fence- go ahead, just don't bother me with your problems later on.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
Re: RE: Alcohol vs Marijuana - what do you think?

Colpy said:
Graeme said:
Alcohol's healthy in moderation - approximately 1 drink per day. Where marijuana is not healthy, while recent studies of shown that marijuana may not cause lung cancer it is suspected in promoting other types of cancer, as well as heart disease much like tobacco cigarettes. Also marijuana deposits large quantities of tar in the lungs causing oxygen deprivation in the blood.

Yes, THC is a very effective painkiller, new THC based drugs are coming out on the market making the legalization of marijuana pointless and counterproductive. Many people in the test studies report that the processed THC is far more effective than smoking a joint in relieving pain.

Marijuana should be legalized simply because a very large minority of people choose to use it, and its negative traits are less than some substances now legal, namely tobacco and alcohol.

I've known people who smoked dope almost daily for 35 years.......they have loving families, raised good kids, hold down jobs, stay married, and are reasonably healthy in their early fifties.

The illegality of marijuana does more harm than the substance itself.

I support decriminalization but not legalization. If it were to be legalized obviously far more people would use it. Due to the culture many people would roll their own or use completely insufficent filtering methods such as bongs. (speculative:) We would see a very large spike in cancers due to smoking weed at a time when we are finally reducing cancers due to smoking tabbaco.

Alcohol in moderation has NO ill effects (excluding allergies), and like I said before is beneficial, actually helping to prevent heart disease, and depending on the type of alcohol - can actually be an antioxidant (ie. wine especially red).

Actually, Studies have shown a synthetic cannabinoid could possibly stall the decline of the brain due to Alzheimer's by reducing inflammation.

While over the last 4 decades people started to believe that there are no long term effects of marijuana, rencently new and better studies have come to show that this is not the case. (even though you can still find many many sites to support the "no long term effects" belief.)

The fact is prior to the 1970's there was no way of starting a substantial or reliable study on the long term effects of marijuana as it was very illegal. Since the 70s many new studies have started although it wasn't until the late 80's that real studies started to emerge. The long-term consequences are as follows:

Respiratory problems
Someone who smokes marijuana regularly can have many of the same respiratory problems as cigarette smokers. Persistent coughing, symptoms of bronchitis and more frequent chest colds are possible symptoms. There are over 400 chemicals that have been found in marijuana smoke. Benzyprene, a known human carcinogen, is present in marijuana smoke. Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide are 3 to 5 times higher than in cigarette smoke. This is most likely due to inhaling marijuana more deeply, holding the smoke in the lungs and because marijuana smoke is unfiltered.
(although recently it was found that other chemicals in cannibus kill the cells before they can develop into a cancerous growth in the lungs)

Memory and learning
Recent research shows that regular marijuana use compromises the ability to learn and to remember information by impairing the ability to focus, sustain, and shift attention. One study also found that long-term use reduces the ability to organize and integrate complex information.

In addition, marijuana impairs short-term memory and decreases motivation to accomplish tasks, even after the high is over. In one study, even small doses impaired the ability to recall words from a list seen 20 minutes earlier.

Long-term marijuana use suppresses the production of hormones that help regulate the reproductive system. For men, this can cause decreased sperm counts and very heavy users can experience erectile dysfunction. Women may experience irregular periods from heavy marijuana use. These problems would most likely result in a decreased ability to conceive but not lead to complete infertility.