Alberta photo ID


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Hate to bother, and I hope everyone is well. I will be moving to Canada shortly. I am Canadian and have been in America for a long time. I was wondering I have no photo ID, all I have is an Alberta Birth certificate and my sin number. I was reading that you cannot get an ID without photo ID. How is that possible or is there any way around this for someone in my situation? Any help I would be grateful for.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
LOL I don't mean to be tossing rocks at a glass house here, and I am sure the above poster is honest, it's just this post reminded me of a fella in the USA who had a Birth Certificate and Social Security Number and was able to get a drivers license, credit cards and so on..

The problem was, he was not that person.. ooops!

Now most Provinces and States require a certified birth certificate.. To much Identity fraud out there I guess.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The only thing I did was direct him to a government website.... did the same thing he could have done... no secrets given.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Thank you gerryh, I read that earlier and how I read it was I needed photo id which I have none of to get photo id am I reading that correctly?

Yes b00mer I understand that there is a lot of identity theft out there and the concern that most people would have, I'm not in an ideal situation and am trying to rectify it.

Err I do also have one of the new birth certificates if that helps, sorry to multipost.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Thank you gerryh, I read that earlier and how I read it was I needed photo id which I have none of to get photo id am I reading that correctly?

Yes b00mer I understand that there is a lot of identity theft out there and the concern that most people would have, I'm not in an ideal situation and am trying to rectify it.

Err I do also have one of the new birth certificates if that helps, sorry to multipost.
If you have been in the US for a long time, don't you have any photo ID from there? Driver's license?


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
No cliffy, sadly I do not and unable to get photo id in America it's a tough situation but I am just trying to sort out the cards that I have been dealt.

No vanni sadly I wouldn't make a very good terrorist and I don't think I would have much luck terrorizing the good people of Alberta, unless I was maybe wearing skinny jeans and riding around on a fixed speed bicycle.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Getting across with just my birth certificate, I called the border service and they told me I can get across with just my birth certificate, also coming with my family who will all have their passports, ect.


Jan 6, 2007
Getting across with just my birth certificate, I called the border service and they told me I can get across with just my birth certificate, also coming with my family who will all have their passports, ect.

Ah, well if you're under age, I'm sure your mom and dad can help you get your identification.

Otherwise, before you leave, while you have people around you who can attest as to your identity, get your passport. It's photo id, and it's handy as hell to have.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Ah no not under age I am afraid. Just really a strange life and a mixture of poor choices by a lot of people. Needless to say I have no photo ID no way to get photo ID in America. I don't have the things needed to get a passport. I have called the consulate in Los Angeles, but needless to say they haven't been very helpful. I also called the main consulate in Ottawa and they weren't very helpful, more or less told me I was screwed.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
something is not sounding right here....sorry.... but it's starting to sound awfully fishy.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Dont forget to smile.

Who said the girls in Lethbridge were ugly?


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Ok I guess i will just divulge everything, it's not like I have anything to lose. I was born in Lethbridge Alberta. I lived there until I was 5 years old, the economy was hit very bad by a recession it was about 85 or 86 when my family and I moved to America. We moved to Provo Utah for about 6 months, then finally Las Vegas, Nevada where I am currently.

My parents never got my proper documentation in America. I filed a lot of times and spent thousands of dollars and was denied because things were filled out wrong, or because something changed, by the time I got an interview they denied me based on aging out, I fell into a depression and anxiety disorder because of my status in America.

I tried to seek help for a long time, but my father was an alcoholic so wasn't much help and my mother was off in her own world with religion as I was not religious I got no help from her other then "pray to God, it will solve everything."

I ended up spending money on a lawyer that told me he would get me straightened out in a few months, later to turn around and tell me it would take 3 years, to later turn around and tell me he couldn't help me. Thus I have been in America so long trying to get my documentation taken care of. I have given up and decided to move back to Canada because that is where I was born, that is where I am a citizen of.

My life isn't perfect and I haven't always made the right choices. I am just trying to get my life together and do what I can with what I have. My life also isn't the worst there is and I know there are other people that have a million times worse than I do. I just want to go back home, get a good masonry job and just live my life without dealing with the difficulties I have while being in America.

I didn't want to write all this out because it is personal, but what does it matter at this point?
I hope your day goes well and I do understand it sounds fishy, but what can you do?

Kakato how did you get a picture of my ex girlfriend?(the one on the left)


Jan 6, 2007
Ah no not under age I am afraid. Just really a strange life and a mixture of poor choices by a lot of people. Needless to say I have no photo ID no way to get photo ID in America. I don't have the things needed to get a passport. I have called the consulate in Los Angeles, but needless to say they haven't been very helpful. I also called the main consulate in Ottawa and they weren't very helpful, more or less told me I was screwed.

You've already said you have family who are passport holders, and a birth certificate. That's essentially all you need to apply for a passport. If you can't, you'll need to give further explanation of why if you expect any sort of problem solving out of the forum.