An interesting article is here: 04 110trib.htm
What I notice is that the claim of underage girls being married is discounted by the authorities, which means that if you buy into that argument then the authorities also become part of the 'conspiracy' -which if true is the best word for it.
However, I believe the age of consent is different in every province, so if they being married at 14 then that becomes an issue. The big issue there isn't just at what age does somebody have the 'right' to decide who they marry but how does the state get involved in cases from all over where marriages may be arranged. There are many who may feel that so much cultural pressure is on them that there is no way out, is that not infringing on rights as well? It's clear why nobody in government wants to touch this.
You'll note also in the article the line about canadians being 'live and let live' kind of people, which is true of peoplein general, families occasionally, and less true of governments. There are plenty of mennonites around here, what kind of pressures do they put on people to stay within the faith?
As far as the numbers of wives or husbands I couldn't care less-but what about survivor benefits? I don't care how many get married, particularly if they aren't asking for anything besides recognition, the big issues are the conditions of marriage.
For the woman poster looking for two husbands, too bad I hadn't 'met' you earlier, like some other posters here, boy I'm tired! (but in a good way