Re: RE: A question about pol.
stinger107 said:
What are the shenanigans that are going on at Bountiful???
The perversion of old men marrying young girls and more than one. Even girls under 14. The whole Bountiful thing reeks of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, child molestation.
How else do 12, 14, 16 year old girls who have been brainwashed their whole lives marry men who are a lot older than them? and have kids when they are children still themselves?
It is absolutely sick what has been going on there and I think it needs to be stopped. Charge them, take them to court and see what happens. Hopefully it withstands the "Charter" if not change the law.
If you or I were to marry or have sex with a girl under 14 we would be thrown in jail and branded a sexual predator. "Religion" is being used to justify paedophilia behaviour at Bountiful.
Because of Bountiful and the likes the age of consent should be raised to the federal adult age of 18.
What normal person would approve of their 12-17 year old daughter marrying someone 10-50 years older than them? Not me. I don't know what I would do but it would never happen to my daughter.