A Few Honest Questions for the Climate Hoaxers?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How about if I thump just one claim right now and get on with rest rest one by one? Do you really want to stick by the 1 inch a year sea level rise BS?

So that is a " yes I've been paid to do drywall"?

Researchers can say that global ocean levels have risen about 19 centimeters in the last century. And the rate of rise has sped up. The 20th-century average is about 1.7 millimeters per year; since 1993 the average rate has nearly doubled — to about 3.2 millimeters per year.
Yup, an inch a year. Was it the other NASA making that claim?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why I don't believe in AGW......... The vast majority of "predictions" put out by the GW/AGW/CC crowed has been wrong. They have scare, or at least tried to scare, the general population of doom and gloom which has included mass flooding (which again is being predicted for coastal areas, guess they figure if they predict it enough times they'll eventually get it right) mass human deaths, massive droughts, north and south ice caps melting (as in disappearing which would cause the aforementioned flooding). To name only a few.

DO I believe in science? You betcha. In my opinion, GW/AGW/CC is not science. It is politics. It has turned into another religion.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
How about if I thump just one claim right now and get on with rest rest one by one? Do you really want to stick by the 1 inch a year sea level rise BS?

Yup. In fact tough guy...........I dare you to go update the wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise from "sea level rise has been estimated to be on average +2.6 mm and +2.9 mm per year ± 0.4 mm since 1993."

So that is a " yes I've been paid to do drywall"?

I have drywalled but never been paid. What's your point?

Yup, an inch a year. Was it the other NASA making that claim?

Yup. same guys who just hoaxed the Pluto flyby.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes cyclical floods that happen in varying degrees each year . And getting the rare tornado is worse now why ?
And living on the corner of a desert you don't expect drought ?

I guess it depends on the definition of drought- is it just a dry spell or is a spell of dryer weather than is normal for the region?


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
The point is that it employing a 'statement of fact' while simultaneously refuting an alternate statement of fact is a tenuous position when one acknowledges that 'facts' are in constantly evolving.

What "alternate statement of fact"? Some youtube blather from climate truther 69? Give me some thing real from an actual real scientific body Like NASA or the NRC or even an accredited university and I'll definitely look at it.

Taxslave has never employed the idea that this is a conspiracy. That said, the most prominent lobby groups that champion AGW/CC decry the need for the West (incl Canada) to 'fund' initiatives in the developing world... Call it what you want, but it is a form of tax.

I don't dispute it being a type of tax if it ever actually materialized but there is lots of hypothetical taxes I oppose that have no bearing on my overall beliefs. I oppose carbon taxes but for different reasons as you. I am an actual right winger who hates subsidizing everyone's poor lifestyle and consumption choices. In business it is what we call externalized costs. So for example when company A manufactures high fructose corn syrup for the food industry I ultimately pay for the negative consequences of it being in practically all packaged food through higher healthcare costs I pay with my taxes while the company itself is exempt and those expenses never show on the balance sheet.........because I pay for it.

If you really look at things from the far right of the political spectrum you pay for these externalized costs in your taxes for so many products it is insane. Bottom line......user should pay full costs. If gasoline emissions and the resulting smog are making some people sick and creating a healthcare burden figure out what it is and recoup the cost at the pump, refund it to healthcare and cut my taxes. Let market forces build me a nice truck that uses a cheaper fuel. Want to stop excessive water consumption? Make people pay the full cost of it. Do I really need to support another Walmart by subsidising their access roads and infrastructure for their big box stores when I don't even shop there? How about their low wages being externalized through government programs and tax breaks for those employees at my higher tax expense just so you can buy cheap Chinese plastic crap that Statscan says you'll toss in 6 months and I have to pay to landfill or recycle it? It goes on and on and on.

You Liberals........ugh....!

This brings to light a very unfortunate circumstance... The AGW/CC crowd expresses the dangers of human induced climate change and the only answer is to reduce emissions...

One of the ironies in all this is only the societal wealth and prosperity enjoyed by the production of fossil fuels affords us our only fighting chance in addressing the climate change problem.

The conundrum here is that the most direct manner to achieve this is by limiting the actual number of 'emitters' in the equation. I said it in a round-about way, the direct observation is that the AGW/CC position is best served by a mass cull of humans... For the sake of clarity, as I don't buy into the AGW/CC premise, I don't not support this, but for those that do, they have a real ethical dilemma on their hands

Let's look at this pragmatically. With the increased and lower cost production of oil human populations rose. in equilibrium. They did this because we consume upwards of 10 petro calories for every actual calorie we consume. In other words we have converted oil to food by the use of fossil fuels to provide us with fertilizer, fuel for our tractors, and to even process and transport a simple salad 1000s of miles everyday.

A Canadian lifestyle is not feasible for a planet of 7 billion. Less so for the estimated 10 billion that will soon be here. And can we stop there? Where do we draw the line? At least when oil is 130 a barrel birth rates drop as food get crazy expensive in the third world where they feel it first.

If you're so concerned about human welfare why have I never seen you comment about cancer being the leading cause of death in China and we should consume less in the West?

Quite frankly, you walk the thinnest of lines and it takes almost nothing to turn the tables in determine that it is really the pro-AGW/CC crowd that are in denial, and therefore, are in fact the 'hoaxers'

Sigh. Am I a sheeple too?

Let me ask you... Define a climate scientist for me and more over, what accredited universities have offered formal, universally recognized degrees in this area for more than 10 or 15 years?

I haven't a hard answer and don't pretend to. But here is what I do know that I learned in the military, farming and business: Listen to the experts. Simple as that. Don't want to listen to the intelligence officer and instead go with your guts often people die. Want to ignore the advice from the Crop Diversification Centre because they are a bunch of liberal hacks you will pay for it in disease or lower yields. Want to ignore the bankers and investment advisers you will lose money. The road to success for any subject is to learn to ignore the naysayers and listen to the experts. The Int guys in white coats are telling me the enemy is here and to expect X as their capabilities. I couldn't ignore it if I tried.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Don't know much about the subject. I do know that here in a large city I walk outside at night and cannot see the stars for the pollution . Gonna move to a place where I can see the stars at night again God willing. Seems like both sides of the issue have good points yet neither side would ever be willing to take a hard look at those because it is political.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yup. In fact tough guy...........I dare you to go update the wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise from "sea level rise has been estimated to be on average +2.6 mm and +2.9 mm per year ± 0.4 mm since 1993."

I have drywalled but never been paid. What's your point?

Yup. same guys who just hoaxed the Pluto flyby.
f-ck nut, 2.5mm is around 1/10th of an inch. Think about that.

You are an idiot.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
Yup. In fact tough guy...........I dare you to go update the wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise from "sea level rise has been estimated to be on average +2.6 mm and +2.9 mm per year ± 0.4 mm since 1993."

Are you saying that there are 2.5 mm per inch!!??

BTW, here is what NOAA says about sea level rise. Sea levels are rising on average. Some areas are going up, but other parts have the sea level going down, especially in the north... Sea Level Trends - NOAA Tides and Currents


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Don't know much about the subject. I do know that here in a large city I walk outside at night and cannot see the stars for the pollution . Gonna move to a place where I can see the stars at night again God willing.

Not god willing. This stuff only happens if you make it so.

Seems like both sides of the issue have good points yet neither side would ever be willing to take a hard look at those because it is political.

Not this guy. I'm the farthest right on this board and my politics does not interfere with common sense (keeping the guns out of the hands of immigrants, criminals and the insane) or listening to the experts who eat sleep live love and breath the subject.

f-ck nut, 2.5mm is around 1/10th of an inch. Think about that.

You are an idiot.

And so it is.

And I admit the error.

Are you saying that there are 2.5 mm per inch!!??

BTW, here is what NOAA says about sea level rise. Sea levels are rising on average. Some areas are going up, but other parts have the sea level going down, especially in the north... Sea Level Trends - NOAA Tides and Currents

Error has been acknowledged. I make no excuses.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Not god willing. This stuff only happens if you make it so.

Not this guy. I'm the farthest right on this board and my politics does not interfere with common sense (keeping the guns out of the hands of immigrants, criminals and the insane) or listening to the experts who eat sleep live love and breath the subject.

And so it is.

And I admit the error.

Error has been acknowledged. I make new excuses.
common sense is an oxymoron. just learned that awhile back.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
no!!! I'm saying there are 25mm to an inch.

Well, you're wayyy off. There are 25.4 mm to an inch.

In all seriousness, this 2.5 mm to the inch business is exactly how people believe that we are in a major crisis over AGW. They make a couple of calculation errors or read a couple of media headlines that make the same errors, and then jump to the conclusion that the Harold Camping Global Warming Rapturists are accurately predicting our doom.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Are you saying that there are 2.5 mm per inch!!??

BTW, here is what NOAA says about sea level rise. Sea levels are rising on average. Some areas are going up, but other parts have the sea level going down, especially in the north... Sea Level Trends - NOAA Tides and Currents

According to the link most of the US, Indo china and equatorial regions are rising by at least 1/2 an inch per year per century.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
According to the link most of the US, Indo china and equatorial regions are rising by at least 1/2 an inch per year per century.

What, not again!! You've messed up the decimal again, or something like that! The fastest rising places in the United States are under 10mm/year, and they are Islands. This is a case of land sinking more than the ocean rising.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
I admit I'm no metrosexual and km\hr and Celsius are about all I get. However, the link says 4 feet/century as an average for much of the US and that is just about 1/2 inch per year no?

Did you click on the arrows?? There is not one station in the united states rising even close to 4 feet per century! Man, you must have a really good batch of drugs today. I'll PM you my address so you can share.