A better theory about coal


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Right you are Dexter,

As someone who has suffered through sedimentary petrology, crystallography, stratigraphy,historical geology and mineralogy as well as a couple of quarters in nuclear physics I'm sticking with Dexter.

Conservation of energy is as old as the hills.

The earths magnetic field has reversed its polarity numerous times. Ferric compounds trap their polarities in magma flows.

The best theory about coal is no theory.
Tropical and subtropical shoreline facies subject to organic deposition.
Silted over, heat and pressure a few million years to cook and Shazam.... coal.

Deeper sea deposition (like krill etc) is a bit less understood, but, I will agree possible.


He could use the help Trex. Nobody said evolutionary slow organic deposition was not valid. It is observationally confirmed that it is not exclusive . Deposition is not restricted to any speed and heat and pressure can be applied at near infinite speeds. To get standing fossilized forests fast deposition must occur coupled with fast cooking.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Wow . excellent discussion....I like realitivety mixed with quantuum and a little dash of M theory personally..!..lol....What's the moon do?..Might as well add that into the mix..Everyone always under estimates the moon!...

Damn !....Now You've sparked my interest ...Now I'm gonna have to make time in my schedule to do some research and more reading..lol...

Dexter your minds out grown your brain....lol

Great thread Dark beaver....

Now back I go to silent reader mode.....Sorry to interrupt


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Wow . excellent discussion....I like realitivety mixed with quantuum and a little dash of M theory personally..!..lol....What's the moon do?..Might as well add that into the mix..Everyone always under estimates the moon!...

Damn !....Now You've sparked my interest ...Now I'm gonna have to make time in my schedule to do some research and more reading..lol...

Dexter your minds out grown your brain....lol

Great thread Dark beaver....

Now back I go to silent reader mode.....Sorry to interrupt

You didn't interrupt you contributed.

Quantum Theory
For the first time the highly successful quantum theory gains a physical explanation in terms of resonant motion of charged particles, mediated by a near-instantaneous electrostatic force. A quantum electron orbit is one in which the exchange of energy between all of the sub-particles in the nucleus of an atom and those in an orbiting electron, sum to zero over the orbit. Exchange of energy takes the form of distortion of a particle to form an electrostatic dipole or a move to a new resonant orbit.

Relativity Theory Einstein's Special Theory was designed to define simultaneity in a universe where the fastest force or signal was restricted to the measured speed of detection of light from a distant source. With an electrostatic force of near-infinite speed acting between the sub-particles of all matter, relativity theory reduces to classical physics. This leaves open the question of what we are measuring when we determine the speed of light. The speed of light in galactic terms is exceedingly slow, requiring about 150,000 years to cross our galaxy. However, the astronomer Halton Arp has shown that the redshifts of entire galaxies are quantized which requires some form of near instantaneous, galaxy-wide communication at the sub-atomic level. There are now several reported experiments that demonstrate faster than light effects. With the Special Theory gone, and the universe in communication with its parts effectively in real-time, there can be no time travel and space and time are independent. Common sense has always suggested that this was so. Einstein's General Theory was devised to explain gravity. It attempts to discard the observed action-at-a-distance of gravity by proposing a counter-intuitive warping of space in the presence of massive objects. This unnecessary complication of space is then added to the current metaphysical concepts of what constitutes the mass of an object. But space must also "warp" at near infinite speed to produce the observed planetary orbits. Common sense, observation, and parsimony of hypotheses all suggest that the electrostatic model of gravity (see below) is superior. There is now experimental evidence from gravity measurements at the time of a total solar eclipse that supports the Electric Universe model and discounts the General Relativity model.
E = mc2
Einstein's famous mathematical expression E=mc2, equating energy and mass is known by almost everyone. However, most textbooks go on to use the word “matter” in place of “mass.” But nowhere has it been shown that mass and matter are interchangeable. In fact, we are entirely ignorant of what constitutes the mass of an object. So it is inadmissible to imply that energy and matter are interchangeable. The ultimate expression of this idea led to the nonsense of the big bang. It seems simpler and more sensible to suggest that both nuclear and chemical energy is released or absorbed by the rearrangement of the resonant orbits of charged particles. It is then common sense to suggest that mass is the measured response of a system of charged particles to an external electrostatic force. The more massive an object, the more the electrostatic force contributes to the elastic deformation of its protons, neutrons and electrons, rather than their acceleration. This is the phenomenon seen in particle accelerators and conventionally attributed to relativistic effects. But relativity reduces to classical physics in a universe where the electrostatic force has near-infinite speed. The first question to be asked is - if it is that simple, why hasn't it been thought of long ago? The answer seems to lie in the propensity for mathematical theory to supersede common sense and observation. There is also a problem of language when mathematicians attempt to provide real meaning for their symbols.Synopsis of The Electric Universe


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Comment: The expectation of surprise has become a hallmark of astronomy. It is symptomatic of the non-predictive nature of astrophysical theory based on the big bang and gravitational cosmology. Successful prediction is the principal test of a good theory, not surprises.

In the Electric Universe, the lynchpin of big bang theory — the equation of redshift of stellar spectra with velocity of recession — is shown empirically to be false. The inability of astrophysicists to accept the manifest evidence of intrinsic redshift (a high-redshift quasar in front of a low redshift galaxy should be blatant enough) may be due to a reluctance to admit that modern physics has no explanation for the phenomenon of mass in matter and therefore cannot explain how subatomic particles like the proton and electron might exhibit the lower mass required to produce lower energy spectra (redshift). Observations of connections between high- and low-redshift objects requires that the redshift is intrinsic to the matter in distant quasars and galaxies and cannot be due to some modification of the light on its journey to Earth. It calls into question our understanding of quantum theory because it has been discovered that the redshift of quasars and companion galaxies is quantized!

Quantum theory has no real explanation, it is merely a set of rules that match some limited real world observations. On that basis it is a very shaky pillar to support cosmology. Quantum theory is thought to apply exclusively to the submicroscopic realm of atoms and subatomic particles. But that is not so. Redshift has been observed to be quantized across entire galaxies — no galaxy has been found in transition from one redshift to another.

Intrinsic redshift of quasars and galaxies means an end to the big bang. Instead of being seen “when the universe was much younger,” highly redshifted objects are merely young, nearby and faint. Observations show that quasars are “born” from the nucleus of active galaxies. They initially move very fast away from their parent, usually roughly along the spin axis. As they grow older they grow brighter and seem to slow down as they gain in mass and evolve into companion galaxies. This gain in massiveness points to a process whereby normal matter can pass through a number of small quantized increases in mass, which gives rise to the observed quantized decreases in redshift. This discovery points the way, at last, to an understanding of the phenomenon of mass.

The "stirred up" gas in highly redshifted objects can be simply understood as being due to unruly youthfulness and electrical hyperactivity. It has nothing to do with an imaginary early epoch of galactic collisions. In fact, “galactic collisions” are a recently popular catch-all to try to explain the formation of spiral galaxies and many of their anomalous features. Collisions are as unlikely and unnecessary as they are forbidden in an Electric Universe. The following exceptional example clearly favors the Electric Universe explanation. One simple electrical model fits all galaxies naturally. Electric Galaxies


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Electric stars

I wrote this late last night after hours of drewling reading(drewling in a good way) lol..So it is what it is..lol...I am gonna take your last couple posts home to research aswell...Very intriguing....

Good arguement D.B..Now You've got me focused so much on electro/magnetism..It has become the center of my thoughts..my universe...

You explain electro magnetism (electric theory)very well...Quite a theory...Almost time to pick up my electric guitar and write a song about the electric universe,..Get lost in this new world!..lol....I'll call it "Electric star"..I would Give you some royalties,but I'm an independent musician. Hardly ever make any money, unless I play live!...lol

I gotta say ..It is a very convincing arguement ..Helps better understand some of the cosmological mysteries surrounding the "BIG BANG" theory..Ties up a lot of theories....makes sense to me(if that's a good thing 4 your arguement)

..When I saw the latest blackhole theory with 1 "sperm of light" breaking slowly through the middle of the condensed ,gas like, core of the "black hole."..2nd thing I thought, was that it resembled, a big magnet..Or a huge vagina...lol...
I understand the math but I've never been very good at it(Besides the math used in odds and probabilty)and after all I've learned ...I am still a single white male( once removed)!...How's all this theory gonna find me my soul mate?..

.Has anyone ever found twin stars that completely compliment each other?,,You know..Soul stars?...or Soul galaxies?...

..Could our galaxy really be two partenered galaxies working as one, equally opposing, unconditionally loving team??.Male and female....Positive and negative(talking mathematically, not negatively towards women ..lol)..HHHMMMM...???

Remember my diploma is in wildlife /Ecology with a huge interest in unifying theories.....Grades weren't good enough for physics...too busy parting /having fun/playing in bands...lol...I'm trying to catch up on my studies..

Perhaps we R characters in a huge computer simulation? I don't like that "Matrix" theory.. cause the world don't look like guitar hero to me?

D.B .....Sounds like you believe when you die , you live on, in the form of an eletro/magnetic spark of energy or current ?...Body of the Earth..Mind of the "Electric universe"..Almost sounds like this "electric universe" theory has elements of reincarnation in it...Instead of a big bang..you believe in a big Spark?...Like the magic spark at conseption(controlled partly by the moon(add howl here))...

..In One of your quotes it says something along the lines that ....At one time, us monkeys ,may have almost been extinct ..Down to a few thousand!...

.......I'd like to add to that idea .....Perhaps we were Saved only when sexually frustrated aliens came from space and breeded with our ancestors ..what about 2000 or more years ago?lol....Maybe they got into some heavy space toxins and said "Well....Ah....Why not?..... What's the worse that could happen?"

Great thread! ..Very thought provoking ... Great mind candy!

Thank you for this space and your time...

Over and out there from here, for now!



Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
When presented with the Electric Universe theory and the planetary catastrophes that might have occurred in the past, a commonly evoked question is: When did it all take place?
There are beds of coal covering millions of square kilometers all over the world. They vary in thickness and composition, as well as in the material combined with them in situ. Insects, leaves, tree trunks, rocks of every kind, and the bones of animals from hundreds of species abound—some say human bones have been found in a Pennsylvania coal seam. There are carbonized trees standing upright in some coal deposits, although how they extend downward through so many "geological ages" is a mystery to paleontologists, since the layers are said to progress through eons of time: 250-500 million years ago.

There are forests of mineralized trees under some of the deepest ice in Antarctica. Cores drilled through the ice sometimes contain scorched and petrified wood fragments. Mineralized trees cover large areas of the American prairie, a so-called "petrified forest" encompassing thousand of specimens. Not forgetting to mention the bones of animals in unbelievable numbers entombed within sedimentary deposits hundreds of meters thick alongside their fossilized forest home.

Fish skeletons in shoals that could number in the millions of individuals pose in frozen postures, as if they are swimming through a matrix of sandstone. What force could bury a school of fish covering thousands of square kilometers in an instant, leaving their skeletons in lifelike positions, fins extended, mouths open, as if they were killed and tuned to stone in between one breath and another? How could it keep them whole, without being disarticulated or crushed?

Trilobites, sauropods, pterosaurs, cycads, ginkgos, clams, dragonflys—all preserved for what is said to be millions, hundreds of millions, and even billions of years in a variety of minerals. Some fossils, unlike the fish that appear as if they are still swimming, are broken and disjointed, or scattered over a wide area. Some are entangled in heaps almost as tall as mountains, with multitudes of different species all mixed together in a grisly zoological assemblage. Combined in giant solidified piles with splintered trees and shredded leaves, one is hard-pressed to find a singe intact skeleton amidst the chaos.

When did the animals meet their dooms? When did the forests burn, freeze and then succumb to their very tissues being replaced by stone? How accurate is the system used to date the fossil forests and animal graveyards?

One of the most basic assumptions in the development of an accurate "calendar" by which events could be dated was that the Earth is an isolated celestial body that does not interact with other bodies. Another assumption is that radioactive decay rates are constant, Earth's energy cycle has received no additional input since the radioactive elements were formed, or no alteration to its electrical or magnetic fields have taken place. That means geologists can "rely on" a smooth, continuous clock ticking off the millennia at a measurable rate. Is that the case, however? Is there evidence that the radiometric dating methods that scientists use with such confidence can change?

Cosmic rays or electrical discharges could increase the percentages of C-14 ("radiocarbon") in living organisms. If the remains of those organisms were dated using the standard radiocarbon ratios, they would appear to be much younger than they are, or much closer to the present era than they should be.

Conversely, if an increase in radioactively neutral carbon isotope were to accumulate in our biosphere from burning forests, from cosmic dust, or from extensive volcanic eruptions, anything dated following whichever particular cause would appear much older. No definite timeline can be constructed using the dating methods traditionally thought to produce accurate results.

It seems possible that plasma interactions with Earth and other charged bodies in space, or the impact of ion beams from a vast cloud of plasma on our biosphere could disrupt all the elemental changes that are used to date rocks: uranium changing to lead; potassium changing to argon; or samarium changing to neodymium. Therefore, the Earth could be much younger than the billions of years commonly ascribed to it. It is equally possible that it much older than is thought. Until some radical new discovery is made, no one can be sure.

By Stephen Smith

OK DB I will,

This thread starts off more or less talking about carbonization of organics and mineralization and then meanders off into the depths of astrophysics.

I freely admit to being lazy.
I refuse to debate anything that requires I hit the stacks hard.
I wing it or nothing.

Thus I am sticking with coal.
The above post needs to decide what particular aspects of geology it wishes to reference.

Coal is cooked organic matter.
Its not a fossil.
Its coal.

You are right DB in that coal could be manufactured fairly quickly.
Soft brown coals could be created quite quickly geologically speaking.
Swamp deposition, cover it up with pretty much anything that prevents organic decay and a quick heat 'n' squeeze should get you some soft coal like material in relatively short order.

A mud slide or flood covering a standing swamp forest, the old heat 'n' squeeze and bobs your uncle. A coal "forest".
No big deal there.
Because of a fairly light level of compaction the forest would probably be a relatively young, soft coal.
But the coal forest would not extend through geological ages as the above article states.
Unless faulting or folding took place throughout the coal bed, and that's a whole different kettle of fish

Very hard coals like anthracite on the other hand would be very old geologically.

Next up is the ice cores as quoted above.
Only a few thousand years old, nothing to do with either coal or fossils.

Next up are fossils.
These are not coal.
They are rock.
They tend to consist of "casts" of the plants or animal that are replaced by various sedimentary rocks.
Like shale's,mudstone's,siltstone's and claystone's.
Sometimes the fossil itself is replaced by a mineral.
This replacement mineral is usually silica in solution.
Time,heat and pressure and you have a chunk of agatized plant or animal as an example.
The ages of just about all fossils are well understood.
Cretaceous, Jurassic so forth and so on.
Nothing to do with the creation of coal.

Next up the condition of the fossils as described in the article above.
Plate tectonics is well understood.
Faulting, folding, subduction zones it all piles up and rips apart the beds of fossils.
This explains the strange piled up and ripped apart fossil beds.

Next up the "groups" of animals.
Ever hear of undersea eruptions,earthquakes, landslides, mudslides?
That's how you get large groups of fossilized fish.
Same deal with dinosuars.

Timelines are well undestood and fairly well fixed.
There is a host of methods of dating the various rock formations availibele to the scientific community.
The calender gets better and better every year.
The above article states nothing that calls into question our exsisting knowlege base

Oh and radiocarbon dating is never used to date fossils in the first place.
No organics thus no carbon.
They tend to use radiometric decay (isotope decay).



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Thankyou Trex. I can't vouch for the article, I posted it in hopes of a discussion about the nature of the universe, what powers it , its extent, and how electiricity may in fact drive the whole thing. Have you investigated the Russian abiotic theory of oil, it has better predictive results than the biotic.
It also postulates a very different mechanism of hydrocarbon origins. Oil has been squeezed from rocks in the lab Trex. Heat and pressure and biomass are not constrained by fixed time requirements. Anyway the electrical theroy allows me a level of comprehension not accessable through Mr Einstien and Mr Hawkings models which are so hobbled by patching they are incomprehensible to all but the specialist. I did read A Brief History of Time, I was a science fiction fan a long time ago. The electric theroy of the universe is interdisaplinary in nature which provides exposure accross all the sciences. Personally I think it has very thick legs. Black holes have absolutely no basis in reality nor does dark matter or energy, all of the matter and energy are accounted for useing the plasma model, everything we see out there has a plasma signature reproducable in the lab and it is a highly predictive model far ahead of the big bang. Part of the reason for me exploring it here is the input of others weather for or against it lubricates the mind and forms many more questions than I could initiate alone.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I wrote this late last night after hours of drewling reading(drewling in a good way) lol..So it is what it is..lol...I am gonna take your last couple posts home to research aswell...Very intriguing....

Good arguement D.B..Now You've got me focused so much on electro/magnetism..It has become the center of my thoughts..my universe...

The center of our thoughts. That is what we will find Greenfish66, the center of thought and the universe are on the same axis.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I wrote this late last night after hours of drewling reading(drewling in a good way) lol..So it is what it is..lol...I am gonna take your last couple posts home to research aswell...Very intriguing....

Good arguement D.B..Now You've got me focused so much on electro/magnetism..It has become the center of my thoughts..my universe...

The center of our thoughts. That is what we will find Greenfish66, the center of thought and the universe are on the same axis. The spark of life only has meaning with the circuitry of life.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Dark Beaver's -A better theory about coal...."The Electric Universe..."

D.B..You make a striking arguement for a unified theory through electro/magnetism...It will be at the center of my mind and thoughts as I continue to explore space in time .Already spend half my time there...lol..(some would say).You have planted a seed and sparked my interest in the "Electric-Universe theory".
Dark Beaver"One simple electrical model fits all galaxies naturally". Electric Galaxies

I like that quote




the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
picture of the day

chronological archive subject archive

Saturn’s north pole with ring shadows. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

Saturn’s Thermogenic Vortex
Jan 16, 2009

Once again Electric Universe theorists predicted "mysterious" heat signatures from Saturn’s poles.
In a recent press release, NASA scientists have admitted their surprise at finding a hot north pole on Saturn. Although the northern latitudes of Saturn have been hidden from the sun since 1995 and summer is just beginning, the temperatures are equivalent to those radiated from the south pole. According to Glenn Orton, one of two scientists monitoring the infrared spectrometer onboard the Cassini spacecraft:
"We had speculated that the south pole hot spot was connected to the southern, sunlit conditions. Since the north pole has been deprived of sunlight since the arrival of winter in 1995, we didn't expect to find a similar feature there."
Cassini mission specialists have speculated that the glow from Saturn’s north pole appears to be caused by convection currents carrying heat from warmer southern climes. As Leigh Fletcher, planetary scientist from Oxford University, said:
“The hot spots are the result of air moving polewards, being compressed and heated up as it descends over the poles into the depths of Saturn. The driving forces behind the motion, and indeed the global motion of Saturn's atmosphere, still need to be understood."
Previous Thunderbolts Picture of the Day articles demonstrated that Saturn’s south pole is hotter than can be explained by the relatively dim sunlight that it receives. Because the mechanical view of the anomalies in the south fails to explain the increased temperature there, Electric Universe proponents suggest that another source for the energy input must be considered and that is electricity.
One of the most bizarre configurations discovered on Saturn is the hexagon that dominates its north pole. The formation was originally seen by cameras onboard the twin Voyager spacecraft that flew by Saturn in November 1980 and then again in August 1981. NASA researchers continue to refer to the structure as “unexplained”, since the convective interpretations of Saturnian weather do not include mechanisms by which clouds can organize themselves into polygonal shapes.
For many years researchers studying the issue have known that beams of electricity flowing through plasma produce a central column surrounded by concentric cylinders. The cylindrical current filaments exhibit long-range attraction and short-range repulsion braiding that result in evenly spaced vortices surrounding the column. As the filaments rotate around one another, a preferred hexagonal cross-section forms within the innermost column. Hexagonal craters can be seen etched into the surfaces of planets and moons. Weather patterns, such as hurricanes on Earth, also exhibit hexagonal “eyes” that defy conventional explanation.
The hexagon at Saturn’s north pole is another example of electrical activity in the solar system on a tremendous scale. Electricity moves along Birkeland current filaments that electrically connect the Sun with its family of planetary bodies. The energy flows most strongly into the giant gas planets because their charge differential with the Sun is greater than that of their smaller, rocky cousins.
The “electric Sun” is what drives the energetic meteorological phenomena on Saturn (and the other planets). Electrical circuits power the Sun and initiate the “anomalous heating” that has been found on Saturn, as well as on the other gas planets that have been examined – Jupiter and Neptune display “hot poles” just like Saturn.
Once conventional science sees the question in electrical terms, the many puzzles with which they are confronted will become clear. Such issues as “climate change” on Earth and the “double-eye” vortices on Venus and Saturn will be illuminated. Theories regarding the “hot poles” on Enceladus, Titan and Io will also benefit from acknowledging the principle tenets of the Electric Universe.
By Stephen Smith


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dark Beaver's -A better theory about coal...."The Electric Universe..."

D.B..You make a striking arguement for a unified theory through electro/magnetism...It will be at the center of my mind and thoughts as I continue to explore space in time .Already spend half my time there...lol..(some would say).You have planted a seed and sparked my interest in the "Electric-Universe theory".
Dark Beaver"One simple electrical model fits all galaxies naturally". Electric Galaxies

I like that quote


If like me you have been mystified by astrophysical things such as black holes, dark matter, dark energy and the big bang you will appreciate the continuity offered in the electric model. Something real to get a mental grip on is very nice when compared to the invisable rubbish offered by the conventional model.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Looks like a galaxie.

>> “A nearly perfect ring of hot, blue stars pinwheels about the yellow nucleus of an unusual galaxy known as Hoag's Object. This image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures a face-on view of the galaxy's ring of stars. The entire galaxy is about 120,000 light-years wide, which is slightly larger than our Milky Way Galaxy. Ring-shaped galaxies can form in several different ways. One possible scenario is through a collision with another galaxy. Sometimes the second galaxy speeds through the first, leaving a ‘splash’ of star formation. But in Hoag's Object there is no sign of the second galaxy, which leads to the suspicion that the blue ring of stars may be the shredded remains of a galaxy that passed nearby. Some astronomers estimate that the encounter occurred about 2 to 3 billion years ago.” — Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Acknowledgment: Ray A. Lucas (STScI/AURA)

Comment: In stark contrast to standard ad hoc attempts to explain Hoag’s object in terms of a collision, the Electric Universe can point to a simple explanation, which fits neatly the plasma cosmology model of formation of galaxies in a magnetic pinch at the intersection of cosmic Birkeland current filaments. Hoag’s object shows the detailed features of the ‘penumbra’ of a plasma focus discharge.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Discovery Of Vast Prehistoric Works Built By Giants?
The margin of erosion can be seen above. The rectangular features on the right are intact below 14,000 feet at the ancient shore line of Titicaca. This indicates that the majority of the Tiahuanaco geoglyphs were constructed before Lake Titicaca grew to its post glacial depth.
A further example of the Pleistocene age of the geoglyphs is seen below on a hill to the north of Lake Titicaca at 14,000 foot margin. Near the center of the image is an alluvial fan, created by sediment bearing runoff meeting standing water.

A close-up of the hill reveals the highly eroded shadows of the same geoglyphic features seen throughout the area.

The patterns carved in the bedrock seen in the image below were covered with ice age sediment. Over time wind and rain has removed the glacial deposits to reveal the geoglyphs underneath.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Front view of the Starchild skull (on the left) and the human skull (on the right).
Compare striking differences between depth of eye sockets and shape of temporal
area just behind outer edges of eyes.

The Starchild's brain volume, contained inside a cranium the size of a smallish human's,
is 1600 cc. A normal human skull has a brain volume around 1400 cubic centimeters.

All of these were found in Peru, it is suspected by this poster that these may be examples of early bankers.

Busts have been found of two of the six
female children to Nefertiti and Aken-aten.
One might be of Meritaten, the eldest.
The unusual family traits are obvious.
Photographed in the Cairo Museum.

World Mysteries - Mystery Skulls