A better theory about coal


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
How is that complete collapse of capitalism you "guaranteed" by spring 2008, that was "utterly inevitable" and to be followed by "the utter collapse of government in the United States within a few months". Did that happen? Refresh my memory.. I don't recall If my daily commute involves leather, hockey gear and crossbows or not.

You should start to consider DB that you MIGHT not be right all the time.

I already started to consider it, but after ingestion of a cannibis cigarrette it's preposterous aspects revealed it to be an unlikely proposition. You might start to consider that you wouldn't be the first to be informed about any governmental collapse or just exactly what that might entail. I and my collegues consider the collapse well and truely underway where others not as inclined to evaluate the observable chaos or not imbued with my preeminent intellect may not be able to fathom the data.:lol:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Maybe you'll provide me with the math, maps and proof of black holes, dark matter/energy, bent spacetime etc.
Why would I need to do that? That's the standard model of the cosmos, the evidence and lines of reasoning about it are all over the place, readily available to anyone who looks.

Your second link above gives me a 404 error. The third link, which from the URL obviously points to something similar, is unsourced and undated, but appears to be a rather poor quality photocopy from a popular magazine, like Discover. All it really does is discuss a well known controversy over the interpretation of quasar redshifts, which is still a matter of disagreement among cosmologists. The first link's an interesting article, though quite old, I'll give it a careful read and get back to you.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I just showed you some evidence. If you're just going to deny it and keep referring to your favourite woo woo sites I don't see any point in talking about this.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
NASA’s Dim View of Stars

>> The Cone Nebula is a column of dark dust, six light-years long, near some newly formed hot blue stars. The edge of the column, especially the tip, is bright with red light from ionized hydrogen. This nebula and the cluster that illuminates it are about 2600 light-years away in Monoceros. Credit: Michael Gariepy/Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSF.

The cone nebula shows a star at the top of a conical-shaped dusty plasma, festooned with lights. The image strikes an instinctive chord—the mythical celestial world mountain around which the stars revolve; the cosmic (Christmas) tree with lights; fireworks displays against a night sky. Why? Because it reflects back to us our own prehistory when a strange drama was taking place in the sky. The Earth was enveloped in a towering polar auroral plasma, flashing with light and with bright celestial bodies at its distant focus. How do we know? Prehistoric mankind around the globe chiselled representations of what they saw into solid rock. The effort required was prodigious, the motivation extraordinary. Modern astronomy seems unable to address the issue, offering instead a comfortable myth of cosmic stability.

Dexter the pictures are certainly are beautiful.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I just showed you some evidence. If you're just going to deny it and keep referring to your favourite woo woo sites I don't see any point in talking about this.

You showed me a picture Dexter which I can see plainly with my eyes and I exchanged some alternative science, all of it verifiable by the scientific method of experimentation and observable repeatability. Let's not be childish with the woo woo ****, you can grab your toys and leave the sandbox if you like but the evidence aint going away. I will read the information at both links you provided and get back to you with the alternative of course. If you believe in the reality of black holes it should be easy for you to provide the proof.;-)

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
If you believe in the reality of black holes it should be easy for you to provide the proof.;-)
You continue to misunderstand, and I begin to suspect it's deliberate. Science doesn't deal in proofs. Black holes emerge from certain solutions to the equations of general relativity, I showed you a picture with a writeup explaining that the observed motions of stars near the galactic centre were consistent with the presence of a small, extremely massive object. That's evidence for a black hole at the centre of the galaxy. If you want absolutes instead of reasoned but always tentative conclusions based on observation and analysis, religion and woo woo are what you want.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
20 May 2008
Electric Galaxies

http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=2m1r5m3b&pf=YES The link below is to the study that would have destroyed relativity. Einstien had an interest in seeing it buried forever.


Below is an image of the galactic jet of M87 with (by way of contrast) the best explanation that gravitational theorists can muster.

>> The jet blasting out of the nucleus of M87, a giant elliptical galaxy 50 million light years away in the constellation Virgo [false color]. At the extreme left of the image, the bright galactic nucleus harboring a supermassive black hole shines. The jet is thought to be produced by strong electromagnetic forces created by matter swirling toward the supermassive black hole. These forces pull gas and magnetic fields away from the black hole along its axis of rotation in a narrow jet. Inside the jet, shock waves produce high-energy electrons that spiral around the magnetic field and radiate by the "synchrotron" process, creating the observed radio, optical and X-ray knots.

Comment: The gravitational ‘explanation’ of the galactic jet can be summarized in one word — “garbage.” The confident assertion that the galactic nucleus is hiding a supermassive black hole is nonsense. Black holes are a ‘school-kid howler’ perpetrated by top scientists. It involves taking Newton’s gravitational equation to an absurd limit by dividing by zero to achieve an almost infinitely powerful gravitational source. This is done by impossibly squeezing the matter of millions of stars into effectively a point source. And then mysteriously available magnetic fields are pressed into performing miracles to create something that approximates a relativistic jet of matter from an object that is supposed to gobble up anything that comes near.

It is very disturbing that the public accepts this blatant baloney without question. If scientists were forced to defend their statements in a court of law under the rules of evidence, most of the misbegotten ideas that make up modern science would never have survived. Physics would have remained in the classical hands of the experimentalists and the engineers who have to make things work. Countless billions of dollars could have been saved in misdirected and pointless experiments.

The experimental evidence for the electrical nature of galaxies has been available for many decades now. But who has heard anything about it? The lack of debate demonstrates the power of institutionalized science to maintain the “uncanny inertia” of the “erroneous theories” they have introduced into our culture. We have given scientists that power by trusting them more than our commonsense.
Electric Galaxies


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Real Properties of Electromagnetic Fields and
Plasma in the Cosmos
Donald E. Scott
Abstract—Amajority of baryons in the cosmos are in the plasma
state. However, fundamental disagreements about the properties
and behavior of electromagnetic fields in these plasmas exist
between the science of modern astronomy/astrophysics and the
experimentally verified laws of electrical engineering and plasma
physics. Many helioastronomers claim that magnetic fields can
be open ended. Astrophysicists have claimed that galactic magnetic
fields begin and end on molecular clouds. Most electrical
engineers, physicists, and pioneers in the electromagnetic field
theory disagree, i.e., magnetic fields have no beginning or end.
Many astrophysicists still claim that magnetic fields are “frozen
into” electric plasma. The “magnetic merging” (reconnection)
mechanism is also falsified by both theoretical and experimental
Index Terms—Magnetic fields, Maxwell equations, merging,
PLASMA cosmology was formally introduced more than
25 years ago by Alfvén [1]–[3]. This paper was based on
his earlier experimental investigations and those of Birkeland
and Langmuir. They, in turn, had been motivated by the concepts
embodied in Maxwell’s equations. This compact set of
relations codifies the results of a long series of experiments
that were performed by the founders of electrical science. Thus,
plasma cosmology is not based simply on deductive reasoning
and mathematical formalisms, but rather on verified laboratory
For example, an indication of the dominance of the magnetic
force is demonstrated by a ball bearing on a table. All of Earth’s
baryonic mass exerts a gravitational pull on the bearing, preventing
it from lifting off the table. Yet, the smallest horseshoe
magnet easily snatches it away. On a cosmic scale, magnetic
energy density can also exceed gravitational energy density. For
example, in the local supercluster, the magnetic field energy
density exceeds the gravitational energy density by at least an
order of magnitude [4].
The local interstellar medium has an estimated ion–electron
pair concentration in the range of 0.01–1/cm3. Thus, the volume
between the Sun and its nearest neighbor contains some
6 × 1054 ion–electron pairs. However, quantitative calculations
based on simple electrostatic forces between such particles
lead to erroneous conclusions. This is because double layers
(DLs) separate cells of plasma in space (e.g., heliospheres)
Manuscript received September 8, 2006; revised October 11, 2006.
The author, retired, was with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 USA (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2007.895424
such that electrostatic forces between bodies that are each
surrounded by such DL-bounded plasma cells are negligibly
weak. Homogeneous models often are found to be misleading
and should be replaced by inhomogeneous models, with the
inhomogeneities being produced by filamentary currents and
DLs that divide space into cells [5]. Space in general has a
cellular structure.
Theoretical analyses based on the classical plasma theory
often fail to correspond to real results that are obtained via
direct observation. On the other hand, simulations on supercomputers
and actual laboratory experiments provide accurate
descriptions of the behavior of such cosmic plasmas. Rotation
is an inherent result of interacting electric currents in plasma.
Computer models of two current filaments interacting in a
plasma have accurately reproduced details of spiral galaxy
rotation profiles [6]. Plasma cosmology also offers [1] a model
that predicted the existence of galactic jets and the behavior of
double-radio-source galaxies prior to their observation.
It is clear that a rigorous understanding of the real physical
properties of magnetic fields in plasmas is crucial for astrophysicists
and cosmologists. Incorrect pronouncements about
the properties of magnetic fields and currents in plasma will be
counterproductive if these conceptual errors are propagated into
publications and then used as the basis of new investigations.
There are some popular misconceptions.
1) Magnetic “lines of force” really exist as extant entities in
3-D space and are involved in cosmic mechanisms when
they move.
2) Magnetic fields can be open ended and can release energy
by “merging” or “reconnecting.”
3) Behavior of magnetic fields can be explained without any
reference to the currents that produce them.
4) Cosmic plasma is infinitely conductive, so magnetic fields
are “frozen into” it.
Since the 1950s, some solar astrophysicists have asserted that
the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is really open ended [7],
with one end “anchored” to the Sun and the other waving in the
solar wind. Open field lines supposedly connect to the polar
regions of the Sun and define the polar coronal holes that are
prevalent at solar minima [8].
“The IMF originates in regions on the Sun where the magnetic
field is ‘open’—that is, where field lines emerging from
one region do not return to a conjugate region but extend
virtually indefinitely into space [9].”

The above is a link to one of the chief woo woo guys Dexter, he's got pretty good degrees.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You continue to misunderstand, and I begin to suspect it's deliberate. Science doesn't deal in proofs. Black holes emerge from certain solutions to the equations of general relativity, I showed you a picture with a writeup explaining that the observed motions of stars near the galactic centre were consistent with the presence of a small, extremely massive object. That's evidence for a black hole at the centre of the galaxy. If you want absolutes instead of reasoned but always tentative conclusions based on observation and analysis, religion and woo woo are what you want.

You cost me sleep last night Dexter, and it wasn't a pleasent dreamlike departure from my unconscious needs. The "woo woo" thing realy bothered me in that it lowered my estimation of your character and intelligence. However the dimunation shouldn't irreperably damage your aura of superiority nor even dent it much I think. You of course can defend that superiority with aquired abilitys admirably well.

"Science doesn't deal in proofs." It most certainly does.

"Black holes emerge from certain solutions to the equations of general relativity," And that is as far into reality as the fiction will ever emerge.

"motions of stars near the galactic centre were consistent with the presence of a small, extremely massive object." That mass and it's gravity is a result of current.

"That's evidence for a black hole at the centre of the galaxy." No it isn't, it's evidence of massive current.

"If you want absolutes instead of reasoned but always tentative conclusions based on observation and analysis," The job of science, like any tool,is to produce results, reasoned tentative conclusions based on observation and analysis are techniques not results.

"religion and woo woo are what you want." I have considered your contempt for the spiritual and religious many times and I have come to some reasoned tentative conclusions based on observations and analysis the result of which lead me to believe you are basically terrified that there may be a god this accounts for your dogmatic religious adherance to the ruling hierarchy wherever you encounter it, and of course your plainly religious adherance to that false idol, convention. The funniest thing is that you think this is science.

Those woo woo people that I read Dex outweigh you by many tons of brain.
My prescription for you is two good joints followed by pickled pigs feet and old cheddar washed down with some of that whiskey you drink too much of.;-)

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I have considered your contempt for the spiritual and religious many times and I have come to some reasoned tentative conclusions based on observations and analysis the result of which lead me to believe you are basically terrified that there may be a god this accounts for your dogmatic religious adherance to the ruling hierarchy wherever you encounter it, and of course your plainly religious adherance to that false idol, convention. The funniest thing is that you think this is science.
You haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, imputing such motives and beliefs to me, and the thinly veiled personal insults in that are over the line. This conversation's over.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
picture of the day

chronological archive subject archive

An image of the Aurora Borealis from the space shuttle Atlantis (STS-117).

Magnetic Breaches
Jan 05, 2009

Astrophysicists are often surprised by observations because their theories are inadequate to explain them?
NASA launched the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission on February 17, 2007. The spacecraft continues to monitor Earth's magnetosphere so that planetary scientists can figure out how intense ion storms are created. It is important to understand these explosive outbursts in our planet's magnetic field, because they disrupt communications, overload electrical transmission lines, and cause radiation emissions that can reach the ground.

According to conventional theory, when the magnetosphere "suddenly releases vast amounts of stored solar wind energy," the aurora becomes widespread, intense, more disturbed, and charged particles (electric currents) flow at higher energies. These so-called "substorms" begin in small regions of the magnetosphere but enlarge within minutes, enveloping an immense area. Full-blown magnetic storms are rare, but smaller substorms in the polar regions are more frequent, sometimes hours apart.

Recently, NASA researchers announced that THEMIS discovered a "breach" in Earth's magnetic field larger than anything seen before. Project scientist David Sibeck said: "At first I didn't believe it. This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction."

A strong magnetic disturbance is usually observed when a bright aurora is seen. The field can be greater than that from a magnetic storm but on a local scale, fading more quickly toward the equator. In 1903, Kristian Birkeland's observations in the Arctic led him to propose that electricity energizing the aurora flowed parallel to the auroral formation. Since electric current flows in a closed circuit, and since the currents and the glow seemed to be caused by processes in distant space, he theorized that they came down from space at one end of the auroral arc and back out to space at the other.

In 1973, the U.S. Navy satellite Triad flew through this electrically charged layer. The onboard magnetometer found two electric currents in gigantic sheets, each carrying a million amperes or more, one descending on the auroral zone's morning side and one ascending on the evening side. Since Birkeland's research had predicted the currents that link Earth with space they were called Birkeland currents.

According to the scientists from THEMIS, the "breach" started when magnetic fields from the solar wind wrapped around the magnetosphere and cracked it open. The "cracking" was induced by "magnetic reconnection."

Space physicist Wenhui Li from the University of New Hampshire was quoted as saying: "The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself."

Another New Hampshire researcher, Jimmy Raeder said: "10^27 particles per second were flowing into the magnetosphere—that's a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."

Physical processes require an energy input that then changes from one form to another. Consensus views also suggest that this holds true for geomagnetic substorms. It is no accident, according to scientists, that they take place when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) slants to the South. The southern orientation means faster "reconnection" between interplanetary and terrestrial field lines, initiating rapid release of magnetic fields and plasma from Earth's sunlit side.

How this energy is released, as well as what starts the process, are still controversial subjects. Energy in nature cannot be destroyed, as the conservation of energy law states, it changes from one form to another. When electricity powers a motor, it is converted to kinetic energy. When friction stops motion, its kinetic energy converts to heat. Magnetic energy is also thought to reappear in different forms. Some becomes heat, increasing the velocity of plasma ions and electrons. Some of the energy ends up driving electric currents in a circuit linking the plasma sheet with Earth.

Don Scott's commentary about magnetic reconnection should be kept in mind when reading reports from NASA about Earth's interaction with the plasma stream (commonly called the solar wind) and electromagnetic energy radiating from the Sun:

1. Magnetic field lines are only convenient concepts, nothing more. They are not loci or contours of constant magnetic flux density (field strength). They just indicate the field’s direction. In regions where they are close together the field is stronger than where they are widely separated.

2. Therefore, sketching magnetic field lines can help us visualize the shape and strength of magnetic fields. They can help us to sketch the net result (vector sum) if and when two or more fields interact (are superimposed on each other).

3. We can only draw magnetic field lines (in cases not involving permanent ferromagnetic magnets) by considering the electric currents that create those fields.

4. Magnetic lines of force do not actually exist in three-dimensional space anymore than lines of latitude or longitude do.

5. If a field moves from one instant to another, we cannot use "streaming video" to watch a given line move and change shape. This is because we must redraw a complete set of lines at each instant. It isn’t the same line that has moved, it is the field that has changed. The two sets of lines describe the field at those two different times.

6. Magnetic lines of force do not move anymore than lines of longitude do. A determined unwillingness to recognize this fact has led to the idea that lines move toward each other, touch, merge, and then release energy. I have said many times that this last notion, if applied to circles of longitude that come together and "merge" at Earth’s poles, could be proposed as causing gravitational energy releases at those locations.

There is no such process as "magnetic merging" or "reconnection" of magnetic field lines in the real world.

Written by Stephen Smith from an idea submitted by Mark Love

These pictures are really really nice. DB

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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If we believe in god I think it's only the current gods common induced sence accross our sinfull resistance that he/she/it would be entirely free to communicate his/her/it's magnificence in scripture such as the above highlighted revealed word of his/her/it's holiness most niceest bigestness.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You continue to misunderstand, and I begin to suspect it's deliberate.

I don't understand you because we never talk Dexter, we could get counciling, we have to talk to somebody, I have too much invested in this relationship. The dog won't stop whineing. It's like my first marriage, she said "it's either me or the grass DB, so me and the case of durban got in the truck and left. My drug habit drove us apart I'll start drinking again instead of grass if you'll come back.:lol: