9/11, an inside job?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I really don't want to get into the mechanics of the event. I'm sufficiently satisfied that planes flew into the buildings, that subsequently caused their collapse.

What I would like to discuss, is who knew what, and when.

The theories of false flag operations, secret societies and so on.

Let's not get into outlandish claims and please, please, please try and use material that isn't based on the premise that Jews control the world. Let's try and dwell in reality for a change.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Somebody had to have know that the 9/11 attack was probable and possible because of the first attack made February 26, 1993, but whether someone actually know other than Osama Bin Laden that an attack would actually happen on 9/11, I am not sure about. I do think that Obama as was everyone else was surprised at the damage resulting from the attack. No one expected that to happen.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So why did he deny doing it and why does the US Gov pass off obviously fake vids of OSB as being real?
Follow the money, OSB isn't the only one around that has money to play with.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Well Bear, I got into this a few times, and some folks thought I was part of the problem while I was actually trying to be part of the solution. It is a bit of a long winded story but my involvement was for a solution to a different problem. At immediate issue was theft at US security checkpoints. My position was that because everyone and their dog was allowed to the departure gates. The MO of the theives was well known. On average, there are 5 well wishers to every traveller. This made for very crowded departure areas, but also made for busy security staff, (5 times that of Canadian security staff) and theives knew that staff had the law of large numbers against them.

For over ten years I knew the staff if not by name at least by face in places like Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton. Because of workload in the US the turnaround time for security staff was 90 days!! They had no hope of having experienced help. Security was so poor and unfocused, (they would more closely scrutinize flight crew than cleaning crew) that a friend's wife went through 6 checkpoints with 6 .45 long Colt cartridges in her purse, 3 of which were snake shot and 3 of which were body armour piercing only issued to special forces. My wife went through several with 3 shotgun shells in her purse. Purses are the repositories of lost winning lottery tickets and three year old prescription reciepts, but I digress. As flight crew I got stopped for having a spent .45ACP casing in one of my bags.

Mine and others' issues with security didn't exactly fall on deaf ears, but was certainly met with the inertia of US policy makers. Without them having an incentive it is like trying to move a locomotive by hand.

The cockpit door policy was probably the worst kept secret in the industry. If it was locked at all it was on take off and landing, the absolute worst times because it is the main route for rescuers to get in if something did go horribly wrong. In cruise it was unlocked, on several occations I would turn around and see a dumbstruck passenger who mistook the cockpit door for the lav door.

The idea that hijackers might take over aircraft and use them as missiles was well known for years prior. Again, the inertia of policy makers was an impediment. At that point it was just a possibility, hijackers just weren't suicidal, and suicide bombings were a rarity. With that, given all the other stuff that people were dealing with, it just wasn't a high priority. It was like seeing the iceberg off in the distance and saying we have time to deal with that later.

The probable targets were known, but with thousands of possible opportunities and no uniform policies to prevent such an attack it was just a matter of when. The folks who claim how hard it is to hit such a target don't seem to have the experience to back it up. It is far easier to hit a target at high speed than at low speed, doing a precision approach in a heavy jet is a cynch compared to doing one in a light twin or single engine airplane.

Before 9/11 pilots in this country carried things like large knives, leatherman type tools and such, now all such things are verboten. The US, which had previously prohibited firearms in the cockpit, now has a Federal Flight Deck Officer program, however, it is totally voluntary and many pilots who take part do so on their own dime. As for security, flight crew are still the most highly scrutinized of all staff. Feel safer now?
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
I might add that when the policy makers do have the incentive they move like the proverbial runaway train and end up with things like the USA PATRIOT Act, and all the other nonsense that has come since.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
It has been now eight and a half years since 9/11.

Plenty of time for eager young (or old) investigating reporters to uncover any plot that might have existed to indicate that the attack on the WTC towers was an inside job, planned and supported by the Bush administration.

None has surfaced so far and it is a safe bet nothing ever will.

If you choose to be an idiot like Charlie Sheen or Rosie O'Donnell, go ahead.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It has been now eight and a half years since 9/11.

Plenty of time for eager young (or old) investigating reporters to uncover any plot that might have existed to indicate that the attack on the WTC towers was an inside job, planned and supported by the Bush administration.

None has surfaced so far and it is a safe bet nothing ever will.

If you choose to be an idiot like Charlie Sheen or Rosie O'Donnell, go ahead.
How open minded and constructive YJ...

What a little ray of sunshine you are.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
How likely is it that huge group of people could have a part in something this big without some good old-time guilt or war-story blah-blah bringing tales to light?
Unlikely, but not outside the rhelm of possibility.

Cold war was over. America felt bulletproof.
That's a fair assessment.

I would suggest some video's I've been watching, but I'm afraid of being called a nutter...:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
An "inside job" in the normal sense just isn't possible. Twenty guys, or was it nineteen guys, managed to get themselves on board four aircraft armed with box cutters. They overpowered the cabin and flight crews and flew the aircraft into WTC buildings, the Pentagon, and crashed the other one into the ground. Where did they need a big conspiracy?
bobnoorduyn has shown us that getting the box cutters on board was certainly possible.

The only areas where I'm a little uncomfortable would be the way that Building 7 crumbled into it's own foot print and the lack of any film or tape footage of the aircraft hitting the Pentagon.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
I usually don't make a big issue about spelling errors, but how can anyone who brags about being "SUPERIOR" and says 'libel' when she means "LIABLE" and says 'rhelm' when she means "REALM", be taken seriously?

Superior, or otherwise?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I usually don't make a big issue about spelling errors, but how can anyone who brags about being "SUPERIOR" and says 'libel' when she means "LIABLE" be taken seriously?
Actually YJ, being superior to you in so many ways, let me explain something to you. First off that wasn't a spelling error, that was me using the wrong word in the heat of debate, thus I believe that would be a grammar issue. The context is still the same, when viewed by anyone capable of clear thought. Hell, even you managed to figure it out.

As to me being taken seriously. If you do take me seriously, I would suggest you seek help. This is the internet.

Superior, or otherwise?
Yes, I am superior, you are otherwise. Thanx for the set up.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
CDNBear, like I told you before, I am not looking for a piSSing contest with you. I know that to shut up bullies, the best thing is to admit their "superiority" and walk away.



Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
An "inside job" in the normal sense just isn't possible. Twenty guys, or was it nineteen guys, managed to get themselves on board four aircraft armed with box cutters. They overpowered the cabin and flight crews and flew the aircraft into WTC buildings, the Pentagon, and crashed the other one into the ground. Where did they need a big conspiracy?
bobnoorduyn has shown us that getting the box cutters on board was certainly possible.

The only areas where I'm a little uncomfortable would be the way that Building 7 crumbled into it's own foot print and the lack of any film or tape footage of the aircraft hitting the Pentagon.
Film footage appears to show the buildings imploding rather than expoding. The planes gave the image of them exploding to try to give credence to the idea that it was just caused by the planes.