I listened to it on the radio last night. Had one radio going in my living room so I can hear from my kitchen, & A second radio going out on my deck so I could hear it while I was enjoying the tail end of summer. It’s what you Gotta do when you’re making soup from scratch.
I wish I had enough French to follow the first two debates, instead of just the last one offered to the rest of Canada in English but….oh well…. French is just not a priority outside of Quebec and France and a few African nations, etc…
It would’ve been nice to actually understand the French debates to compare them to the English debates. If I’m going to learn a second language though I want to learn one that’s useful as opposed to just French but such is life.
My impression just listening to the debate last night was that it was a goat rodeo dog pile. Trudeau Sounded frustrated and petty where the other leaders where much more composed (except for the Bloc Dude near the end where he thought he was being shortchanged for time & another where he thought he or Quebec where being insulted).
Everyone got their Licks in on Justin with the “ if you are really going to do that you would’ve already done it in the last six years“ or “ why haven’t you done that in the last six years already then?” Statements. Even the moderators got in a couple of those on JT.
It was good to hear him stumble and stammer and moistly making excuses, though he did get kind of snotty with the Green person (Snide & Jerkish might fit better that snotty).
Most people that commit to listening to a leaders debate whether over the radio or actually watching it on TV have made their minds up in advance….But for those that haven’t this might have been informative.