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  1. ironsides


    Keller's Riverside Store Keller's Riverside Store
  2. ironsides


    Newt Gingrich: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5 - YouTube
  3. ironsides

    I Wish.

    I wish I was eighteen again. George Burns - I Wish I Was Eighteen Again - YouTube
  4. ironsides

    United States Independence Day Quiz

    Independence Day Quiz Independence Day Quiz The 4th of July is the time when we celebrate our nation-- a time to reflect on the freedoms which we believe are not granted by our government, but are self-evident rights for all humankind. Time for the Independence Day Quiz which asks...
  5. ironsides

    Cold War coming Back?

    Most countries are cutting back and destroying their nuclear weapons, but not Russia, they even offered Iran what they needed for their reactor. Who Knew
  6. ironsides

    69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

    The armadillo's are coming to a store near you soon.. "The nine-banded armadillo has expanded its range northward into the United States over the last 150 years. Prior to about 1850, the nine-banded armadillo was not found north of the Rio Grande river. The sudden and extremely rapid armadillo...
  7. ironsides

    69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

    Looks like the only thing were going to have to get used to will be the warming. Whether some scientists misread or falsified data or not, we are warming up. Next ice age not likely before 1,500 years: study LONDON (Reuters) - High levels of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere mean...
  8. ironsides

    Rwandan refugee

    So what's the holdup Canada??? You going to wait till he dies of old age before making a decision. 17 years is more than enough time. What is it deportation or allow him to stay? Rwanda urged Canada Saturday to ensure the deportation of a Rwandan refugee accused of inciting genocide, and...
  9. ironsides

    Third Party

    We have another Presidential candidate. Lawrence Kotlikoff running for President of the U.S. on a Third Party ticket. Kotlikoff has actively proposed extremely simple reforms of the U.S. financial system, tax system, health care system, and retirement income system. His proposed reform of the...
  10. ironsides


    Women are the biggest mystery in the universe. Great minds do think alike :smile:. When New Scientist magazine asked "Brief History of Time" author Stephen Hawking what he thinks about most, the Cambridge University professor renowned for unravelling some of the most complex questions in...
  11. ironsides

    Now that it's 2012, I have a word or two about doomsdays

    Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012? UFO encounters became especially frequent in the middle of the 20th century, when it became impossible to disregard incidents of UFO sightings anymore. Special services started establishing special departments for air defense troops, secret...
  12. ironsides

    Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine

    Having the flu once is enough to warrent getting shots every year. The flu is horrible. :smile:
  13. ironsides

    Job's for Veterans in Australia.

    Job's for Veterans in Australia. With the Iraq War officially over and the Army downsizing in the face of defense budget pressure, more troops will be making the transition back to civilian life -- a potentially challenging prospect given the state of the economy. But for those who want to...
  14. ironsides

    Ron Paul

    We do not need a Big Brother to take care of us. Ron Paul on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno Ron Paul with Jay Leno – Dec 16 2011 | Ron Paul videos - Ron Paul Flix
  15. ironsides

    Which candidate is best for you?

    Take this little quiz and see who you would vote for. Which candidate is your match? ABC News - ABC News
  16. ironsides

    Oil spills no one talks about

    Think we have problems, yes we do with countries like Russia destroying the environment and no one notices. Russia oil spills wreak devistation. USINSK, Russia (AP) -- On the bright yellow tundra outside this oil town near the Arctic Circle, a pitch-black pool of crude stretches toward...
  17. ironsides

    'I-Pad' Is Not Apple's Trademark

    China and United States begin the trade wars in earnest, whoever or wherever earnest is. China Court: 'I-Pad' Is Not Apple's Trademark Thu, 12/08/2011 - 9:14am BEIJING (AP) — A court in southern China has rejected a claim by Apple Inc. that a Hong Kong-headquartered tech company has...
  18. ironsides


    Never mind the economy, they are coming. Our economy will have to improve or they will steal our water. Is a giant, cloaked spaceship orbiting around Mercury? That's been the speculation from some corners aftera camera onboard NASA's STEREO spacecraft caught a wave of electronically charged...
  19. ironsides

    Unites of the United States Marine Corps

    Recon Honors Fallen Brothers-in-Arms by Sgt. Robert E. Jones Sr. Marine Corps News October 25, 2004 Camp Fallujah, Iraq - As if obeying a direct order, the wind blowing steadily paused so men could listen. Inside Camp Fallujah's theater was a sergeant major leading a solemn event. The air was...