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  1. damngrumpy

    Chick-fil-A comes to Canada

    The old ways are gone why would they not be open on Sunday for the traveling public? One persons opinion on an issue doesn't make me buy or not buy but when I travel and they don't open for business I tend to support those who do. If we knew the opinions of everyone we likely would never leave...
  2. damngrumpy

    We have till September 2015 before we all die

    So all those structures that are behind in construction are safe they'll never be built and the games will never be played. Maybe the roaches and grasshoppers can have an Olympics so the space isn't wasted. Where oh where did I put my tinfoil hat? This goes down with the stupid Heddy Frie...
  3. damngrumpy

    Anti-frackerisms debunkified

    Don't you understand it does not matter what the truth is people don't want it Some people honestly getting all worked up and doing studies and finding data People don't care they don't want it it is that simple
  4. damngrumpy

    The dimensions of denial

    It is not just special interests that doubt the system. The governments went along with the pro global warming crowd and promoted the position. The whole environmental deal was done to sell new cars, new fridges and promote walking everywhere and God knows what else Then comes information...
  5. damngrumpy

    There is no such thing as "climate science"

    Personally I believe there is too much money in the special interest group category to just move on. Most of the climate change has been an on going saga called the life cycle of the planet. Hot cold and in between. I don't believe most of the nonsense and fear mongering anyway. Oh and I...
  6. damngrumpy

    Religious image appears at Mississauga Hindu temple

    This is totally unfair the visions used to be the domain of the born again crowd and those on drugs right after Easter the Hindu Temple starts having vision
  7. damngrumpy

    Butter is back

    I use butter all the time margarine is worse than butter in the long run
  8. damngrumpy

    Climate Change Turns Women Into Prostitutes

    The loony left is now at it I wondered when they would show up. The reason is because the loony right has to take a breather after making a complete *** of themselves for months now We must play nice its the left's turn don't you know that? And Boomer I am a lot more concerns about the right...
  9. damngrumpy

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    I always find it amusing as soon as enough people realize most of the predictions are nonsense a new study appears with the consensus of scientists. Within hours the green lobby and the scientists are out promoting the latest threats. Science lobbies for more money for more surveys and the...
  10. damngrumpy

    December 21, 2012

    We are looking at things from a material view while I believe many were saying symbolically it was the end of the world as we know it. That does not mean a disaster and end. It means perhaps the beginning of something new or different. I believe history just unfolds and it is what it is...
  11. damngrumpy

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    It matters not we are going to have an ice age and global warming according to different scientist. They are all putting out survey and studies to come to a conclusion cause someone hired them. The information to support the group that commissioned it will use the material to make more money...
  12. damngrumpy

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    I guess I did predict man made causes had little to do with it you are right. We don't know exactly the cause except the climate is ever changing and has done so since the planet formed. The North Pole was once a tropical forest. As for Eaglesmack yes in some cases I have a conventional...
  13. damngrumpy

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Eaglesmack you must be fixated on the Tea Party.
  14. damngrumpy

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Trying to predict the ice cap and the environment is like predicting the second coming of Christ. Here we've been told over and over my V8 truck is to blame for everything and now hints of lava flows are surfacing. There are all kinds of changes taking place in the environment and it has little...
  15. damngrumpy

    Zimmerman set to sell original artwork on eBay

    Yup the old wrap yourself in the flag trip seen it all before,
  16. damngrumpy

    Our cooling world

    We can have carbon trusts and we can stop all the pollution we want a forest fire is six hours would wipe out any efforts we made in a year. Yes there is change and its a natural change. We might as well set traps to keep the clouds away. All this stuff about how we're going to bring about a...
  17. damngrumpy

    Our cooling world

    My point is we made a big fuss and collected a lot of money to protect the spotted owl and seals and the whales and you're right nothing happened Greenies raised a lot of money sounding the alarm. Now its pine beetle and the sky is falling about climate change. The problem is even if they are...
  18. damngrumpy

    Our cooling world

    It's all cyclical pine beetle is just a happening that will cease. Climate change is constant and we mortals are powerless to do anything so solutions are proposed for a problem that can't be solved to soothe the fears of the helpless. The only serious distraction will be when the next big fad...
  19. damngrumpy

    Our cooling world

    One of the biggest problems I see is that scientists on both sides reduce their chatter to name calling when one side or the other does not see their point of view. We all heard prior to the mid seventies there was a new ice age coming then it became global warming and when that didn't pan out...
  20. damngrumpy

    Add a little piece of George W. Bush art to your Christmas tree

    Civility in America has disappeared completely those who hated Bush hate Bush and those who Hate Obama still hate Obama. The problem is if there is to be any progress people have to stop hating each other. If Bush actually produced the artwork he should be commended for it it is actually...