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  1. Decapoda

    US Election 2020 🇺🇸 🤯

    Bullshit. I'm not saying I agree with what happened today. I don't. I'm just saying that when you fuck the people over, you shouldn't be surprised when they kick over your sandcastle and crap in the moat. People will be arrested, people will be held accountable, you guys will get thru this...
  2. Decapoda

    US Election 2020 🇺🇸 🤯

    Trump was the catalyst, but he certainly didn't put the ingredients together. The sooner the left can admit their portion of the responsibility for this mess and the sooner they learn to abide by the rules, the sooner the healing can begin.
  3. Decapoda

    US Election 2020 🇺🇸 🤯

    Months of BLM and Antifa burning and looting cities, taking over parts of major US cities, burning police stations, massive violence in the streets. All while the left and the media cheer it on like raving lunatics. Four years of democratically elected Republican mandate, hijacked by a fake...
  4. Decapoda

    The Even Greater Depression?

    Markets at their highest level ever despite record high unemployment and unprecedented small and medium business closures...all while governments are printing money and handing it out at a level never before seen. There will be massive consequences despite the blissful ignorance of the MMT...
  5. Decapoda

    Gender Disphoria

  6. Decapoda

    Gender Disphoria

    You disagree that a person with XY chromosomes is genetically male? If even this basic biological premise is something we can't agree on then I guess there is no more discussion to be had. Because it makes you look like a hypocritical idiot and it instantly destroys your argument. If you...
  7. Decapoda

    Gender Disphoria

    Polite? Ben isn't the one who threatened physical violence because someone hurt his delicate sensibilities by stating a simple genetic fact. And "polite" is about the last thing that comes to mind as you're lashing out calling him a whiny bitch and calling everyone else who disagrees with you...
  8. Decapoda

    It's Official: Solar Is the Cheapest Electricity in History

    I wonder if people who are considering throwing a solar array on their roof also factor in the cost of new roof membrane or shingles prior to installation. Roof replacement after a solar array is installed significantly increases the cost of re-roof. Installing solar on some bagged out old roof...
  9. Decapoda

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    I think you may have missed my point completely , but I'll field your technical criticism anyhow... Magazine: A magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device for a repeating firearm, either integral within the gun (internal/fixed magazine) or externally attached (detachable magazine)...
  10. Decapoda

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Pretty sure that wouldn't work with an internal rotary magazine. Besides it would be completely unnecessary if RCMP would stick to their lane and enforce laws rather than write them. Last time I checked, writing and amending law was the governments job. It's become somehow acceptable now for...
  11. Decapoda

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Ruger 10/22 25 round magazines? Nah... I'm sure the million or so magazines in this country that have been completely legal for 40 years but were suddenly and arbirtrarily deemed illegal in 2016 by an RCMP memo have all been dutifully surrendered by the good law abiding citizens of this...
  12. Decapoda

    Tell me all about buying silver...

    I don't disagree, but after seeing $20 less than a year ago, it's hard to pull the trigger. There are deals out there if you look.
  13. Decapoda

    Tell me all about buying silver...

    Silver is an industrial metal which makes some think it isn't as efficient for preserving wealth. No doubt it is in high demand for industry, and much more plentiful than gold which makes it more volatile. But with the expected explosive growth in solar panels and electronic equipment in the...
  14. Decapoda

    Tell me all about buying silver...

    With spot at around $31 right now, that's a 30% premium!! Premiums have been high all year, but this is the highest I've seen them. Hard to justify until things get more reasonable.
  15. Decapoda

    Elon Musk's Starlink offers fast internet connections to rural Canadians. But it's not cheap

    I can't believe that any of this is being allowed at all. Never mind what it will cost, the introduction of tens of thousands of new satellites into low Earth orbit is positively destroying any hopes for astronomy in the future. The search for NEO's that may potentially threaten earth depends...
  16. Decapoda

    Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers file $11M lawsuit against Trudeau

    Illness and potential death from bacterial infections and other non-covid inflictions are no big deal, we have to flatten the curve at any cost. It's all about the numbers....and the political manipulation & social engineering. A few non-covid casualties is a small price in the overall bigger...
  17. Decapoda

    Trudeau's 4 years of Accomplishments

    Entitlements are really great ....if you have the money. Canada doesn't, and no amount of taxation will get us there, particularly given the trajectory that Trudeau has put this country on. Under the current Liberals and the clueless buffoon we have running the party, we were given a promise...
  18. Decapoda

    Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt

    The really troubling part is that this thread was started 3 years before the virus even showed up in this country. We are watching the certain financial ruin and inevitable economic catastrophe of the country play out in real-time...yet all many Canadians are concerned about is when the next...
  19. Decapoda

    Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers file $11M lawsuit against Trudeau

    It's polarizing, just as we've been conditioned to respond to virtually everything nowadays by government and SJW's. Either you buy into what's being shoved down your throat, or you're an "anti-vaxxer", or "anti-masker", or anti....whatever. The skill of independent critical thought has been...
  20. Decapoda

    Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers file $11M lawsuit against Trudeau

    Actually, there's good evidence to suggest that the opposite is true. Not only do masks offer a false sense of security which makes people complacent on more effective control measures like physical distancing, etc., but as TS indicated, improper mask use and constantly touching your mask could...