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  1. Colpy

    Nigel Farage saves the lives of two migrants

    Now THAT would be interesting.
  2. Colpy

    Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt

    At the end of World War One, it cost 4 German marks to buy a US dollar. Unfortunately, the 1920 Versailles Treaty was not a well thought out document. The allies attempted to force the Germans to pay for the entire war. Reparations were extensive, paid by the year, forcing Germany into wild...
  3. Colpy

    Nigel Farage saves the lives of two migrants

    Always liked Farange.
  4. Colpy

    death to israel thread

    Funny, I didn't know a lot of Jews were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Man, seek psychological help. You're a lunatic.
  5. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    The time I was most treated like a "suspect" in a bank was the time I went in to pay off my son's car loan. Just weird.
  6. Colpy

    It's time to Grade Trudeau

    F- Not only a fail, but serious damage done to the very thing he is supposed to protect; Canada.
  7. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Right back at ya....a little belatedly.
  8. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Q&A With Pete Merrifield (President of the National Police Federation that represents line RCMP officers) Q: What is your criticism of the May 1 confiscation Order in Council? Our concern representing 20,000 police officers is that it is not a public-safety action that correctly targets crime...
  9. Colpy

    That's NOT all, Folks! Trump's going to get 4 more years

    Yep. His saving grace is his appointments to the SCOTUS. But he's still an arsehole. And he lost.
  10. Colpy

    That's NOT all, Folks! Trump's going to get 4 more years

    Nope. Trump did not win. Simple as that. I think he completely blew it in the first debate, simply by being a complete arsehole and refusing to STFU. I can't stand Trump, he has the emotional maturity of a five year old. Biden/Harris are worse. WTF is wrong with our neighbours that they...
  11. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    RED ALERT: National Police Federation Opposes Liberal Gun Ban The National Police Federation issues position statement opposing May 1 gun ban November 23, 2020 The National Police Federation is the sole, certified bargaining agent for the RCMP, representing over 20,000 members...
  12. Colpy

    Maple syrup and pancakes...

    Prefer maple syrup on french toast. Or over vanilla ice cream. Oh my! O straight out of the bottle, with a milk chaser. seriously. Maple syrup is in my blood. My grandfather made the best maple syrup in all of Albert County.
  13. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Once again, nobody bids on federal firearms buyback program Zac Kurylyk November 12, 2020 Can you hear it—that womp-womp, sad horn sound? Once again, the federal firearms buyback program apparently failed to attract any bidders; no...
  14. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    New documents detail the guns — all illegally obtained — used by Canada's worst mass murderer Ryan Tumilty Publishing date: Nov 20, 2020 • Last Updated 37 minutes ago • 4 minute read A briefing note given to the prime minister, obtained through access to information, shows Gabriel Wortman...
  15. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    Just like I said; the ban is counter-productive. It puts guns in the hands of criminals.
  16. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    WARNING: Another idiotic Liberal boondoggle on the horizon! From the CSSA......... Why Can’t Bill Blair Buy a Scapegoat? Scapegoat: one that bears the blame for others Twice Public Safety Minister Bill Blair released a tender seeking a company to manage his proposed Firearm Confiscation...
  17. Colpy

    Gun Control is Completely Useless. Trudeau, blaming Doug Ford for the shooting that killed a 12 year old in Toronto. Why? Because Doug Ford won't allow Toronto...
  18. Colpy

    The Libranos

    The Libranos by Rebel News’ Ezra Levant Barry Cooper October 9, 2019...
  19. Colpy

    KINSELLA: Trudeau’s ‘genocide’ comment sparks international probe

    KINSELLA: Trudeau’s ‘genocide’ comment sparks international probe Genocide. That’s what the Prime Minister of Canada says Canada is guilty of — the crime of crimes. That’s what the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal called it, too, when passing judgment on Jean...
  20. Colpy

    B.C. judge rules father guilty of “family violence” for calling trans son “she”

    Justice Francesca Marzari, a British Columbia Supreme Court Justice, ruled last week that the father of a 14-year-old transgender boy (biological female) was guilty of “family violence” for refusing to affirm his daughter’s male gender identity. The father, who is anonymously listed as...