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  • why the hell did you thumbs up my Harper cartoon? You support putting the mentally ill in jail?
    Holy crap. Harper limits questions and he's controlling the media. Layton and company actually have lawyers make threats, and they dance around the issue, like it didn't happen. OMFG!!! These people are ethically challenged.
    I give up dude, I have better things to do, than try and get these hacks to use their grey matter, for than keep their heads from caving in. I have never seen it this bad in here before.
    Your stats are blatantly inaccurate and Egypt has banned genital cutting since 2007 and the majority of the country is against this practice.
    Nice weapon. It was in my short list of possible candidates. I'm leaning to the .308. With a different stock and a Timney trigger. My buddy Lloyd has the SPS Varmint .223, and loves it. I prefer the .308, they're easy to reload.

    What's your opinion on the Savage 110FP? It comes in at 9lbs, but it's another reasonable price weapon.

    If weight wasn't an issue, I'd be saving my money for a Timberwolf. Have you seen that sweetheart rifle? OMG, it gives me wood!!! lol.
    I lurked for a bit. Put a PETA avatar up for a week. Then one day I changed it to..."PETA, people for eating tasty animals" and I was gone.
    Rather than face the vitriol that would come from posting this, (I know, I know... coward I am), I thought I would shoot you a PM mentioning how much fun it is to see Stephen letting his hair down and rockin' with the best of them. Hope they all had a great time. Stephen rocks!
    Yes thanks - great. Out of interest they have just remade that series over here starring Martin Clunes (not a patch on the original though. Cheers.
    You and your 180 on Omar, lol, that, unions and the Conservatives, are the only three things we disagree on, but boy do we disagree, lol.
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