Does God exist?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
no If you drew air the world all him not rest my heart just I say

لا إله إلا الله

explain :-

no god just one god .

forget It maybe not you feel it ever ,

listen to here

don't you're feeling in heart ?

I have much feeling in my heart, but 'none' of it goes in the direction
you are referring to, that is a waste of time for me.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Does God exist? Does it really matter? As long as someone doesn't use their mental construct of
"God" as an excuse to harm others, then who cares one way or the other? As long as someone is
not pushing (or trying to) their idea of "God" at you, does it made a difference whether they prey to
Allah or Buddha or cows or their ottoman or not at all?

"If you believe in a 'God,' good for you, but keep it to yourself."


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Dexter Sinister
You see why I don't bother to respond to you much anymore? You're not really interested in views contrary to your own, and you refuse to look at the evidence for them.
You are mistaken Dexter ;I was (and still am) interested in YOUR point of view , not the the view of the three writers whose books obviously I want be able to purchase in China.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
I have much feeling in my heart, but 'none' of it goes in the direction
you are referring to, that is a waste of time for me.

the quran order from the arab to

writing one sura from quran if

he can , then the quran say If meet

all human and gins do not can they made

one sura like him ,

and it that is happing no one can

made one sura like him he

is amazing and he ( rival order but no one can rival him )

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
You are mistaken Dexter ;I was (and still am) interested in YOUR point of view , not the the view of the three writers whose books obviously I want be able to purchase in China.
Okay, I stand corrected, my apologies for misjudging you, and it was not obvious to me that those books wouldn't be available in China. I know almost nothing about what things are like in China or what sources of information are available to you. I gave you those references because they contain the evidence I base my point of view on, at least on the particular subject of human origins, and I'm old fashioned enough to still prefer books to web sites for serious information. Try this,, the same information's there, but it's not as nicely organized or expressed with the same wit and style.

My point of view, supported by multiple converging lines of evidence from many sciences, is that humans descend from a common ancestor we share with apes that lived several million years ago, and that common ancestor similarly descended from another common ancestor farther back that we share with other primates, and farther back again there's a common ancestor with all mammals, and with all vertebrates, and so on, all the way back to the origin of life on this planet, to the first replicating molecules. That's where we all came from, and that's what Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale traces, based on all the comparative evidence we have from such fields as chemistry, molecular biology, anthropology, archeology, paleontology, geology, etc. The evidence is overwhelming and entirely consistent, there are no anomalies like fossil mammals in precambrian strata, all available evidence indicates the theory of evolution is a true and correct description of where we came from. There are ongoing disputes about some of the details of precisely how it works, that's the nature of any healthy science, but the core of it, Darwin's great idea, descent with modification by natural selection, is unassailable. It is a fact.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Okay, I stand corrected, my apologies for misjudging you, and it was not obvious to me that those books wouldn't be available in China. I know almost nothing about what things are like in China or what sources of information are available to you. I gave you those references because they contain the evidence I base my point of view on, at least on the particular subject of human origins, and I'm old fashioned enough to still prefer books to web sites for serious information. Try this,, the same information's there, but it's not as nicely organized or expressed with the same wit and style.

My point of view, supported by multiple converging lines of evidence from many sciences, is that humans descend from a common ancestor we share with apes that lived several million years ago, and that common ancestor similarly descended from another common ancestor farther back that we share with other primates, and farther back again there's a common ancestor with all mammals, and with all vertebrates, and so on, all the way back to the origin of life on this planet, to the first replicating molecules. That's where we all came from, and that's what Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale traces, based on all the comparative evidence we have from such fields as chemistry, molecular biology, anthropology, archeology, paleontology, geology, etc. The evidence is overwhelming and entirely consistent, there are no anomalies like fossil mammals in precambrian strata, all available evidence indicates the theory of evolution is a true and correct description of where we came from. There are ongoing disputes about some of the details of precisely how it works, that's the nature of any healthy science, but the core of it, Darwin's great idea, descent with modification by natural selection, is unassailable. It is a fact.

It says, "Allah is - Al Khaliq" (The Creator)
It also says, "Allah is - Al Bari" (The Evolver)

"Big Bang" - BUSTED!

For the Muslim there is no need for separation between religion and science. It is understood from the Quran, revealed over 1,400 years ago, that there is both; "Creation" and "Evolution." And in both instances, it is only Allah who is "Able to do all things." In fact, it was the Muslim scientists, more than 1,000 years ago, who set the stage for the advancement of learning, technology and disciplines in science that we know today.
Allah has explained how He created everything in the universe and brought all life out of water. He created humans from earth (not monkeys) and there is no need to attempt fabrications of "links" to the animal world in Islam.
The Christian Bible says that Adam & Eve were both created here on Earth, less than 10,000 years ago. The Quran says that Adam & Eve were created in Heaven, and NOT on Earth. When they disobeyed God, He expelled them from Heaven, down to Earth.
Muslims believe that souls are assigned to humans 40 days after the human inception. The Quran says that angels retrieve human souls on two occasions. One occasion is when humans die. The other occasion is every time humans fall asleep. When humans wakeup, the angels release those souls back to them:
It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that did not die, during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back, but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.
[Holy Quran 39:42]
And Allah has Created every animal from water; of them are some creeping on their bellies; some walk on two legs; and some on four. Allah Creates what He wills: for sure Allah has Power over all things.
[Holy Quran 24:45]
The Quran has set a precedent 14 centuries before modern science, explaining in simple and direct terms about his "creation" of animals and their various functions and then assures us it is He who has the Power over everything. This statement includes the fact Allah can if He Wills, reshape and alter his creation as He Chooses. There is clear evidence within many species of alteration and changes within the species. However, there is no concrete evidence to support a cross over in development from one type to another, such as reptiles turning into birds or alligators turning into cows. The statements made in Quran are quite clear when Allah tells us of having brought forth other life forms and then destroying or replacing them with others. This again, does not imply evolution in the sense of one type becoming or changing into another.
Allah tells us He is Al-Bari, (The Shaper or Evolver) but once again, this does not mean He has a need to bring about each individual life form all from one kind. Actually, while reading the Quran you learn He has brought many types and shapes and sizes as He Wills. Changes within species occur even as quickly as one or two seasons, not even taking a whole year, much less millions as was supposed by Darwin.
Speaking of Charles Darwin, he was only an armature naturalist and had only observed the finches (birds) on the Galapagos Islands for the first time in the mid 1850s. He noticed that on each island the birds had different shaped beaks according to the type of food available on their particular island. For this reason, he assumed, the birds had progressed over millions of years and only the hardiest of the species had survived the climate and vegetation changes. However, this is totally inaccurate and was dismissed as a mere humor in a TV series on the educational channel in October of 1998. According to the scientists’ discoveries in that very same year, the effects of the weather phenomenon known as El Nino, the climate on these same exact islands had drastically changed in a single year within a number of months. And to their surprise, the eggs of the finches on each island hatched open producing birds with beaks already altered to accommodate the changes of their environment.
The commentator even said this shoots Darwin's theory completely down and he laughed.
There is no DNA research pointing to a connection between apes and humans as was supposed by the scientists and those who had financed them over the years. In fact, the barnyard pig is closer to humans in many aspects, than a monkey or a gorilla. Consider the fact, doctors use the skin from pigs to replace needed tissue on burn victims and the famous movie actor, John Wayne had a pig's heart valve installed in his own heart in a 1977 operation to save his life. It worked, too - until his smoking caused him to die of cancer.
The rational approach to the whole subject is rather simple. Just as He is able to Create the universe and bring forth life, it is simple also for Him to produce as many different types of forms of life as He Wills. No problem for Him, after all - He is the Creator and He is the Shaper. And most important, He can change anything as He Wills - even today.

here more info !

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Yeah, you too are full of nonsense, just like eanassir. The Muslim perspective is that the Quran contains all knowledge, so every time any scientific breakthrough is announced there are people who rush to the Quran to find statements that can be interpreted as predicting it. They don't see that if the Quran really predicted it in any meaningful way that wouldn't be necessary, it would have been clear from the beginnning. There's nothing like dogmatic religious certainty for generating folly.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
It says, "Allah is - Al Khaliq" (The Creator)
It also says, "Allah is - Al Bari" (The Evolver)

"Big Bang" - BUSTED!

For the Muslim there is no need for separation between religion and science. It is understood from the Quran, revealed over 1,400 years ago, that there is both; "Creation" and "Evolution." And in both instances, it is only Allah who is "Able to do all things." In fact, it was the Muslim scientists, more than 1,000 years ago, who set the stage for the advancement of learning, technology and disciplines in science that we know today.
Allah has explained how He created everything in the universe and brought all life out of water. He created humans from earth (not monkeys) and there is no need to attempt fabrications of "links" to the animal world in Islam.
The Christian Bible says that Adam & Eve were both created here on Earth, less than 10,000 years ago. The Quran says that Adam & Eve were created in Heaven, and NOT on Earth. When they disobeyed God, He expelled them from Heaven, down to Earth.
Muslims believe that souls are assigned to humans 40 days after the human inception. The Quran says that angels retrieve human souls on two occasions. One occasion is when humans die. The other occasion is every time humans fall asleep. When humans wakeup, the angels release those souls back to them:
It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that did not die, during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back, but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.
[Holy Quran 39:42]
And Allah has Created every animal from water; of them are some creeping on their bellies; some walk on two legs; and some on four. Allah Creates what He wills: for sure Allah has Power over all things.
[Holy Quran 24:45]
The Quran has set a precedent 14 centuries before modern science, explaining in simple and direct terms about his "creation" of animals and their various functions and then assures us it is He who has the Power over everything. This statement includes the fact Allah can if He Wills, reshape and alter his creation as He Chooses. There is clear evidence within many species of alteration and changes within the species. However, there is no concrete evidence to support a cross over in development from one type to another, such as reptiles turning into birds or alligators turning into cows. The statements made in Quran are quite clear when Allah tells us of having brought forth other life forms and then destroying or replacing them with others. This again, does not imply evolution in the sense of one type becoming or changing into another.
Allah tells us He is Al-Bari, (The Shaper or Evolver) but once again, this does not mean He has a need to bring about each individual life form all from one kind. Actually, while reading the Quran you learn He has brought many types and shapes and sizes as He Wills. Changes within species occur even as quickly as one or two seasons, not even taking a whole year, much less millions as was supposed by Darwin.
Speaking of Charles Darwin, he was only an armature naturalist and had only observed the finches (birds) on the Galapagos Islands for the first time in the mid 1850s. He noticed that on each island the birds had different shaped beaks according to the type of food available on their particular island. For this reason, he assumed, the birds had progressed over millions of years and only the hardiest of the species had survived the climate and vegetation changes. However, this is totally inaccurate and was dismissed as a mere humor in a TV series on the educational channel in October of 1998. According to the scientists’ discoveries in that very same year, the effects of the weather phenomenon known as El Nino, the climate on these same exact islands had drastically changed in a single year within a number of months. And to their surprise, the eggs of the finches on each island hatched open producing birds with beaks already altered to accommodate the changes of their environment.
The commentator even said this shoots Darwin's theory completely down and he laughed.
There is no DNA research pointing to a connection between apes and humans as was supposed by the scientists and those who had financed them over the years. In fact, the barnyard pig is closer to humans in many aspects, than a monkey or a gorilla. Consider the fact, doctors use the skin from pigs to replace needed tissue on burn victims and the famous movie actor, John Wayne had a pig's heart valve installed in his own heart in a 1977 operation to save his life. It worked, too - until his smoking caused him to die of cancer.
The rational approach to the whole subject is rather simple. Just as He is able to Create the universe and bring forth life, it is simple also for Him to produce as many different types of forms of life as He Wills. No problem for Him, after all - He is the Creator and He is the Shaper. And most important, He can change anything as He Wills - even today.

here more info !

Well, I'm not muslim, and I say 'HOGWASH'.
No sane, calm, reasonable, intelligent, mature, independent thinking, rationable,
progressive, educated, human being should allow him/herself to be sucked into
such a controlled way of life, where you cannot think for yourself, but instead, you
are emotionally connected to some fantasy god, and are lost in that belief
forever, and never really live a free and earthly life.
I am so so happy that I am not connected to any such thing, and never will be.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Dexter Sinister Okay,

I stand corrected, my apologies for misjudging you, and it was not obvious to me that those books wouldn't be available in China. I know almost nothing about what things are like in China or what sources of information are available to you

Hi Dexter ,If the books are available in China then they would be in Chinese .Though I can communicate in Mandarin verbally ,I can not read the language ;maybe one day .I could probably purchase the books in English "on line" ,but I don't think that I'm that interested in the specific details that the books probably have to offer .Your answer was adequate , Thank You.

I know almost nothing about what things are like in China or what sources of information are available to you.
I hope you have chance to visit this country Dexter ;I am convinced that you would enjoy the visit immensely .If you want any info about getting here ,just ask me .


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
prophet muhammed (pbuh) :- say:-

“Truly amazing is the affair of the believer. His affair only contains good. If he is blessed with good he thanks God and in that there is good. And if he is afflicted with difficulty he patiently endures and in that there is good.” (Sahih Muslim)

Truly amazing is the life of the good. His life only contains good. If he is blessed with good he thanks goodness and in that there is good. And if he is afflicted with suffering he Calmly endures and in that there is good.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Well, I'm not muslim, and I say 'HOGWASH'.
No sane, calm, reasonable, intelligent, mature, independent thinking, rationable,
progressive, educated, human being should allow him/herself to be sucked into
such a controlled way of life, where you cannot think for yourself, but instead, you
are emotionally connected to some fantasy god, and are lost in that belief
forever, and never really live a free and earthly life.
I am so so happy that I am not connected to any such thing, and never will be.

earthly = work for eschatological " finish ''

eschatological = this truth life

are emotionally connected to some fantasy god

why the scientists proselyting to islam ?

If the god just fantasy ,,

why islam dash to religion 1 with the little of powers ?

Since the time of the Prophets to our current day,

the Truth has always been under attack.

Amazing how the Truth continues to grow.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Truly amazing is the life of the good. His life only contains good. If he is blessed with good he thanks goodness and in that there is good. And if he is afflicted with suffering he Calmly endures and in that there is good.

no one good how don't thank for what give him every thing ,

and the create him from nothing ,

and the god swill on much group from created


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
Are you sure you know the truth.
If you know the truth? If you know truth how do you explain killing and breaking gods commandment? You are not of the true god if you kill. It clearly states. Thou Shalt Not Kill


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
no one good how don't thank for what give him every thing ,

and the create him from nothing ,

and the god swill on much group from created

I'm very thankful that I know goodness to the degree I have
I'm very thankful to those who show others true goodness :)
Those who are truly good want everyone to be happy.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
I believe no god just one god he is alive not dying ,

explain word allah in english (( god ))

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

( قل هو الله أحد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[1] Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
[2] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
[3] He beget not, nor is He begotten;
[4] And there is none like unto Him.
Last edited:


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
I believe no god just one god he is alive not dying ,

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All those who work for true goodness are most gracious, most merciful
[1] Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
True Goodness, the one and only.
[2] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
The truth of Good, will remain forever and is permanent
[3] He beget not, nor is He begotten;
Good didn't make us(man) neither was Good generated
[4] And there is none like unto Him.
There is no one on earth that truly understand good. Cause if they did they would never make no one suffer if it is with in their power.

Good is all mighty. It is so powerful. Once you become good you can see truth clearly according to your knowledge. You can see the true good and bad in the world. But if your thoughts are clouded from suffering from wrong doing, then you can not see clearly.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
I'm very thankful that I know goodness to the degree I have
I'm very thankful to those who show others true goodness :)
Those who are truly good want everyone to be happy.

dealing goodness with the people he is good..:smile:

but he don't work with the god angering..:-?

like mirage the thirsty is think it water , :-(

but if human gradely with god ,:smile:

and dealing goodness with the people that is better..:smile:

then the god awarding him what he is good..:smile:


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
dealing goodness with the people he is good..:smile:

but he don't work with the god angering..:-?

like mirage the thirsty is think it water , :-(

but if human gradely with god ,:smile:

and dealing goodness with the people that is better..:smile:

then the god awarding him what he is good..:smile:
We all are or have been guilty of making others suffer in some ways, adding to the over all suffering. Everyone has contributed to it. One action can spread a huge amount of suffering. Even things we do in the name of good can spread suffering. Is this the evil we face, is this the beast. if we can rid ourselves of suffering would we have peace

The more we become good the more clearly we are able to see truth. So if you really want to know the truth give up all that creates suffering. fear, anger, hate, violence, vengeance, war, etc. in your thoughts, words and actions. Those who refuse to give up these things that cause suffering will never be fully at peace in their heart or see truth clearly until they do. Anyone who does give up all the stuff that cause suffering will be at peace in their hearts and see truth clearly. If you create suffering then your heart and thoughts are blurred


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
We all are or have been guilty of making others suffer in some ways, adding to the over all suffering. Everyone has contributed to it. One action can spread a huge amount of suffering. Even things we do in the name of good can spread suffering. Is this the evil we face, is this the beast. if we can rid ourselves of suffering would we have peace

The more we become good the more clearly we are able to see truth. So if you really want to know the truth give up all that creates suffering. fear, anger, hate, violence, vengeance, war, etc. in your thoughts, words and actions. Those who refuse to give up these things that cause suffering will never be fully at peace in their heart or see truth clearly until they do. Anyone who does give up all the stuff that cause suffering will be at peace in their hearts and see truth clearly. If you create suffering then your heart and thoughts are blurred

the peace not can be if we in heart nap ,

the peace not can become If we do not gift we friend the precept

the peace not can become If the god angry on the human ,

the peace not can become If the human was do not fear of god ,

the peace not can become If the strong do not flex to weak ,

the peace not can become If the rich do not donation to the indigent ,

the peace not can become If the human hurt the are next-door neighbour him

the peace not can become If the human read news lying to others

the peace not can become If the human helping strong on weakling

the peace not can become If the human do not regale he is guest

the peace not can become If the human was lying

the peace not can become If the human was big-nosed

then If we do not help broken , the god sent we to hell ,,

this life not the end, it is the start


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
the peace not can be if we in heart nap ,
If your heart is truly of peace then your heart is happy cause you know it will spread to others :) Not in your time but in good or Gods time. We can not control others we can only control ourselves.
the peace not can become If we do not gift we friend the precept
If you use violence you give your friend the precept you are not of good or God. If you want your friend to see your precept of good or God then you must be truly of good or God so your actions show your precept. Your deeds will be shown in your work.
the peace not can become If the god angry on the human ,
God is not angry. God is never angry. Only man is angry. True good or God is only of love, peace, happiness, kindness, respect, truth, understanding, forgiveness.
the peace not can become If the human was do not fear of god ,
True good or God does not cause fear. Fear leads to suffering, anger, hate, violence, vengeance, war, etc. and that is not of good or God
the peace not can become If the strong do not flex to weak ,
If the strong flex the weak they cause suffering to the weak which leads to suffering, anger, hate, violence, etc. This does not lead to good or God. It leads away from good or God.
the peace not can become If the rich do not donation to the indigent ,
How can the rich donate to the indigent when the indigent want to destroy other ways of life.
the peace not can become If the human hurt the are next-door neighbour him
Prove to the next door neighbor that hurting is not of good or God. and leads to suffering.
the peace not can become If the human read news lying to others
Prove that their words are lies, speak your truth quietly and clearly and you tell the truth at all times to set a good example. They must answer to good or God.
the peace not can become If the human helping strong on weakling
Violence generates violence and is not the way of true good or God.
the peace not can become If the human do not regale he is guest
If you want someone to learn then speak your truth quietly and clearly.
the peace not can become If the human was lying
If they are lying then state they are and let good or God deal with it.
the peace not can become If the human was big-nosed

then If we do not help broken , the god sent we to hell ,
If you really want to truly help then show them the way of true good or God by following his rules precisely. Do not take good or Gods name in vain by killing and then saying you are of good or God. to force good or God on them is not his way, his way is to give free will and let them come to good or God in their own way. :( This is not of good or God :( If your way is the true way and brings true happiness then the good will see that and also want it. But if your way causes suffering then people see that and will not want it.
this life not the end, it is the start
From all that I have seen it seems there could be something after this life. Like reincarnation, if this is true we will not have a place to reincarnate to if we destroy our planet. I know the planet is strong but how much pounding can it take.

Why do you fear the other ways, if your way is the true way it will remain. If any of your ways cause suffering then they must be changed because they are not the way of true good or God.