Gunman opens fire at U.S. church, kills two

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
See, I could respond with something childish as well, but I'd like to ..... you know..... stay on topic? :roll:

Yes, Pax ... I know you could respond with something childish.... And frankly I don't expect anything better of you. Stay on topic? You mean agree with you? The world doesn't work that way ... not even in here on your PC. Switch channels if you feel the urge to control.

And if you want to start pushing things to the next level with petty insults by calling me a jerk, don't think I'll hessitate to follow.....

Um ... who was it who used "jerk extraordinaire" as a descriptor?
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Actually i'd say the opposite.

Individuals rights must be respected against societal wants.

They wouldn't be rights if they only had meaning when people felt like it. The Jim Crow laws are a perfect example of why a right is meaningless if public opinions change them at whim.

This is another great example. There are a lot of rights that many think are outdated. There are also rights that have been interpeted by the judicial system. The rights of minority view must be protected as Zzarch points out. Individual rights must be protected.

For example...burning the American flag makes me angry. But it is protected by the Freedom of Speech. Do I want to make a Constitutional Ammendment banning flag burning? Of course not...some do...but I think it goes to far.

Lots of folks say that the rights of American citizens are being taken away. I disagree. A lot of folks that are saying that are taking the side of the opposition here saying that the right to bear arms NEEDS to be taking away from US Citizens.

What makes them any better than the ones they accuse of trampling on our Constitution?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Then the individual shouldn't live in societies. The whole idea behind societies is to benefit the mass, not the individual.

Well that is why the Constitution was called the great experiment when it was first derived. The Constitution was written not only for the masses but also to protect the rights of individuals. That is why a single person can go to a town meeting and say...

"Every year the town sets up a manger on town property. I feel offended and I do not want that set up this year."

Town after town has been taking to court over the years and have been forced by a judge to take down these displays much to the anger of the majority because of the Constitution protection of individuls.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The guy still has a better chance at living afterwards from his injuries then he would with a bullet bouncing back and forth inside their body, destroying organs, tissue and bone.

Does he? So a knife doesn't slash internal organs. It is all about the level of injury that guns should be banned?

Then get used to me posting more articles of mass shootings in the US as they occur and the message that you guys still won't do anything about them, except to just accept it as a reality of your everyday life. Disagree all you like... it doesn't remove the fact that you guys have the worst level of gun related crimes in all of the developed countries.

Go ahead. Post all you want. What good will it do? Will it make you feel happy? Post all day.

It could be a zoo for all I care, there's no need for the level of lax gun control in that State.

Once again it was a criminal act. There are many people who own guns who do not commit crimes.

That's all well and good, but it does nothing to prevent a crime from happening.... all of those things are punishments after the fact, when most caught alive don't care, or they shoot themselves before getting caught.

The same with any crime. We have plenty of laws that are on the books that say this or that is illegal.

As I have said thousands of times already and I'll say it again, I'm not for the total removal of firearms... what I am for is some kind of regulation and checkup on people prior to handing them a weapon. If they fail a written mental evaluation or pose a risk to others if given a firearm, either they can seek further training and help to address those issues, or don't give them a gun in the first place.

In my state we have to jump through hoops to get a gun license. Massachusetts also has a law that gives the Chief of Police the right to deny ANY handgun license. Our town Chief denies every one and to get one you basically have to take him in front of a judge and then if you take him that far he will allow it after you explain the reasons why. But he STILL makes you do that before he grants permission. I have a Civil War era musket and to purchase that I had to get finger printed, photo taken, get a back ground check and then I was able to buy a license. Now what else would you like me to do?

The right to bear arms was geared for people of sound mind I would imagine, who are capable of defending the constitution and the State.... it wouldn't be wise to hand weapons to someone in a hospital of the criminally insane, so why would it hurt to check people first to make sure they don't belong there before you toss them a gun?

Agreed that is why some criminals and all convicted felons are denied the right to bear arms.

Hell, you're allowed to fly in planes and travel the world, but you're still screeened from head to toe when entering the Airport to make sure you're not a threat to others..... same goes for vehicles.... you are tested prior to be given what you are tested for.

I had to take a gun safety course as well.

I would probably have a bit more ease of mind if I knew the people around me who have the right to carry their firearms, were properly checked, trained and screened before hand.

Yes, I and many other people are well aware that this won't remove gun related violence all together.... nothing can remove anything all together no matter what you're talking about.

But that doesn't mean you can't at least try and reduce it..... and if one or two extra people lived because of such regulations, then it'd be worth it if you ask me.

Laws are in place to do that. Some states have different laws but that is where states rights comes into play. Their are federal gun laws that all states have to adhere to.


May 24, 2006
I'm inclined to believe it's the deranged control freak on the trigger (or the steering wheel) who kills. The gun, the car, the knife, the bludgeon, the big mouth.... They're just tools
I agree with you, but what other use does a gun have?????
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House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Here, I'll make it a bit more simpler for you:

"While it's so easy to go off course when discussing something, we ask that you try to keep it to a minimum. While it's ok to make a quick remark that's off topic in the thread, we ask that you keep it as a secondary point to your reply post. Feel free to create a new thread if you want to discuss something else, but try to keep people's threads clean and ontopic."
.. Andem

My comments starting this thread wasn't about "Oh poor people getting shot" it was directly towards how often this sort of thing continually happens, why and how to prevent it. If you couldn't figure this out on your own in post #1, then you clearly haven't seen the slew of other threads I have started to do this to in older examples, only for it to be side-tracked to something totally different, very much like what you are trying to do.

The thread never began until I started it and I created it.... get your sh*t together will you.

You can't create a thread about a tragedy, then derail it to talk about how Gun Ownership may be linked to the tragedy (it isn't), and then throw a fit when someone points out how gun ownership is a strawman arguement and points out examples of why.

Topic drift, the topic was on the tragedy, you made a logical and straight forward connection to gun ownership, and from that shifted the thread to debating gun ownership. Now people are bringing up the ownership of other dangerous items.

The ownership of cars is related to the topic of if guns would stop these kinds of tragedies. Thus the important point is if you banned guns would this guy have rammed a car through the front of the church?

Would banning guns do anything useful?


May 24, 2006
Ever had a rapid animal living under your deck? Going under there with a knife isn't really that good of an idea.
Ever hear of animal control, or don't they exist in your neck of the woods.
And I didn't know fast animals were a problem... :smile:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
:p yes, fast and ornery.

And calling Animal control is great if you wanna wait an hour or two, or more, assuming they come today at all.

Then they can charge you money for them taking the animal and shooting it. Which is great, cause now they can shoot your dog too that it was bit while you were waiting all day.

Im not sure about anymore, but I know they used to send you a bill for the visit anyway.

The solution to gun ownership is simple:

If you don't think you can be trusted with a gun, don't buy one.


May 24, 2006
:p yes, fast and ornery.

And calling Animal control is great if you wanna wait an hour or two, or more, assuming they come today at all.

Then they can charge you money for them taking the animal and shooting it. Which is great, cause now they can shoot your dog too that it was bit while you were waiting all day.

Im not sure about anymore, but I know they used to send you a bill for the visit anyway.

The solution to gun ownership is simple:

If you don't think you can be trusted with a gun, don't buy one.
Better solution: don't sell guns....


Jan 6, 2007
You can't create a thread about a tragedy, then derail it to talk about how Gun Ownership may be linked to the tragedy (it isn't), and then throw a fit when someone points out how gun ownership is a strawman arguement and points out examples of why.

Topic drift, the topic was on the tragedy...

To be fair Zz, if you look at the opening post, he quoted the article, and then struck up discussion on how frequent these sorts of shootings are in the US. The topic was about shootings in general. Gun control is an inseparable debate from that issue.
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May 24, 2006
A pair of duelling pistols and the rifle I had to shoot my dog with? What type of gun are we talking?
I assumed you were talking about antiques, non workable, if you have them on display.... Sounds like you are breaking the law if they can shoot and are not locked up...


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Yes, Pax ... I know you could respond with something childish.... And frankly I don't expect anything better of you. Stay on topic? You mean agree with you? The world doesn't work that way ... not even in here on your PC. Switch channels if you feel the urge to control.

Oh goodie, there you go with your wonderful moments where you try and shove more words into people's mouths. If you can't read and properly understand what is being said, then I don't what can be done for you.

I never said people have to agree with me... I mentioned that I wasn't going to start delving into what I or anybody else did in another forum, because it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.... even more so then cars.

Um ... who was it who used "jerk extraordinaire" as a descriptor?

Deal with it.