Your post is entirely nonsense.
In the first sentence, you tell Charshine she's absolutely right, in the second you refute the entire essence of her post..............HUH?
She's absolutely right, he is a 72 year old warmonger bastard
She is arguing that the USA is not a democracy, that the Democrats can't may be right about the turnout for Obama (if he wins the nomination).....but that would be a bad thing for Canada......and perhaps the world.
That is only your republican opinion, it's a free world, to think what you want.
We need someone as leader of the most powerful nation on earth that believes in western institutions and principles, that has some backbone, and thaty will, when necessary, carry the fight to our enemies.
Yeah, you belong on the side of McCain, I don't like that attitude, and don't agree with it, it takes more than
threats and muscle flexing to be a leader.
Besides protectionism (VERY bad for Canada) I don't know WHAT Oobama believes in......
I know he talked about attacking Taliban and Al-Queda bases in Pakistan....I almost liked him for a minute......
but a platform? Not really
You almost like him when he talked about attacking someone? Hilarious.
ALL hat NO cattle, as they say in the west
Glib little texan expression, means nothing in the real world.