Kandahar: Deadliest Attack since 2001


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Then you haven't been paying attention. They're both cogs of the Muslim Brotherhood.



Something a little closer to home:


Like I said, it's world wide and it's not gonna go away just by us leaving the middle east. This war was brought to us. Better get used to it.

Edit: Here's another good one:


yee haw...... and the MB is a cog of what greater evil organization?:roll:

fraid the articles don't prove your point as to the Taliban being a terrorist organisation working outside of Afghanistan.

Fear mongering at it's best....unless of course you can read and have half decent comprehension skills.

Many moderate Muslims in America are uncomfortable with the views preached at mosques influenced by the Brotherhood, scholars say. Those experts point to a 2001 study sponsored by four Muslim advocacy and religious groups that found that only a third of U.S. Muslims attend mosques.

In suburban Bridgeview, Ill., some moderates say they quit attending the Mosque Foundation because the leadership became too conservative and dominated by Brotherhood members.

This would make the MB not too much more dangerous than the Aryan Nation boys. Both have the same basic objectives....one to create a world wide Muslim society, and the other to create a world wide Christian society. Both are nut jobs. Neither will garner enough support to win their ends.

A little word of advice....bombing the crap out of the Muslim world/nations will not garner sympathy from the moderates and in fact will increase the number of "recruits" to the extremist side. But what the hell eh....... you'll be proven right with your fear mongering. It's called a self fulfilling prophesy.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
yee haw...... and the MB is a cog of what greater evil organization?:roll:

fraid the articles don't prove your point as to the Taliban being a terrorist organisation working outside of Afghanistan.

Fear mongering at it's best....

Uh huh. And you're questioning my reading comprehension skills. That's downright funny. :p

This would make the MB not too much more dangerous than the Aryan Nation boys. Both have the same basic objectives....one to create a world wide Muslim society, and the other to create a world wide Christian society. Both are nut jobs. Neither will garner enough support to win their ends.

So the Aryan Nation boys aren't dangerous. That's a load off.

A little word of advice....bombing the crap out of the Muslim world/nations will not garner sympathy from the moderates and in fact will increase the number of "recruits" to the extremist side.

Maybe so. But the vast majority of the crap being bombed is being bombed by Jihadi bombs. Maybe you should go explain that to them. Let them know that blowing up their own people isn't winning them any support. Maybe they'll listen to you.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
More Afghan civilians have been killed by Bush than were killed in 9/11
I don't need to take apart your link to say your right....and wrong.
I can't find an exact number of how many Afghani nationals that were present in the towers on 9/11. But I would surmise that more have died in the attacks perpetrated by foreign national insurgents then have been directly killed by Bush.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I don't need to take apart your link to say your right....and wrong.
I can't find an exact number of how many Afghani nationals that were present in the towers on 9/11. But I would surmise that more have died in the attacks perpetrated by foreign national insurgents then have been directly killed by Bush.

People also like to forget that there were over a million Afghan refugees living mostly along the border in Pakistan before the war. Why was that? I guess we're to believe they were fleeing the peace and tranquility that was Afghanistan before Nov. 2001. :lol:

Now that the country has been ravaged by Bush they've decided to come home.

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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
People also like to forget that there were over a million Afghan refugees living mostly along the border in Pakistan before the war. Why was that? I guess we're to believe they were fleeing the peace and tranquility that was Afghanistan before Nov. 2001. :lol:

Now that the country has been ravaged by Bush they've decided to come home.

Go figure eh!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
People also like to forget that there were over a million Afghan refugees living mostly along the border in Pakistan before the war. Why was that? I guess we're to believe they were fleeing the peace and tranquility that was Afghanistan before Nov. 2001. :lol:

Now that the country has been ravaged by Bush they've decided to come home.


Thank you.

I knew that, but keep forgetting to use it.

Not that it matters.....to Gopher et al they are just dupes of Bush.....idiot believers in his war........


House Member
Aug 28, 2006

If you know of a peaceful solution (thats peaceful for everyone, not just us in a Selfish manner) let me know.

But its a logical fallacy to assume that because you don't like death and destruction there are not others who do.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Another deadly suicide bombing apparently aimed at the Canadians, but killed civilians instead. The reports are somewhat conflicting yet.
The Taliban is claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing that targeted a convoy of Canadian soldiers but killed 37 Afghan civilians.
Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmad, when asked about civilian casualties, claimed that 10 foreign soldiers and a "large number of police" had been killed in the attack.

Globe and Mail correspondent Graeme Smith told Canada AM by telephone that suicide bombings in Afghanistan generally kill a disproportionate number of civilians. "And that's what we saw again today. The Canadians are very well protected inside their armoured vehicles, but the civilians of course take the brunt of it," he said.

The Canadian military will only say a convoy was in the area and that no Canadians were killed.
Read full report here: http://tinyurl.com/2ay482
IF... 10 Canadians got killed today as one eyewitness seems to know, that, I think, could add considerable fire to the debate of whether to pull out or stay.

Colpy, you mentioned Jack Layton being an idiot for wanting our troops to pull out. Sorry, I can't follow your logic! I too, am for getting out of there! Canada should keep its nose clean!!!
Peace-keeping; rebuilding?.. YES! Fighting and killing someone who is not our enemy?... NO!!!

We got ourselves suckered into America's war, a war with no end! Our Big Brass, for their own selfish reasons, are ever so willing to sacrifice our sons and daughters for a false reason.... to free the poor, helpless, backwards, uneducated ordinary Afghan people. It does not matter if 100s of thousands get killed in the process... to them it is still worth it!! Why don't you, Colpy and like-minded, lift a stone or look behind the corners for the REAL reason of this war!!

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
lift a stone or look behind the corners for the REAL reason of this war!!

I have done, and the real reason is clear. It is Jihad, plain and simple. It is worldwide. It is NOT America's war. Leaving Afghanistan will not immunize us from it's consequences.

Just look at what's going on in Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. etc. etc. These places all have absolutely nothing to do with bush, nothing to do with American foreign policy, yet still they suffer at the hands of the Jihadi's. Still, we have analytical geniuses who say Bin Laden et al are no different than Pat Robertson et al. My God. To call this America's war is grossly uninformed, at best.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
This is what puzzles me:

Of those who have no trouble believing that corporate interests would pull America into a worldwide imperial war of conquest to maintain their hold on power,

None seem willing to even contemplate that religious interests would pull Muslim nations into a worldwide imperial war of conquest to maintain THEIR hold on power.

So what, you can only be evil if you're white and judeo-christian?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
I have done, and the real reason is clear. It is Jihad, plain and simple. It is worldwide. It is NOT America's war. Leaving Afghanistan will not immunize us from it's consequences.

Just look at what's going on in Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. etc. etc. These places all have absolutely nothing to do with bush, nothing to do with American foreign policy, yet still they suffer at the hands of the Jihadi's. Still, we have analytical geniuses who say Bin Laden et al are no different than Pat Robertson et al. My God. To call this America's war is grossly uninformed, at best.
Sorry, to be so uninformed, but I read plenty of reports and other informed people's opinion on which I formed my own understanding and view of things. I simply cannot believe in fairy tales.... the official version, of the war in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq.

The Taliban are being thoroughly demonized to fit as the sole purpose and justification for us to be there and kill them!!! They are presently the absolute evil the world has known, right behind the Nazis!! It is their crazy religion that inspires them to go after us and our culture! There is no other reason! Period!! Their earnest ambition is to control the world... take over!!! But, thank God, the Americans recognized this evil and are sacrificing themselves to save the world and us, from these ....(fill blank with any hateful words of your liking!)beings!
WE, the Americans and their willing partners, are the most benevolent, peace-loving and selfless nations on Earth! Our pure Christian Religion teaches us to go to Afghanistan, Irak and countless other countries and bomb, maim, torture, degrade, control and most certainly kill those savages by the thousands, no....by the MILIONS!
Only our God is a just and fair-minded God! He abhorres their killings but is very happy and pleased when we kill! (Sarcasm: Off!)

Such is the fairy tale we are supposed to believe!:roll: Mass stupification, that's what it is!!
My humble opinion!;-)

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
The Taliban are being thoroughly demonized to fit as the sole purpose and justification for us to be there and kill them!!!

They're doing a fine job of demonizing themselves, they don't need any help. You must have missed the part about the million Afghan refugees living in squalor in Pakistan, who are home now. You must have missed all the reports of beheadings, burning down of schools, kidnappings, and bombing of innocents....over 100 dead in just the last couple of days. You must have missed the part about shop keepers being threatened and actually killed for the crime of selling music, you must have missed the part about barbers being threatened with death for shaving beards.

Did your informed people address any of that? Or are they of the opinion that Bush did it?

They are presently the absolute evil the world has known, right behind the Nazis!! It is their crazy religion that inspires them to go after us and our culture! There is no other reason! Period!! Their earnest ambition is to control the world... take over!!!

No need for the sarcasm switch there. That about sums it up.

But, thank God, the Americans recognized this evil and are sacrificing themselves to save the world and us, from these ....(fill blank with any hateful words of your liking!)beings!

Not yet, but they're slowly starting to come around. For the most part they (we) still think like you do, that we're just fighting a gang of rogue bandits, a tiny minority of extremists. Most people don't realize that WW3 is well under way.

WE, the Americans and their willing partners, are the most benevolent, peace-loving and selfless nations on Earth!

Actually, the west is very generous and peace loving. You may disagree, but for all it's imperfections, I happen to think we live in a culture worth defending.

Our pure Christian Religion teaches us to go to Afghanistan, Irak and countless other countries and bomb, maim, torture, degrade, control and most certainly kill those savages by the thousands, no....by the MILIONS!

You mean like Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. etc. etc.

O wait, I forgot, we're ignoring those places. Too many inconvenient truths.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Just facts,
we sure have different opinions, ....one of the main ingredients for a lively debate.

I could not possibly read all your different links, but it should suffice to note that you are of the opinion the Muslims (Taliban, al Qaida etc.) are for no reason deciding to take over the world, right? I quote a tiny paragraph from one of your articles:
International Islamic scholars gathered in Chicago, Illinois, USA February 26th ñ 28th 2000 to share new methods and strategies of spreading the message of Islam and stopping the Zionist domination that has spread throughout the globe.
The Zionist domination has been on the way for a long time, recently even Hitler sought to stop them.
What is wrong with the Muslims to try and oppose them?

Then there has been the global colonialisation and Empire status achievement by the British.
Now the British Empire has been replaced by the American Empire which tries hard to dominate especially the oil rich regions, mainly Muslim Land. Their superior military might makes mince meat out of any State that doesn't voluntarily co-operate or declares itself a friend.
How can anyone blame the Muslims to put up resistance which ever way they can?

Look at this list of wars the Americans have been involved in since 1945:

Doesn't that tell you something? You must always look behind the BS the masses get fed, and look at the larger picture. Search around and engage your thinking apparatus.;-):smile:
Remember, in every war the first victim is the truth!!

I see the Muslims as defending themselves against Western domination, and they use all means available to them, for which I can't blame them, because we are not one iota better!!


Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I see the Muslims as defending themselves against Western domination, and they use all means available to them, for which I can't blame them, because we are not one iota better!!

That doesn't really hold up though. You can almost make a credible case. I don't think a winning case, but at least a credible case to support that position.... if it wasn't for Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. etc. etc.

You keep ignoring those. What of the two million Christians killed in southern Sudan in the past twnty years? What do they have to do with defending Muslim lands? What of the threats against Bangladeshi's who don't conform to Islamist's demands? What do they have to do with defending Muslim lands? What of the Buddhists being butchered in Thailand? What do they have to do with defending Muslim lands? Why are Christians under siege in Bethlehem itself of all places? What do they have to do with defending Muslim lands? What of all the teror in India directed at Hindus? What do they have to do with defending Muslim lands?

It's really not controversial. Just ask the terrorists themselves. They're not shy about it. They'll tell you flat out what their motivation is. There are interviews and speeches by Islamist leaders all over the web, just google it, I won't even bother to find you links because they're all over the place, you'll have no trouble finding them.

The defending Muslim lands argument only works in a microcosm. It's a ruse. When you look at the big picture, gather ALL the facts, that argument falls to pieces, and you see that in fact the Islamists are the aggressors.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Colpy said:
Thank you.

I knew that, but keep forgetting to use it.

Not that it matters.....to Gopher et al they are just dupes of Bush.....idiot believers in his war........

And there are three million refugees from Bush's war on Iraq all over the Middle East and Central Asia. I suppose we can blame this on Clinton and even on poor little old Gopher.



House Member
Oct 8, 2007
hey dancing loon!

while the forum's radical right wingers bemoan the presence of Afghan refugees, they forget that it was the CIA that created al-Qaeda and that it was their hero Reagan who called Osama bin Laden a ''freedom fighter'':

Thank you, Gopher... a good article. I knew already a little about the CIA's involvement. Here is an interview with Brzezinski, Carters adviser at the time.
The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan

Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski,
President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser

Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 15-21 January 1998
Posted at globalresearch.ca 15 October 2001

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs ["From the Shadows"], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?
Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.
Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?
B: It isn't quite that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.
Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn't believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don't regret anything today?
B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.
Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?
B: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?
Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.
B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.
Just the Facts, I hope you will read it!;-)