Recent gaffes surrounding the military transfer of Afghan detainees shows how badly the Harper government is mishandling the Afghanistan war, Deputy Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says.
Afghanistan is the most important thing Canada has done in 50 years, and he's not leading," he said. "The prime minister has to act like a prime minister, and not like a partisan leader on this issue of Afghanistan."
How do you as Canadians feel about the detainee issue? Should the Government have been more open and honest with Canadians? We are paying for that war! We want to know what is going on, so we can scream HALT if necessary!
I do believe we, the public, are being bamboozeled by the Harper Government, because they know how unpopular our involvement in Afghanistan here at home is.
After Manley's report there are still 37% who favur a troop withdrawal.
What I wonder is, where do those captured detainees go now? To here?
Afghanistan is the most important thing Canada has done in 50 years, and he's not leading," he said. "The prime minister has to act like a prime minister, and not like a partisan leader on this issue of Afghanistan."
How do you as Canadians feel about the detainee issue? Should the Government have been more open and honest with Canadians? We are paying for that war! We want to know what is going on, so we can scream HALT if necessary!
I do believe we, the public, are being bamboozeled by the Harper Government, because they know how unpopular our involvement in Afghanistan here at home is.
After Manley's report there are still 37% who favur a troop withdrawal.
What I wonder is, where do those captured detainees go now? To here?