I keep forgetting how young you are. I lived through it, and if I'd known you wanted names and records I would have kept notes. But you weren't around to tell me so I didn't. I actually believed that one; it was before I learned not to worry about all the dire predictions of approaching calamity. Thankfully, the environmental movement had very little influence on government at that time so we were spared the kind of international mass hysteria we're subjected to now.Have you ever actually investigated who said what back in the 1970's? The National Academy of Science said there was very little evidence to support an oncoming ice age. Rasool is the author most often cited, but his study said nothing about impending ice age, instead he made a prediction about what would happen if aerosol levels increased by a magnitude of between 6 and 8.
Let me get this straight; you seriously don't believe we're going to have another ice age? You really think that this natural recurring pattern has suddenly ceased? And what would be the reason it won't happen again? As for the causes, apparently it has to do with variations of the earth's orbit, axial tilt, axial wobble, planetary alignment. I'm not going to lay it all out for you, you know that it's real, it's happened in the past and will happen again. It's only a matter of when. If anthropogenic forcing was real, yes it most definitely will overpower it. Look at that graph. What the warming alarmists are worried about is a return to the same temperatures as the Holocene optimum about 7000 years ago, a 2 degree increase, while ice ages have a decrease of 15 degrees, 40 in the higher latitudes. Nothing we could do to warm the planet in our worst nightmares could affect that. Besides, check the duration of the glaciation compared to the optimums. If we burned all our fossil fuels at maximum, how long would it last? 500 years? We'd just be getting into the cooling when we ran out. And again, if you'd let me know 20 years ago that you wanted to know which scientists were warning I'd have kept notes.Try finding any other studies that claim an ice age is pending Extra. It seems you've been told there are many, or perhaps you read them. I'd like to read them.
The pattern is in the kyr scale. Simply looking at the patterns and saying it looks like we're due for an ice age will not suffice. Have you found the empirical evidence of forcing changes which brought about the ice ages? Is it large enough to overpower the anthropogenic forcing? Where is the evidence Extra? Which scientists have been warning for years?
You're in denial, Ton. Whether or not there is an ice age is irrelevant to the current debate over AGW. It is a certainty, and when it comes it will overwhelm anything we can do.