GW exists; not AGW.for you radical right wingers who continually say there is no truth to this idea of global warming,
Climate alarmism hits a brick wall
The success of the major Anglosphere nations at last week's United Nations climate conference in Bali marks the beginning of the end of the age of climate hysteria. It also symbolizes a significant shift of political leadership in international climate diplomacy from the once-dominating European continent to North America and its Western allies.
This power shift has perhaps never been more transparent and dramatic than in Bali, when Australia's Labour government, under the newly elected Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, announced a complete U-turn on the thorny issue of mandatory carbon dioxide emissions targets. Only days after Australia's delegation had backed Europe's demand for a 25% to 40% cut in emission by 2020, Mr. Rudd declared (his signature under the Kyoto Protocol wasn't even dry) that his government would not support such targets after all.
Indeed, Australia's position hardened further when Trade Minister Simon Crean announced that developing countries like China and India would have to accept tough binding emissions targets before Australia would ever agree to any post-Kyoto agreement beyond 2012.
Similar stipulations were made by Canada and Japan. Surprisingly, even the British government appeared to deviate from the European Union position when Britain's Trade and Development Minister, Gareth Thomas, told the BBC that developing countries would also be required to accept targets for CO2 emissions.
Rather than being isolated, the decision by the United States and Canada to take the lead in international energy and climate diplomacy appears to have galvanized key allies, who are gradually rallying around a much tougher stance vis-a-vis China and India.
In Bali, the Anglosphere nations have in effect drawn a red line in the sand: Unless developing countries agree to mandatory emissions cuts themselves, much of the Western world will henceforth reject any unilateral burden imposed by future climate deals.
As a consequence, the so-called Bali road map adopted last Saturday has shifted the pressure further on to developing nations to share responsibility for CO2 emissions, a move that is widely regarded as a significant departure from the Kyoto Protocol.
For the first time, there are now firm demands for developing nations to tackle CO2 emissions by taking "actions in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable" way. There can be little doubt that the words adopted in Bali herald increasing pressure on China and India to accept mandatory emissions targets.
Australia's public endorsement of this line of attack attests to the fact that the West's climate strategy no longer depends on party politics. Nobody has made this new reality more obvious in recent days than Democratic U.S. Senator John Kerry. Speaking to reporters at the Bali meeting, he notified the international community that a rejection by China and other emerging economies to cut their own greenhouse gases would make it almost impossible for any U.S. administration to get a new global climate treaty through the U.S. Senate -- "even under a Democratic president."
Yet, neither China nor India will be able to agree to any emissions cuts in the foreseeable future. While their CO2 emissions are expected to rise rapidly over the next 20 to 30 years, there is simply nothing in the world of alternative energy or clean technology existing today that has the capacity to arrest this upwards trend. Any forceful attempts, on the other hand, to rein in the dramatically rising energy consumption in almost all of Asia would, inescapably, trigger economic turmoil, social disorder and political chaos.
In Bali, more than perhaps ever before, climate alarmism has finally hit the solid brick wall of political reality. It's a reality that won't go away or be changed any time soon. After more than 20 years of green ascendancy on the world stage, green politicians and climate campaigners are for the first time faced with a conundrum that looks as impenetrable as squaring the circle.
Reflecting on this predicament and the results of the Bali conference, Germany's former foreign secretary, my old friend Joschka Fischer, declared that nothing short of divine intervention would be required to reach a post-Kyoto agreement by 2009, in face of insurmountable obstacles.
"Perhaps something will happen in the meantime, something that does not normally happen in politics, namely a small miracle. After all, given past experiences, one must fear that international climate policy won't probably advance without the direct intervention of higher powers."
That Europe's most famous and most eminent green politician is prepared and desperate enough to publicly call for heavenly support is a strong indication that the age of climate alarmism is now being gradually replaced by fatalism. That's what the encounter with a brick wall tends to do to hot-heads. One can only hope that a period of sobering up from green dreams and delusions will provide political leaders with the prerequisite for a realistic, pragmatic and most of all a manageable approach to climate change.
for you radical right wingers who continually say there is no truth to this idea of global warming, why do you suppose it has been given so much credence by the UN, the majority of nations world wide, and by so many in the science community?
ok people, Missing the point:
1.) observable proof the earth is warming (which you admit freely is true) is the Northern Passage is OPEN.
2.) Regardless of WHY the earth is warming and if its your fault or not, it is warming.
3.) A warmer earth, without any preparations for it will lead to mass civilian deaths around the world (shifting cities inland from the coast, irrigating farm land further north so we don't just suddenly run out of food, it takes lead time to get the infrastructure in place)
4.) Even if we didnt' cause it, we know exactly how to slow and or reverse it. We know how to cause global cooling if we wanted to.
So we know we have a problem (you admited this), we know how serious it is, we know how to fix it.
All of the complaining is on who's fault it is, which is slowing down the process (I'd imagine because they would be the ones stuck with the bill).
Fix the problem first, assign blame and liability after. This is literally like watching people whine about who is at fault in the car crash, before they bother dragging themselves out of the burning car.
ok people, Missing the point:
"Earth is warming if you measure from 30 years ago. Or from 200 years ago. Or from 16,000 years ago. Earth is cooling if you measure from 900 years ago, or from 1000 years ago, or from 2000 years ago, or from 8000 years ago, or from 400,000 years ago, or from millions of years ago.1.) observable proof the earth is warming (which you admit freely is true) is the Northern Passage is OPEN.
As pointed out, it depends where you measure from.2.) Regardless of WHY the earth is warming and if its your fault or not, it is warming.
BS! Warmer earth was much better for humanity in the past. Only nut-bars really think the coasts will flood, all scientists know better. And warmer climate means more food production, less famine and disease. That's already been proved by history.3.) A warmer earth, without any preparations for it will lead to mass civilian deaths around the world (shifting cities inland from the coast, irrigating farm land further north so we don't just suddenly run out of food, it takes lead time to get the infrastructure in place)
I asked you this before: You know how to cause global cooling??? Please tell, because no-one else does.4.) Even if we didnt' cause it, we know exactly how to slow and or reverse it. We know how to cause global cooling if we wanted to.
The only problem is the unending gullibility of the human mind, and no, there is no fix for that.So we know we have a problem (you admited this), we know how serious it is, we know how to fix it.
It's just a wealth transfer. Open your eyes!All of the complaining is on who's fault it is, which is slowing down the process (I'd imagine because they would be the ones stuck with the bill).
Fix the problem first, assign blame and liability after. This is literally like watching people whine about who is at fault in the car crash, before they bother dragging themselves out of the burning car.
Yes, even warmer. It's well known historical fact.Yar.... now answer this question... did the Earth warm in the past like this... say back in the middle ages?
Yes, in the 1930's when the temps were as warm as now it was open, as well as at the end of the 19th century, and the arctic was also known to be open just before the historical "little ice age". Also well known historical fact.Has the Northern Passage open in the past?
Scientists have proven that the earth has warmed and cooled many times in the past, for millions of years.You and I can not say that the N.Passage never opened before, nor can we say for sure that the Earth never warmed like this in the past and then cooled. These scientists are jumping to conclusions in which they can not prove.
Nonsense. Ice ages are a natural recurring fluctuation, and scientists have been warning for decades that we're due, if not overdue for another one. And there's nothing we can do except prepare for it. Of course, for the last few years we haven't heard that anymore because of the frenzy over "global warming".Also there are additional studies stating that if the sea levels do rise, it will thus reduce our global tempratures, cause larger Hurricanes, which in turn would be an ample enviroment to begin the next ice age.... so while we're all scattering around worrying about what to do with global warming.... if the other possibility occurs of an Ice Age... then we're really more screwed then before.
Hey, you're right about that. Climate is an immensely complex system, and trying to control it by adjusting one tiny element of it is impossible. We know that from past meddling in complex systems, but some people just won't learn.....That is if we want to..... who is to say we have that right to start further screwing with the enviroment because we think we know best? We don't.
Never heard of that one. Not possible, the streams won't absorb it. There is talk of sequestering it deep underground, which would work. And it would also work if it was pumped deep into the ocean, where pressure and cold would turn it to solid form (dry ice) which is heavier than water, and it would sink to the bottom and never be released. But it would make no difference to climate anyway.Anybody here about the lame ass idea of filtering CO2 into rivers and streams which disapate into the Oceans, therefore reducing the ammount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Yeah, that's a smooth ass plan, remove it from one area, and shove it somewhere else so that nobody notices again for another couple of decades, meanwhile killing off sea life and altering the envrionment in the oceans... that's a great idea.
That is so very true. Glad to see you're facing reality honestly.Honestly, there isn't one thing we can do if Global Warming is real.... There isn't a thing we can do if it's Climate Change....
Well, thermonuclear war could do us in. But global warming won't. Global cooling would be a disaster, but we've survived that before, albeit with major destruction and loss of life.the process is already in motion and we're about to ride the big wave as a species. We have lived our lives for so many centuries, so many generations thinking we're so important and the world is for us to take and change as we see fit, and even when we're faced with the concept that our own actions may cause most of our species' destruction, we still think we can do something at the last minute to prevent what we may or may not have created....
The only thing that is going to destroy humanity is our own egos.