There is only one constant in life: things will change.Will the US ever get out of the Republican-Democrat duality?
How can you have a 3rd party when the entire system is geared to the 2 parties?
The two parties (like Canada's two "major" parties) are virtually the same. Bought and paid for with corporate dollars and special interest groups.
Most are too stupid to care. Those who do, probably just want a turn in the trough but can't look like they have become the pigs they despise. Burn it all down I say.
Most are too stupid to care. Those who do, probably just want a turn in the trough but can't look like they have become the pigs they despise. Burn it all down I say.
How can you have a 3rd party when the entire system is geared to the 2 parties?
Please elaborate. Explain how it is GEARED for two parties. :smile:
In the USA: "ballot-access laws", "gerrymandering" are two prime examples. No, I am not going to explain what they are.... you've got google.
Georgia has a law that says to be on the Presidential ballot your party has to have gotten 20% of the popular vote in the USA or 20% of the vote for the governor of Georgia. How's that for being GEARED to a two-party system? :roll:
If anything gerrymandering increases support for the ruling party, it doesn't help the "second" party.
And if my memory serves me correctly, which it does, there are independents both in the Senate and House, and not to mention independents have run for President.
Georgia has one of the most restrictive ballot access regulations in the nation.
Georgia in 1943 required new party and independent candidates to submit a petition signed by 5% of the number of registered voters in order to get on the ballot for any office! Previously, any party could get on the ballot just by requesting it. (And all petition signers are subject to subpoena to determine if they actually signed.) Result: since 1943, zero third-party candidates have ever managed even to get on the ballot for a Georgia U.S. House of Representatives seat (in about 400 races total).
Unfortunately, third parties have come and gone. As someone who votes indy, it is a shame that we have not been able to keep a strong third party to keep those two factions in line. A strong third party is what we need in the States to keep out of wars and policies that enrich the wealthy. Hopefully, someone will come up with the proper ideas to get one going.
ummm.... yeah....? And the parties in power are...? (you may need google for this one)
Yes... How well have they done recently? In Georgia, no 3rd party candidates have been on the ballot since 1943. (see below)
Lots of "voter fairness" issues here: