Again as with the homosexual thread - nobody mentions love unless they are relating their own personal experience in which they have been touched by that magic.
I don't see much 'love' within the polygamous household - other than regular love which families share and children prosper - but between man and woman there seems to be a ritualistic approach rather than a deep devotional one. That breathtaking 'can't live without you' feeling of one-ness.
And finally - I can't wrap my head around the demeaning (whether intentioned or self-ascribed) of women in this situation. As if they are brood mares.
Well, to be fair, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
And polygamy doesn't apply only to men having more than one wife. It also applies to wives having more than one husband.
It seems to me that if my husband or I met someone we were in love with, someone who meshed with our family life, who it felt logical for us to include in our family unit, that should be between us and no one else. Much like any other love.