7 Ways to Save the World


Nitrogenous Oxides

For an update in nitrogen news, read:
Acssymposium Series #623: Nitration:Recent Labratory and Industrial Developement

::capture all NO and ground ozone and react them::

::NO2 and NO3 for legume plants::

::when the Ns are formed, quickly to make nitrogen gas and sell the gas for letting tires go bold and other industrial uses::

|| Dealing with N2O3 in excess ||
conversion of N2O3

::HNO3 (neutralization and industrial use) and ammonia (perferably let plants take care of the ammonia)::

Plants are always important and always remember to plant them! Just in case the oxygen do not work as well in industrial, plants of biology helps to make the O2s we need!
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Panama Canal Powers :eek:ccasion6:
During the uneven of the water levels, special canals are made. The different elevations are surrounded by cages and a pipe fills the certain area with water. When that is done, the boat flows through the first area. The next area is filled with water and the boat go to that next area. The next next area is then filled with water from the first area and the boat go to that next next area. This continues until the boat reach the higher elevation of water.

As the water fills the certain area, the water rushes out. The rushing out motion may be equipped with rotars. The rotars spins to make electricty. As the water is drained, there can be another rotar that spins to make electricity. Using this electricity, the canal can make extra electricity for the cities. Rideau canal can be changed to use that power.

The name of being clean, and the real clean world8O
There have been talks about another credit that says the machine do not pollute while the machine pollutes. What do you want? Is it a name or a real clean world? It doesn't matter how much the other credit you buy. If you do not help the environment, there will be fewer place to live. Not to mention the credits waste money. Ban those credits because it not only do not help, but also let more people pollute and shorten our lifespans.


Acid and Uses

S + O 2 ==> SO 2

SO2 (from used watches or products made of quartz) + O2 ==> SO3

SO3 + H2O ==> H2SO4 (or sulfuric acid)



Both H2SO4 and H2S2O7 take water out of substances.

From the internet on sulfuric acid use. You can convert the sulfuric acid using double displacement reactions.

Read: Sulfuric Acid Today for more info.

(based on info from: http://mooni.fccj.org/~ethall/h2so4/h2so4.htm )


Foundation of houses

Happy :canada: Day!
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Should choose one set of combination of grades or purer grades. May use chemicals to convert the not so purer grades to purer grades. The converted items can be used for other industrial products. Best choice is to be all powered by electricity and electricity made by renewable resources. Like the other vehicles, the electricity generated must equal to the hydrocarbon power.

Building Reformation
To let the old building to be green, first let the people temporary live in a green building. Then rebuild the old building so it will be green, however, its appearence do not let the people figure out it is green. How to build the modern house is coming up. If you cannot wait, contact with the engineers and builders and start today!
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House Building for New Home Owners :grin:
Before setting the blueprint, read the following for a way of building green in a way that still satisfy the community.

Shape and Style
The best shape is a semi-sphere or dome-like as it conserve heat and use less material. Semi-sphere / arch like is also very stable. With that shape, it is likely to build buildings taller than ever. In the summer, the best shapes are cyclinders.

A wire outline. Grow trees and vines. The vines and trees should grow on the outline to make wall and insulation. Remember to trim places for windows and doors.

Flat surfaces/woods with not enough spaces to for jungle house:
A dome-shaped camp of the city instruction.

Winter in extreme cold environments:
Igloos and Ice hotels.

Caves or stone slabs / mud and bricks.

Floating water vehicle houses by special docks that let the tip of the boat be hold.

You can design your own shape as long as they have a repetition of triangle structure. To get the exact effectiveness of the shapes, please just sub into the rough formulas of shapes. You can get those in Dr.Math's fourm.

Use the energy beside the location as in solar for sunny areas, and wind for windy areas. Also use all the spaces. Some empty grid may be used as places for garden while a steppe's side may be like a sloping sidewalk with interesting plants or decorations. Recommend plants.

Walls and Pipes
1. use metal wires to contruct an outline of the house
2. Attach the nessisary pipes / electric systems by mounting to the metal wires
3. Use rammed earth of different types to fill around uneven elevation so that the area with the rammed earth and pipe is like a flat plane.
4. Once the plane surface of the wall is reached, use another renewable resource such as straw and steel for insulation.
5. In the inside, paint a layer of gypsum or plaster follow by a concrete layer and the interior design; your style!
6. On the outside, fill with half the width of the original bricks. Now, the house walls are completed.
Remember to leave slot rooms for floors!

Outer walls are best in earth, and mud related products such as bricks.

From the bottom to the top suggested floors:
concrete, sound absorb board (optional), connection, stainless steel, and the floor covering of your choice.

Let floors be build in the slot rooms and strengthen the layer with steel wiring and rammed earth before.

From the bottom to the top suggested foundation:
concrete, oil in a vacuum (for in case concrete do not block flood water), sound absorbing board (optional), metal, wood board, and floor covering of your choice.

Condomns/ Flat roofs
*try to get green roofs (the garden type) and better efficiency.
Non-Flat roofs
*Terra cotta or related brick, and mud related materials that are very durable, common, and water proof

Windows is better double glazed with sliding doors, although other styles are great too. Triple glaze may take the light away from its proper uses. Large Building: colour changing glass. When glass changes black, use that glass to power electricity for the company. Windows without glaze is okay. It just need to be efficient in sealing and opening. Most 2-panel sliding windows are the best deal.

Replace the use of foam with solid materials such as wood and combination of metals.

Just put on whatever that is closer to earth and cheap.

Always let air breathe through the attick or excess water will create moulds and other types.

Fill all leaks.

Interlocking stones is perferred.

1. Draw blueprint and gathered all needed and calculated materials. Gather extra workers and the money to build your house.
2. Build the rough outline by wires, follow by pipes, water systems, and electric systems.
3. Set the basic foundations.
4. Build the outer walls. Do not build one side of the wall. For example, if you build a rectangle house, build the three walls instead of four.
5. Bulid the highest roof.
6. Build the floors from the top to the bottom.
7. Build the celings.
I suggest a layer of solid concrete or a layer of brick walls plus some environment friendly paint.
8. Build the inner walls.
9. Build the outer missing walls.
10. Build the doors and windows.

have many other infos on roofs and energy saving tips.
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Vehicle and plastics

:iroc: Vehicle Tips
In the city, the fuel consumption rate is higher than the use in the highway. That may be caused by two reason:
1. is the torque. Smooth torque need less energy. Low Torque need more energy. Some Torques may seem high, however, they use energy to make it high. Those torques are not very great.
2. is city have more traffic lights. The average vehicle need to stop more. Once they stop, the half burn oil is not used. And then they need to step on the gas pedal, which need to use more oil.
3. is the extra features like sound and equipment.

The suggestion for 1 is to:
*Take light material
*Take more smooth materials to reduce friction and put special friction places to stop. This friction places is based on the builders' skills.
*Let the vehicle to react more quickly to the command of the pedal by taking less turns and do things directly instead of traditionally.

The suggestion for 2 is to:
Once the brakes are stepped, the semi-burned oil do not power the van and is stored. A hybrid system and the burning oil is seperated from the power cord. The semi-burned oil is burned to reduce CO. The converted energy is then stored. As the brakes are stepped, the car will glide a little forward or none at all. This gliding motion may be convereted to electric energy. This is done through a process called hybrid. Once the driver take on the gas pedal again, the converted energy is used. Thus reducing the need of catalyst and reduce fuel consumption by at least 20% (estimate). The half burned oil (not used) is converted to useful energy.

Electric cars deliver the ultimate energy efficiency with these suggestions of course. Electric cars need a harder set of build from the American car industries and the look of beauty.

For three:
Just put a big sound absorbing block that is cheap should do the trick. Clothes abosorbs sound and so do most objects. People do not have to make pipes that go around all the time.
Power your GPS, and other equipment with electricity or hybrid electric powers.

Efficiency: high Horsepower and Torque, low fuel consumption :)

"Green" Plastics
There are many questions to biodegradable plastics. Many people wonder if biodegradable plastics do degrade in biological wastes. Answer: Yes. The higher cost of the biodegradable plastics let me suspect the creators first creates ordinary plastics and then changed it. This is not the green way as it wastes energy. This kind of situation is like the catalysts. Build better vehicles and get better machines and you don't need catalysts. Hint: the builder should think of another way to build biodegradable plastic or to make another product with similarites to plastics (any smooth surfaced polymer is okay). Buyers: Just buy efficient, and durable items that can be recycled or close to organics such as a paper bag or an efficient coffee machine with reusable filters.

Green Products List

New Green
Sanyo Semi-Washers (both washing with and without detergents), Tide Emergency Sticks, thermo-electric powered coolers and heaters, efficient vehicles with hybrids, efficient products, renewable products with high efficiency, electric powered items, Canadian Tire solar power generator and backup power generators,
Transition Green
Tide Cold Water, Autralian Tea Tree Oil, hybrids, Nowaday biodegradables, renewable products with high efficiency, electric products, usage of oil without the fuel,
Nowaday biodegradables, biofuels, natural gas, coal, related burning carbonic items. If you want to do the burning, must take care of excess.
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Restoring the Land
If you are the one who have a lot of money and hope just to restore how the land will be before, this is the right post.

To check out how the land look like in the past, use the major saved areas plants and land profile into a data. Once gather all the data about the saved areas of plants and animals, predict the likely plants and animals at that time using general geography patterns and the data. Once predicted, plant those plants near the conservation areas. The land can be restored, and it do not bother city life. Do not suggest to over do it. This is a time of watery events. The conserved places will change. A couple of acres is good enough.
Benefits: Less sick people and more people with energy and happiness.

Law of the Ship
I read the metro newspaper. For the older ships, just tell the people to clean the extra stuff and recycle the old parts of the ships. Then encourage people to buy newer and better ships by extra taxing the people who buy older ships. To help speed things, government can get some engineers and chemists to help out the design and at the same time earn some money. In addition to the laws.

Why People hate nature and the Real Stuff
In the past, people is a really weak kind of species. The monkies make fun of us and we don't survive as the strongest. We had something the rest of animals have less: Brains. Our Brains and average force allow us to become strong. During the weak times, people hate nature because they shout for help and no help came. People during the weak times always have a motto of fight the nature. The nature really don't do much. If you survive, the nature won't kill you or try to strangle you. It's only when people get scared and start to go crazy when nature become so overwhealming and the weird talks of savagery and evil come. They need a scapegoat. But, when people are crazy, everything is awful! So I don't think it's nature's fault. As long we are strong, our battles will be won.

Equilibrium and Living Space
Well, some people question the cycle. If we eat and throw away something, the thing that is thrown away will pile up. It will not do anything and our living rooms will decrease. Without the cycle, then we probably need to trash a planet and find another one. When we have organisms or animals or high intellectual that break down the stuff we don't know how, we get more land and a healthier thing. So we can trash the planet more without damage it and live longer on that planet. So, that's why cycles are there: we can throw stuff at our planets and still able to live.

Obviously, there is a limit. There is a limit because our planet is a closed system and because every thing or one have a lifespan. When we go over that limit, watch out! The earth is starting to punish us! Please people, try to save the earth at least for one last generation. It is highly beneficial in economy and health so I don't see why you are mopping.

It is possible because I seen people saving sick animals so that people will not be affected. We can care about another person in order to survive is the key to success.

I've figure out that in order for something to be called as the perfection, negative counterequlibrium must be done. Absolute equilibrium and fairness is achieved positively through doing nothing. If nothing is done, then everything is equal. If a boy put fire on the plant, he destroys the plant. The only way to reach equilibrium and absolute fine condition is to regrow the plant by using all the ashes, the dead plant and the soil. (counterequilibrium)

When we reach counterequilibrium, that is the time that all worries will disappear and life to all will be the greatest. Support New Green!
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A little bit of information.

Oxides :idea:
Sorry about the sudden leave. Below is a link to the common oxides and their function in the industrialization. Just capture the oxides and transform it into that useable state.


Add oxygen to the oxides to form dioxides and use double displacement and single displacement reactions to transform oxides into other substances.

Let pests breathe in the oxides and use their body chemicals to find a solution to the oxides to solids.

Pesticide and Herbicide :happy3:

Simply just buy a healthy male predator animal and a female one. Let them eat all the unwanted pests. Once they get hard to control, capture some of them and sell it to other farmers. That way you can get pesticides and still earn money.

If you find the herbicide expensive, renewable planet got some ideas. I think the best idea to avoid unwanted plants growing is by buying cheap plants and plant it in your garden. The cheap plants use their own chemicals to get rid of the plants you don't want. That way you don't have to bother to talk with the local health experts.

Tip to success in farming: Remember to Loan tractors together and share ideas on how to farm. Split the shares of money according to how hard the people work and how big the contribution. If you are a person who is great with farming and nothing else, find someone trust worthy and have the skills of what you need and convince them to help you farm.
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Biological Electricity
1.Capture some animals like elecrtric eels.
2.Anger them and get their electricity into a storage device.
3.Use the electiricty for other stuff

Players of Computers
To save electricity, the best way is to get an efficient media player.

Media players for the multimedia players
1.I thought about first read the media player on a chip. The readings will cover all the areas in and up and down motion. The readings should be in binary.
2.Then identify the sound and picture binary.
3.If there are mixed binary, let the media player take only the binary of the picture and the sounds.
4.Once take all the binary, then download the clip to the area.
5.The people can now press play button to view a movie or a small clip.
There should be also an emergency plan. In case the video is not properly fixed, the exits for the data will close and deletion process will begin. All downloading services are made by multiple retrive and scan processes.

General Media Player
Just to get the people make only binary for picture and sound for that certain type of media player. That way, no one can add any bugs to it.

When debugging or in an enormous bug change, a window will pop up and you can edit using binary.

That is my plan for less bugs, less energy and more productivity and do not need to code. The Media Player do their thing.

Based on: ExpressDSP

Air planes
People do not have to use burning planes all the time. People can use electircity as an engine to spin the propellers. In the future, there should be an end propeller, two propeller underneath the wing, a hang-glide propeller to mimick wind, an extra propeller for going up and an emergency helicopter propeller.

When the plane fly against the wind, the two wing propellers and end propellers work. Once the plane start to fly against the wind, end part of wings go up. The material of the wing trap rising air, which allow the plane to be lighter and easier to go forward. Release the rising air when the plane is going to land.

When liftoff, get the helicopter propeller. Then use the emergency upward propeller to let it rise and at the same time switch to underwing propellers.

During normal weather, use propellers for hang gliders and the back and underwing propellers to go at top speed.

If you master what I am talking about, add an air filter when the air is coming into the plane to let the plane breathe. The breathe part can act as a cold air conditioner and an air filter. Thus save energy and increase quality.

Air ventilation:
1. let air in.
2. use fan to filter and get energy from the fast moving air. This is the air formed when people runs fast.
3. filter air through the air filter
4. let clean air in. This should be cold air that cuts the cost of the cold air conditioner.
5. When air becomes dirty, filter air out through another opening from 1. to 4. All dirt and microorganisms are kept in the same part as air plane people keep wastes. Treat the waste when the plane landed on an airport.

Check out www.projectnewleaf.ca

Oil Prices
I do not think oil prices will drop too much. It will drop 2 or 3 cents. Maximum 4 cents until the people start to use the sea oil. Anyhow, if you are to use the renewable, you just have to purchase the thing that give energy. If you purchase non-renewable, you have to purchase the thing that give energy and the energy source. So it really do not matter what type of oil prices, renewable energy will win in the economy.

Bus Fares
If you suspect someone is using the bus fare money wrong, do an investigation.
To get more money for OC Transpo:
*get a fundraising place or an auction
*get a deal with another company and split the money
*sell out old models and rebuy with ones that have more fuel efficiency to save oil and gas prices.
*increase monthly pass money or ticket money for outer routes or all routes
* use combination techniques.

Prevent Economic Corruption
Buy a system of computers that cannot go on to the internet. For each city, there is one such computer. When the computer are all in line, connect them together into a central computer in the capital of the country. Only the capital of the country can approve the changes. The computer have all the data to the financial status of the country. When a city needs to complete a project, the person can enter their request for money withdrawal through the computer. The request must contain the exact amount of money needed with exact use of what the money do. For example $32 dollars for pencils. The capital then approve or disapprove the material. After the approval, the person can use the money to build the project.

If it is an emergency, they must submit to emergency box and have loans.

At the end of the day, count the amount of money and the money reported on all the computers. After the change is made, every computer should see the use. This is there so that everyone can see the changes and use of funds. They can report the people who misuse the change. That way, there will be more usage to the everyday people.

A Green Mishap
Old green focus on the direct buy and protection of land. The new green is to give efficiency and the old ones. To make it easier, the symbol for the new green is crimson, green, and a colour of your choice. Or just the new leaf green.

More to come: Consumer's real guide to buying fuel-saving cars, green product list and diagrams!

Update: For full July change, check this fourm in July 31!
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Taking the GREEN pledge!

I’m joining JunkScience.com making our world GREENer!

I will (check items that apply):

Increase personal use of ethanol derived from grape biomass and various grains and cereals

Use more solar energy by taking longer beach vacations

Only work Saturday and Sunday, making all other days weekend to reduce driving

Open canned sodas slower to reduce rate of CO2 emissions

Gain weight - fat people are composed of more carbon than skinny people, thus keeping more carbon out of the environment

Reduce CO2-emissions by doing as little exercise as possible

Reduce global methane emissions by eating more farm animals

Avoid spicy foods to reduce personal emissions

Campaign to sequester Parliament and the U.N.

Recycle environmentalists into biofuels

Lobby Parliament to fund flying carpet research to replace jet travel

Help promote greater fuel efficiency by lobbying Parliament to repeal the Law of Gravity

Will YOU take the pledge?

Downloaded from www.JunkScience.com © 2007


Force majeure
May 28, 2007

Taking the GREEN pledge!

I’m joining JunkScience.com making our world GREENer!

I will (check items that apply):

Increase personal use of ethanol derived from grape biomass and various grains and cereals

Use more solar energy by taking longer beach vacations

Only work Saturday and Sunday, making all other days weekend to reduce driving

Open canned sodas slower to reduce rate of CO2 emissions

Gain weight - fat people are composed of more carbon than skinny people, thus keeping more carbon out of the environment

Reduce CO2-emissions by doing as little exercise as possible

Reduce global methane emissions by eating more farm animals

Avoid spicy foods to reduce personal emissions

Campaign to sequester Parliament and the U.N.

Recycle environmentalists into biofuels

Lobby Parliament to fund flying carpet research to replace jet travel

Help promote greater fuel efficiency by lobbying Parliament to repeal the Law of Gravity

Will YOU take the pledge?

Downloaded from www.JunkScience.com © 2007


Fast Green Posting///

Ontario Energy Problems
Coal Plants turn down. Go immediately to renewable energy resources to earn money. Natural gas isn't that green. Natural gas will cause havoc too. Please enforce renewable energy sources. That is the only way to earn money and still give electricity without health hazards.

B.C. Oil Clean up
If you do not know where the oil gone, check the houses which are affected by the oil. That is most likely where the oil went. Also check sea and use satellite if you need to locate the oil spill. Once know where they are, use a leaf blower or some sort of propeller to drive the oil spill into one area. Then, use a vacuum to suck in the oil. If you suck in the oil, some of the oil can be used to do stuff for like lubricating lotions. Or you can clean with a special soap. The soap one is more expensive though.

OC Transpo and trains
Upcoming Wednesday fourm, support the bus first. When the bus fund is over, then build a train. If train service go over bus, people can give like luxury class for extreme rich people. In the class, there can be butlers, maid service, internet service and help. These people who are in those services can be for the rich people's short journeys. Also, give more trains. Say, every 5 minutes a fast train.

To get medicine into natural, I suggest going to Mongolia's first Mongolia and Chinese book. When translated, the book should have a similar name to: Four Classical Books of Medicine. This book have the least amount of side-effects and include cures for pregnant woman, and children. Some even can be nutrition! With that book as a guide, the person can find other similar medicines in other natural medicines.

The 24 hours puzzle unravaled
For baby nipples, use wood ones.

For cans, you can compress them and use a layer of tin foil follow by serin wrap to keep the food can fresh. There are a type of food can that can use compression to keep temperature. It's like the beer stuff and the coke stuff.

For sticking plates, have a special cooker with marble material. Marble, shiny and waterproof textile don't stick much. But if it do, get another cooker that pumps heated air. For boiling water, use water boil at a certain temperature to cook.

I figure all metals will stick because the fire ionizes them. Other reasons include combustion create oxides, which make the cooker weaker. A lot of cooker are not well made (they have bubbles and holes in them). When these poor cooker are combusted, then the cookers will be in worse quality. The other solution is to deionize the metal elements through an induction cooker. The induction cooker must have a slightly different taste than the combustion cooker.

For clothes, keep to natural products. Perfer about 45% cotton, 20% stretching material that is organic, and the rest percentage as strength. The best type of clothing is moderately durable, recyclable and or 100% biodegradable. That way, your customers will always come back. Shiny films can be used by special silks like ordinary silk modify by that special formula. That lies in the secret of the clothe producer. No peeking the truth!

Curtains. During hot weather, use a tin foil or some reflective foil. The reflective foil will reflect the heat and light away. Keep to natural cotton and stuff. Stuff we use for ordinary sweater with a lot of comfort or just rough and tough stuff. That should be all okay in a jifty. During cold weather, just paint your glass with a removal and natural paint so that the outside people cannot see the details of inside. The transparency of the window allows more heat to be stored. This is similar to a greenhouse.

Clothelines. Support them. Just tell the people they cannot show their clothelines, but they are allow to use them (if you do not like to see their clothes).

Toxic toys: Sir and Madam, Children, Teens, just don't use those extremely toxic items! It is as clear as that! If you still want the quality, just go by and add material with the result you look for!

Prevent pesticide runoffs: collect all runoffs at sidelines by using a tray and then treat them to useable chemicals. Or sell the waterdown pesticide for less price on the earth. The pesticide can be reused, collected and reused until it disappear. When it disappear, use biological pesticides. Pesticides treatment prevent and stops strange algae, E.Coli and need I say more of other infectionus diseases? Algae and E.Coli is from the Gr.11 Biology textbook.

Jels and creams of bathroom: Just add more natural stuff and create less jelly or creamy stuff. It improve the quality and the less amount of usage!

Bath tub seals: Use bathtubs with less seals. Create bath tubs that are circular like the sitting one for senior who have trouble getting out of the tub.

Mattress: Stuff matress with whatever healthy
Better: Water beds that are not transparent
Best: Special clothes of strength and water that are not transparent. The clothes allows specific areas for toughness and the water allow for absolute smoothness.
Outer coating, less toxic items: plastic, cotton, silk for the outher look with a layer of thin plastics. To look toxic, but extremely healthy. Spring is OK! If you do not care about how it looks on the outside, just cover it with the most comfortable and waterproof materials, which are organic.

Shoes: Replace cadium with aluminum. I don't really know why cadium is there. You can use any metal that is great and strong. Why cadium? Cadium is rare, expensive and cancer causing. It is better for the usage of making steel.

TV and laptop: If the material made at the end (including the excess) is toxic, transform it to something else. Use machines to assemble TV and laptop. I support imac's choice of removing lead! Best choice for green and performance: imac with windows 98, and linux with firefox for internet surfing. Windows 98, save energy have great safety and basic functions. Linux stops most cookies and firefox is fast and better I suppose. Use less toxic materials!

Think and care! Yes you can do it!

Random Choice of selected solutions
Cellars: Withdraw water, prevent leaks, clean daily. Remeber to use gloves, clothes and masks. In case the fungus had pores, you will at least be safe. Let the clothes bake in the dry and hot sun without wind to clean it.

Basement: Seal them. Prevent radioactive powerplants. They emit radon, which is causes cancer! This idea is also supported by the guy who creates electronegativity. You can check it in the library or the web.

Metal and plastic bubbles: Just make a metal without bubbles. When you are going to cut one or contain the metal into a shape, some bubbles may form. In that step, please let all of the bubbles form at one end. Seal the metal or plastic. Then cut the bubble conataining area. Use that area to reform into the desired metal. Saves material, provide higher quality.

Go Nikola Kezic of bee training for bombs and the new cars!

No; men still get their manly toughness. Not all plants have to be flowery. Vines don't have much flower neither is fruitless trees. Or mosses, or plankton. Engineering is still legal and sports are there to give everyone the enjoyment. Pick your organic. Brown, green, pink, red, colours of the rainbow? Simply white and black for others too.

Dedication Day
Tommorrow is dedication day to green people. I'll bring in stuff and colours and poems and paintings. Not the scary stuff though. Hum. Um. If you do not like my personality, just say so. If I do something you don't like or if I offend you, I'm sorry and you get to choose one thing (beside murder, scandle, lawbreaking, and deception) for one thing I did wrong. If I did many stuff wrong, you get that many things to do. I'll do the stuff no matter how silly and destroying the reputation. I do it to fix my mistakes and earn balance of my life. So no pains and gains to all.

Look at photosynthesis of this thread! Don't get confused! Do you want to burn in the heat until death or cooler? Support Carbon dioxide and the global warming factor is supporting the European people's and your death in the heat! Geez. I'm not threatening. It's just the fact. I'll yell if I have to.
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