Legalized Cat Killing


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
No chance that we would spend any money on initiating and sustainable solution to cat over population.
Just to let you know there are people, such as myself, who trap and spay/neuter feral cats. Kittens 4 months of age and under are made into pets. There are several people, myself included, who also participate in this rehabilitation. I currently share my house with 2 formerly feral cats. Both trapped at a young age, both very gentle, and sweet. I've never been viciously bitten or scratched by them or by any other feral kittens I've rehabed.

I also participated in feeding colony's of feral cats. Never been bitten, never been attacked by them either. Wouldn't pet on without it's consent, mind you.
So, there are responsible people out there taking care of others irresponsible acts.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Just to let you know there are people, such as myself, who trap and spay/neuter feral cats. Kittens 4 months of age and under are made into pets. There are several people, myself included, who also participate in this rehabilitation. I currently share my house with 2 formerly feral cats. Both trapped at a young age, both very gentle, and sweet. I've never been viciously bitten or scratched by them or by any other feral kittens I've rehabed.

I also participated in feeding colony's of feral cats. Never been bitten, never been attacked by them either. Wouldn't pet on without it's consent, mind you.
So, there are responsible people out there taking care of others irresponsible acts.

Yes and good on you. We too have a pair of feral cats much the same as yourself. And as hard as all of the people who stand up and make a difference on this issue, it remains only a drop in the bucket of what should be don't you think. At the very least we should take steps to stop our part of the problem in allowing our own cats to roam outdoors in the cities, produce litters of kittens that scatter to the four winds with a good portion going to irresponsible people who help to fill the shealters, rescue agencies and good samaritan homes to the brim.

We could enact law to control the ownership of a pet, license it instead of pets
and enforce a manditory spay and neuter program for all animals other than those specially selected to breed and show.

It's only money in the richest part of the world.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Just to let you know there are people, such as myself, who trap and spay/neuter feral cats. Kittens 4 months of age and under are made into pets. There are several people, myself included, who also participate in this rehabilitation. I currently share my house with 2 formerly feral cats. Both trapped at a young age, both very gentle, and sweet. I've never been viciously bitten or scratched by them or by any other feral kittens I've rehabed.

I also participated in feeding colony's of feral cats. Never been bitten, never been attacked by them either. Wouldn't pet on without it's consent, mind you.
So, there are responsible people out there taking care of others irresponsible acts.

Personally I think thats cruel and inhumane. They are wild animals, cats are not truly domesticated, tamed would be a better term.

You are taking wild animals and sterilizing them, and turning their offspring into pets. Why not do it with Racoons, Rabbits or Ferrets? All make equally good pets, but they are all wild animals.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Personally I think thats cruel and inhumane. They are wild animals, cats are not truly domesticated, tamed would be a better term.

You are taking wild animals and sterilizing them, and turning their offspring into pets. Why not do it with Racoons, Rabbits or Ferrets? All make equally good pets, but they are all wild animals.

Ferrets and Rabbits are pets. Raccons will come for food and water eat right out of your hand if you want. But they are big as dogs with hands. They sleep all day and party all night, so if you have a lifestyle that equates to that then you are fine. But if you are like the great majority of people who live within city limits, a racoon isn't going to make a good pet at all.

Hell if you have the ability like Doug Zeus you can keep bears and train them to do all sorts of work in movies with bigshot actors. But that isn't the point.

There is a huge benefit to keeping some animals as pet companions as long as they are cared for in a responsible way. So to cut that off would be as much a dis-service as what we have now.

Like most issues this one belongs somewhere in balance.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
I think hunting them is a little harsh BUT I swear there should be leash laws for the little suckers

I don't have the technology OR the money to rent them traps and return all the little long-leggedy turd-buriers to the Humane Society

But still, as much as I hate them (mostly for what they represent, pure entitlement- it't not their fault but to talk with offending owners shows where the problem really lies) I can't see how hunting them would actually help up here.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Personally I think thats cruel and inhumane. They are wild animals, cats are not truly domesticated, tamed would be a better term.

You are taking wild animals and sterilizing them, and turning their offspring into pets. Why not do it with Racoons, Rabbits or Ferrets? All make equally good pets, but they are all wild animals.
You think it's cruel and inhumane to neuter a male cat to prevent disease and painful abcesses that cause a painful death? And stops the transmission of FIV (feline aids) and feline luekemia. You think it's better they die a slow painful death because of human negligence? You think it's better that a mother cat bring litter upon litter into the world and then die a slow painful death by age 2? A feral cat can hope to live to the age of 2 maybe 3 with luck without human interferance. They live horrible miserable lives. The domestic cat is NOT a wild cat. They are completely different. Just ask any conservation centre which is trying to keep real wild cats from going exctinct and from being interbred with our domestic cats for designer breeds such as the bengel.

Now if you still think this form of prevention iss cruel, your weird.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I forgot to mention how here in the lower mainland the increase in feral cat populations causes an increase in coyote activity.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Seems to me if any animal is threatening populated areas or human or pet populations, the animal should be terminated. As for going into the woods and hunting animals, what is different from a wild cat and a wild deer? If we allow one, why not the other? Obviously running down Main Street hunting deer would not be acceptable and neither should hunting cats.

I also think too many people are allowed to own pets when they shouldn't. Of course the same can be said for kids.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I also think too many people are allowed to own pets when they shouldn't. Of course the same can be said for kids.
I'm with you here!
The stories I've heard about some of the poor cats that have come into the shelter. One lady left a kitten on her patio with no food or water because her kid brought it home and she didn't want it. If it wasn't for a kind neighbour hearing this poor kitten crying, it would have died.
There are 2 popular reasons for taking a cat to the shelter. 1. divorce. - neither wants the cat now. 2. New baby- the cat might kill the baby, or the baby might be allergic, or any other stupid excuse.
Responsibility is a fair weather friend these days. It's only a responsiblity if it's on the good side.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Feral cats are a menace to the bird population. We have a half dozen bird feeders in our back yard and we enjoy seeing the Chickadees, the Finches, and all the different varieties of Swallows and Sparrows, and Woodpeckers that we have in our part of the world. I tend to agree that all feral cats should be shot. Domestic pets usually have their Rabies shots and other vaccinations up to date. Feral cats do not.
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
The Buddha warned due to the inevitable killing of insects during the squeezing to produce hemp oil, one will expierence great pincers sqeezing you to death in the bardo repeatdly over the 49 day stay there.
Fact or myth, dunno...

There's a warning sign on the road ahead , there's a lot people saying we'd be better off dead!


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Don't call me Shirley!

Seriously though, they aren't endangered, they are often pests, and they roam uncontrolled even when laws exist. Im fine with rounding up strays and euthenizing them.

The same can be said about Americans in Iraq. And a few other countries I might add. ;)


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
You think it's cruel and inhumane to neuter a male cat to prevent disease and painful abcesses that cause a painful death? And stops the transmission of FIV (feline aids) and feline luekemia. You think it's better they die a slow painful death because of human negligence? You think it's better that a mother cat bring litter upon litter into the world and then die a slow painful death by age 2? A feral cat can hope to live to the age of 2 maybe 3 with luck without human interferance. They live horrible miserable lives. The domestic cat is NOT a wild cat. They are completely different. Just ask any conservation centre which is trying to keep real wild cats from going exctinct and from being interbred with our domestic cats for designer breeds such as the bengel.

Now if you still think this form of prevention iss cruel, your weird.

I call shenanigans on you for this.

1.) If a cat gets some STD so be it, I hope you don't go neutering people so they don't get STD's. Wild animal, not native to the area true, but wild animal.

2.) Feral cats can lead long, long lives. Same as any wild animal, while not as long as a domestic cat I fail to see the point. Wild horses do not lead as long as tame horses and can get sick and injured just the same, but no one would suggestion rounding up all the wild mustangs.

Feral cats can live generations without human interference, I grew up a country kid in farm country and there were plenty of wild cats who never came around humans at all, they are well equiped to live in the wild.

Contrary to popular belief nature is full of food, it is literally made of food (even for people). In fact the whole problem with feral cats is that they are TOO well equiped. They are TOO sucessfuly in nature. The lead long fruitful lives and have many, many kittens (who in turn have even more kittens). IN doing so they destroy the natural ecosystem.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I call shenanigans on you for this.

1.) If a cat gets some STD so be it, I hope you don't go neutering people so they don't get STD's. Wild animal, not native to the area true, but wild animal.

2.) Feral cats can lead long, long lives. Same as any wild animal, while not as long as a domestic cat I fail to see the point. Wild horses do not lead as long as tame horses and can get sick and injured just the same, but no one would suggestion rounding up all the wild mustangs.

Feral cats can live generations without human interference, I grew up a country kid in farm country and there were plenty of wild cats who never came around humans at all, they are well equiped to live in the wild.

Contrary to popular belief nature is full of food, it is literally made of food (even for people). In fact the whole problem with feral cats is that they are TOO well equiped. They are TOO sucessfuly in nature. The lead long fruitful lives and have many, many kittens (who in turn have even more kittens). IN doing so they destroy the natural ecosystem.

I ain't shooting any horses Mack! :roll:


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well Zzarchov, you can call whatever you want. BTW feline leukemia is not a STD. FIV is transmitted throught saliva and blood in male to male fights. Not through sexual intercourse in cats.
A farm out in the middle of the country is a vastly different location then a city, yes? So a feral cat in the country is going to not suffer the way a feral cat in the city suffers. I don't trap in the country. I trap in the city.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Wild horses do not lead as long as tame horses and can get sick and injured just the same, but no one would suggestion rounding up all the wild mustangs.
They have programs where they DO round up SOME of the mustangs and sell them. For they're own good. To the keep healthy populations.


Just a tiny fish
Dec 13, 2006
I saw a cat being crushed by a car yesterday.

I felt like something grabbed my throat.

I don't know what my point is...