I understand why you are so firm in your thoughts about the church. After all, you are a priest of it.
But you see, if Christ is not in us to start with, all the churches in the world can do nothing for God.
First, one must acknowledge who Christ is and what He came to accomplish on our behalf.
Second, after accepting His gift of salvation in our hearts, then He not us, will begin to clean house.
Clean house means that He via the Holy Spirit in us will work out our salvation by transforming our minds to that of heavenly things over the natural earthly things.
The church is all well and good, but does not nothing to make a change in the inner man of the heart. Only God in His Spirit can effect a change in the inner man of the heart and can only be done by the Holy Spirit in us.
That is why you and I could have fellowship, communion in Christ.
But you insisting on me being a church member in order to share Christ, then communion is not possible.
Oh, by the way, having degrees in education does in no way make wise a person in spiritual communion with Christ.
The heart is all that is needed to have communion with Christ, and any soul can do that without an education in theology.
The Sadducee's and the Pharisees, held the people captive to all their religious beliefs of which Christ was an enemy.
Christ appealed to the heart while they appealed to the law.
Similarly, you are appealing to the requirements of the church, while I am appealing to the heart of the soul.
By my standards which by the way are not mine but Christs, is the appeal to the inner man of the individual heart, to accept and receive Christ as their Savior and be converted in heart.
Now, if Christ is in us, we are His Church most Holy, and we worship Him in the temple of our hearts.
My view which you insist is an uneducated view, holds the key to our salvation in Christ and in no other.
I make no adaptations or choose only what I want, but accept the truth as given by Christ.
The truth is that we have salvation in Christ first above all else, and then all the things will be added unto us.
Luk 12:31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
"Seek ye the Kingdom of God", and his kingdom is not made of flesh or with human hands, but is spiritually discerned.
First the heart then the practice.