Start of war? 15 Royal Marines and sailors seized by Iranians


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Do you want to stand back while Iran creates nuclear weapons that could one day eliminate you and your family?

I won't stand back.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Britain and the USA are free democracies that make just majority decisions in their wars.

India, Pakistan, and Iran are dictatorships and that makes them bad.

The entire world must be converted to democracy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Ships today have satellite monitors that indicate their precise location. If the British ship was in international waters, its records would show that and they would easily have the UN on its side in this conflict. But it is only too obvious that Bush and Blair want a war in order to bolster thier criminal political ambitions.

I really don't think Blair wants, or has any "clout" at all to decide on a war with Iran. After the
gigantic mistake they made by joining Bush in Iraq, I'm sure he would rather do "anything" other
than join Bush in another disaster.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Yep, kill them all, let Allah sort them out and get our lads freed.
In Basra it was a Iraqi Police Station, the one you gave guns to the 'keep the peace' were the ones being attacked.

Under the current scheme of things it would be perfectly legal for Iran to keep them hidden for a few years and whatever else 'the west' has deemed appropriate as fair treatment.

The last people captured at sea were released after a few days in that 2004 incident. An short interview was shown with one of those guys. From his training when the vehicles stopped in the middle of nowhere after a long bumpy ride and they were lead away from the vehicles he thought he was a walking dead man. It would seem that his military training was telling him what he would be doing if he was holding the weapons. Fortunately for them it was only a bathroom break,

The boarding party would have had weapons, there were marines and navy on the two dingys.
Have you actually read the words that spell out the authority that the UK or US have in regards to smuggling? I haven't but I would sure like to.
Can they search ships heading away from Iraq?

Did you catch the UN webcast yesterday. Right at the end of the reporters questions it was said that Iran was going to hold a press conference at some Hotel at 11 the next morning. I even switched channels and did a web search, nothing not a word anywhere. If you missed the webcast the UN keeps it's records in something called an archive.

If you have seen it, notice how the US brings up events back to the 1940's, yet when questioned by reporters anything in the 'past' was not worth mentioning. (It was about Iran's FM bringing up that when Iraq went to war with Iran they used 'banned weapons supplied by the US , for one, and the UN Security Council did nothing about it for a week.)

When you lipsync the translator compared to the movement of the Iranian FM it is like those first attempts at Chinese/English movies. There are 10 sec pauses before the translator says anything, yet he stops almost as soon as the speakers lips move. I didn't notice anything like that in the translation done for other people.

Forgive me for wandering off topic


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
In Basra it was a Iraqi Police Station, the one you gave guns to the 'keep the peace' were the ones being attacked.
I didn't supply anyone with any weapons. The "CDN" in CDNBear, stands for Canadian, thank gawd Harpo wasn't PM when that mess started, or you may have a point, but thankfully you don't.

Under the current scheme of things it would be perfectly legal for Iran to keep them hidden for a few years and whatever else 'the west' has deemed appropriate as fair treatment.
Don't care. Kill anyone that gets in the way on the way in to get them.

The last people captured at sea were released after a few days in that 2004 incident. An short interview was shown with one of those guys. From his training when the vehicles stopped in the middle of nowhere after a long bumpy ride and they were lead away from the vehicles he thought he was a walking dead man. It would seem that his military training was telling him what he would be doing if he was holding the weapons. Fortunately for them it was only a bathroom break,
More like he was well aware of the savagery of the psycotic f*ckers that were holding him. Another instance where an armed and extremely vicious response would have given me a hard on.

The boarding party would have had weapons, there were marines and navy on the two dingys.
Ya, has me scratching my head, I woulda shot first and asked questions later and/or died trying.
Have you actually read the words that spell out the authority that the UK or US have in regards to smuggling?
Nope, don't care either.

I haven't but I would sure like to.
Keep looking, but I still don't care what they are.
Can they search ships heading away from Iraq?
I actually think they can.

Did you catch the UN webcast yesterday. Right at the end of the reporters questions it was said that Iran was going to hold a press conference at some Hotel at 11 the next morning. I even switched channels and did a web search, nothing not a word anywhere. If you missed the webcast the UN keeps it's records in something called an archive.
Don't care, but what is this ark ive thingy?

If you have seen it, notice how the US brings up events back to the 1940's, yet when questioned by reporters anything in the 'past' was not worth mentioning. (It was about Iran's FM bringing up that when Iraq went to war with Iran they used 'banned weapons supplied by the US , for one, and the UN Security Council did nothing about it for a week.)
Something else I don't care about.

When you lipsync the translator compared to the movement of the Iranian FM it is like those first attempts at Chinese/English movies. There are 10 sec pauses before the translator says anything, yet he stops almost as soon as the speakers lips move. I didn't notice anything like that in the translation done for other people.
Still don't care.

Forgive me for wandering off topic

I just want to add...

Go gettem, kill anything that stands in your way!!! Kill them all and let Allah sort them out!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I didn't supply anyone with any weapons. The "CDN" in CDNBear, stands for Canadian, thank gawd Harpo wasn't PM when that mess started, or you may have a point, but thankfully you don't.
It still appears you 'wish you were there'. Probably better for the world if we keep you at home.
Ya, has me scratching my head, I woulda shot first and asked questions later and/or died trying.
Probably better if we also keep you away from heavy-equipment.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It still appears you 'wish you were there'.
Nope, not in the slightest, if not only to rescue MIA's and or these fine Brit Sailors.

Till death do us part.

Probably better for the world if we keep you at home.
Yep, under a big glass dome. With a sign on it that states in giant bold letters..


Oh ya, and...

Do not feed or poke the Bear
Probably better if we also keep you away from heavy-equipment.
Good idea, but I'm handy in emergencies and areas of conflict!

But I would much prefer to lean on a 35 in the door, while signing loudly...



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We still have to feed you. You could state in your last will that you 'be merged' with a real polar bear, or several of them.

The last pic I saw of them 3 were sitting on a couch, an older couch.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
This is an act of war. Iran knows it.

If they will not surrender the troops peacefully, then Britain must go in and get them, and if it can't be a swift rescue:


We are going to war with Iran... inevitable.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Iran is playing a great game of chess! And what boldness! The US is still in Iraq. Two American carriers lie off Iranian shores. The UN has finally had a security council initiative against Iran passed unanimously. But here we have a nation studied in endgame, staring us down. And the Brits have already had their pants pulled down.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Iran is playing a great game of chess! And what boldness! The US is still in Iraq. Two American carriers lie off Iranian shores. The UN has finally had a security council initiative against Iran passed unanimously. But here we have a nation studied in endgame, staring us down. And the Brits have already had their pants pulled down.

I have a new idea

Why not let the U.N. appoint a special force to rescue these poor sods - and leave the U.K. and the U.S. out of it ?

Everyone is assuming it is the 'duty' of the U.S. to step in and the U.K. to rescue their men.

To get called 'warmongers' for it later...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
United States, Britain, and Canada will be a war with Iran before 2008
Hey no one loves a good despot ass kicking more then this big old Bear, but I think we in the Great White North, might just sit this one out, thank gawd.

There is no need to poke Iran right now, just go in and get the Sailors and be done with it. A full scale war is a stupid move.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Wasn't somebody also captured over in the very eastern part not too long ago? I think it was the same event where Iran displayed some captured arms of originating from the US.

This is way down the list on TV News top-stories, even after the 'entertainmemt sections'