Start of war? 15 Royal Marines and sailors seized by Iranians

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
well they are ****ing idiots.

They want war, we'll give it to them.

Britain never would leave their soldiers in Iran to "avoid war"

Trust me, everything thats happened in the last 2 weeks is pointing to USA + UK declaring war on Iran... and hopefully Canada jumps in this time.

Who is the ****ing idiots?


Facts=They havent attacked anyone in the last 20 years
-they are about 10 years away to get their first nuclear bomb
-They financially support hezbollah

Usa and the whole coaltion of the "braves"

Facts=Started a war based on false pretexte, and today iraq is even worst under United Nations sanctions and Saddam Hussein.
-Afganisthan is getting worst every day, Nato, United nation, can't even bring peace back, what will it need , a nuclear bomb??

I can bet some people in here agree with that option.

- All of this withouth a single shread of proof, about this ridiculus war on terror and everything that comes with it.

I am really wondering who is the real idiots? them or the coalition of the "braves"?

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Hey, we have to keep our troops in Afghanistan fighting the taliban, since the US sort of forgot about that war.

They didnt really forget, they just want to spread it enough, so everyone will have no choice to be part of it.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
If it's acceptable that America can kidnapp "combatants" and send them off to Cuba...what's the big deal with Iran scooping a few limey's?

America has shown itself to be prepared to use torture and kidnapping and that honesty, international conventions or "rules of war" need be followed by the democracies of the world....

So what's the big deal?

America shows the world what's reasonable and what isn't....

95% of Americans don't care what the world thinks so why should anyone be upset when Yanks or Limey's experience the same treatment?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Oh well that settles it then. I mean if the Iranian News says that then it MUST be true. I am sure the Sailors and Marines told them what they were told by their interragators to say.

You have been in a similar situation before then?
So pictures of live people were shown, video even. Quite unlike the current state of Iraqi prison system, no video, no "hi Mom's" from anybody, ever.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
The USA doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks.

I don't run my life based on what people think of me.

And FYI Afghanistan is having success there.

Iran is a rogue force, wants to exterminate the Jews and Americans.

They cannot and by the world force will not get nuclear bombs.

They are showing to much defiance, and if they don't surrender the Brit. troops, it will go to war.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
And who cares Westmanguy?

Not the Americans....Not the British....not any of the "great" democracies of the world really care...

This is exactly what Wolfowitz Pearle Kissinger and all the people manipulating the strings on the American administration wanted...

Just stock up on sun-block and red wine.

Sit back and enjoy another war ...this one brought to you by America....

It's their turn after all....


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Hey Beve how's it goin dude:)

I don't mind calling a Jew a more than I mind the term rag-heads or gooks or slopes...

We can thank America and Britain for expanding the vocabulary of hatred....

It's only fitting that the Jews manipulated the brain-dead American administration into fomenting war first with Iraq then with Iran...and of course North Korea is in there somewere...

America has re-created the world in the image that America wants and loves.... learned it at the knee of their Israeli masters after all....

There are more Jews living in the United States than live in Israel...and we've already been informed that Americans don't care what the world thinks of that must by default include the Jews...

It's so nice having the facade of reasonableness torn away by the American's...

Perhaps this is the opportunity the Montana militia and other loving kind-hearted American pro-war right-wing extremists will use to re-establish the rule of hatred and victimization that these folk "believe" gave rise to the Boston Tea party and the emergence of another racist nation of white supremacists ....just like Britain...

What goes around comes around...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
You do know that they had 'strayed' into Iranian waters right?


You seem to have left this part out in your post. Even when apprehended in another countries waters the British 'insisted on their immediate release'. They were in Iran illegally.

they were in Iraqi waters, no business of Iran


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Hey Beve how's it goin dude:)

I don't mind calling a Jew a more than I mind the term rag-heads or gooks or slopes...

We can thank America and Britain for expanding the vocabulary of hatred....

It's only fitting that the Jews manipulated the brain-dead American administration into fomenting war first with Iraq then with Iran...and of course North Korea is in there somewere...

America has re-created the world in the image that America wants and loves.... learned it at the knee of their Israeli masters after all....

There are more Jews living in the United States than live in Israel...and we've already been informed that Americans don't care what the world thinks of that must by default include the Jews...

It's so nice having the facade of reasonableness torn away by the American's...

Perhaps this is the opportunity the Montana militia and other loving kind-hearted American pro-war right-wing extremists will use to re-establish the rule of hatred and victimization that these folk "believe" gave rise to the Boston Tea party and the emergence of another racist nation of white supremacists ....just like Britain...

What goes around comes around...

Evening Mikey, I don't mind being called anything but late for dinner. I was trying to get EagleSchlock to explian to me what he thinks a Semite is. My little shortform of Heb for Hebrew seems to have set him off about racsism.:smile:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You do know that they had 'strayed' into Iranian waters right?


You seem to have left this part out in your post. Even when apprehended in another countries waters the British 'insisted on their immediate release'. They were in Iran illegally.

they were in Iraqi waters, no business of Iran

An Iraqis General and Iraqis fishermen who witnessed the arrest says the British were in Iranian waters.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Iraqi military commander of the country's territorial waters cast doubt on claims the Britons were in Iraqi waters.
"We were informed by Iraqi fishermen after they had returned from sea that there were British gunboats in an area that is out of Iraqi control," Brig. Gen. Hakim Jassim told AP Television News in the southern city of Basra. "We don't know why they were there. And these British troops were besieged by unknown gunboats, I don't know from where," he said.
Fars News, the semi-official news agency of the Iranian Government, set forth these claimed facts:
British marines currently in custody of Iran were fully aware of their presence in the Iranian waters and the recordings by devices in the British vessels confirm the fact. An informed source told FNA that the British Marines who inspected vessels in north western Persian Gulf in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, were arrested by the border guardsmen of the Islamic Republic on charges of having trespassed the borders of Iran and transferred to the mainland for providing more explanations concerning their aggressive measure.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
```Iran does want a war```

You sure about that?

It was Bush's forces who seized Iranians who were in Iraq legally but nothing was done to stop it:


Iraq backs Iranians seized by US

The outside of the Iranian liaison office raided by US forces

Six Iranians held in a US military raid in northern Iraq were working there with the approval of the authorities, Iraq's foreign minister has said.
The Iranian liaison office in Irbil did not yet have full consular diplomatic status but it had been operating for years, Hoshyar Zebari said.

It should be obvious as to who is out to start another war.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
I am not surprised, another lame try at an excuse for an attack on Iran. When are they going to @%$@%$ that Bush once and for all, add Blair to the picture also.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Well, it remains belittling and embarrassing for the Brits to have to wait on the pleasure of the Iranian regime. I wonder how patient Tony is and how patient he believes he's supposed to be.