Anna Nicole Smith dies after collapse


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well, it is a " mass blind fold" for sure. It's also an embarrassment when our key news networks and print dailies stoop to carry coverage of these spoiled, outrageously compensated jackasses. The West is blissfully in decline. It worships decadence while constantly prattling on about how it wants to protect its kids. We've become a joke.

Just look at what passes for entertainment...

Distrubing acts of stupidy, violence and rude ignorant behaviour.
American Chopper...
In between hiliting the extensive creativity, the excesses of new found wealth are exposed in a mish mash of waste and ignorance, ie: Smashing cars that would be worth more then the average two year salary of a ME'rn worker, destroying materials that would and could be recycled by the average ME'rn person.
A meriad of shows that hilite the excesses and stupidity of those we hoist up as icons.

And the list is to long to type out.

But how should the world view the west? As wastefully idiots? While half the world starves to death or die under the feet of the Imperial monsters footsoldiers?


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Well, it is a " mass blind fold" for sure. It's also an embarrassment when our key news networks and print dailies stoop to carry coverage of these spoiled, outrageously compensated jackasses. The West is blissfully in decline. It worships decadence while constantly prattling on about how it wants to protect its kids. We've become a joke.

The same netwroks that prattle on about "family values" are the same ones that cater to this level of entertainment. I am of the generation that remembers when entertainers and stars avoided airing their political and religious beliefs, and scandal could ruin their careers. NOW, scandal makes a career, even if the person has nothing of value to share.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007

Just look at what passes for entertainment...


And you know what's sad, we as a whole like to blame Hollywood, but it is because WE watch these shows and buy the magazines that this industry thrives.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The same netwroks that prattle on about "family values" are the same ones that cater to this level of entertainment. I am of the generation that remembers when entertainers and stars avoided airing their political and religious beliefs, and scandal could ruin their careers. NOW, scandal makes a career, even if the person has nothing of value to share.
And you know what's sad, we as a whole like to blame Hollywood, but it is because WE watch these shows and buy the magazines that this industry thrives.
That's why I try not to be an enabler.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
I feel the same. You might be surprised to read that I didn't even know who this woman was when she died. My daughters had to tell me, with a slight state of shock on their part as they did. What did she do to deserve such attention? She wasn't a writer, an actress, or any other sort of artist. Just a woman who married an old rich guy and kpet his money, from what I understand.

So many real things going on these days, why must we obsess with these would be important people?

Not surprised at all Canadarocks. I admit I had not heard of this woman until she died either. Guess I live in a cave, but I had to ask my husband who the heck the woman was and what had she done to be so famous.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I dont know about political agenda's but I do know I get 4 channels........ ABC <CBS<NBC and PBS Guess what I watch? I get sick of nonsense TV. I blame it on to many choices and not enough substance. Remember when there was no cable? Disney on sunday night, MASH on monday.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
I dont know about political agenda's but I do know I get 4 channels........ ABC <CBS<NBC and PBS Guess what I watch? I get sick of nonsense TV. I blame it on to many choices and not enough substance. Remember when there was no cable? Disney on sunday night, MASH on monday.

You're obviously younger than me. When I was a teenager, the usual shows we watched was Ed Sullivan on Sunday nights, and through the week Beverly Hillbillies, Here's Lucy, Petticoat junction, Bewitched,,you get the drift. TV was great in those days. no issues, no uncalled for sex or bad language, just good fun and laughs.

My sister and I were allowed to watch The Monkees, even though my dad thought they were "radical".Imagine that!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No, but it's repedative and flood like saturation of the airwaves, is a tender destraction from the realities of life.

We, beleive it or not, see it for what it is, a mass blind fold.

I won't pin it on the right or the left, but on governments altogether. As is pro sports. It destracts the masses from the real issues of the day, and lulls them into a new blissful reality, void of things to think critically of.

You are right CDNBear except for the part about government, the same people who own and operate the mass media own and operate the American government and exert enormous pressure on the other western governments.That's why we get ten thousand hours of this dead glamour queen and nothing about the coming nuclear war.How can you see this far but not take the next step and question the origin of what you believe about the Muslim hordes, which is manufactured by the same propaganda people in the same production factorys.:wave:


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
So we're in a mess. The West is constantly being softened up. We have no centre, we have no values. And we, cheekily, think this is the culture that most deserves export. Meanwhile, the Muslim world hardens, strengthens, reinforces and cleverly exports its citizens to build enclaves in the West. I guess we didn't learn the lessons of Troy.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So we're in a mess. The West is constantly being softened up. We have no centre, we have no values. And we, cheekily, think this is the culture that most deserves export. Meanwhile, the Muslim world hardens, strengthens, reinforces and cleverly exports its citizens to build enclaves in the West. I guess we didn't learn the lessons of Troy.

So you think the Muslims are doing fifth column work in the new world, infiltrating the very fabric of western civilization waiting to rise up at some near future signal. What could they possibly gain?:wave:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You are right CDNBear except for the part about government, the same people who own and operate the mass media own and operate the American government and exert enormous pressure on the other western governments.That's why we get ten thousand hours of this dead glamour queen and nothing about the coming nuclear war.How can you see this far but not take the next step and question the origin of what you believe about the Muslim hordes, which is manufactured by the same propaganda people in the same production factorys.:wave:
I would agree with you, cept for the fact that I did not base my opinion on the fundamentalists of Islam or the Evanglists, by watching CNN. I have based it on the evidence that permiates the net, some real, some not. I have also seen it first hand. If your opinion that it is all a product of the right, then why is it the left, when in power, use, maitain and propogate, the same level of discourse and disingenuos BS? Even in the solialist bastiens of the world, the view is hardly as open as you would want it to be.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
So you think the Muslims are doing fifth column work in the new world, infiltrating the very fabric of western civilization waiting to rise up at some near future signal. What could they possibly gain?:wave:

Im sorry I usually stay out of yalls political brawls LOL But seriously do yall REALLY believe all this black op stuff? Seems to me its greed, we buy it they sell it! STOP buying it!!


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Darkbeaver, I think it's plausible. I look at England and its desperate moves now to contain Islamic radicalism/extremism. Imams in various parts of the country have been caught on tape exhorting young Muslims to put their roots and religion first. And act accordingly. I think it's a serious issue. And I do know, if these things do come to fruition in the future that citizens of the West of that time will hate this generation for it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Darkbeaver, I think it's plausible. I look at England and its desperate moves now to contain Islamic radicalism/extremism. Imams in various parts of the country have been caught on tape exhorting young Muslims to put their roots and religion first. And act accordingly. I think it's a serious issue. And I do know, if these things do come to fruition in the future that citizens of the West of that time will hate this generation for it.
Thanx for pointing that out. I had totally forgotten about that.

This is quite true and does sort of take the wind out of darkbeavers sails, in a few threads. Not that darkbeaver would admit that.

This just hilites the fact that it is not the US oil machine that is the sole cause of the Fanatical movment. How exactly have western agressions caused the Manchester Muslim, third generation, to be opressed and subjugated?

It hasn't, albeit the actions of the US in the ME fuel the fires, but the Muslim 'whitebread' privileged fanatics, or homegrown extremists, can hardly claim the US is keeping them down for the oil under their Liverpool flats.

These are the ones I fear the most, not the men and women of the ME, the ones that have lived the horrors of opression and destruction, perpetrated by the oily barons.