Dinning Alone


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
Ive been in tears all afternoon. I know you tell me dont wear my heart on my sleeve but I cant help it. This is why I stay in and when I stay in I get the same. I just dont get why people can be so haateful. I have millions of reason to hate but I dont. Even in adressing Sanctus I addressed his post(job) not him.

Ive really got to eat early tonight. Im hungry. Im going to make the second steak with mushrooms and onions. Broccolli spears and Im going to splurge on instant potatoes.

Tomorrow night I will be in the hospital for Sleep study.
Self - Ignore those who hurt you, I know it is easier to say than to do. I believe that everything that happens to us is for a reason and that reason is to allow us to correct a fault or weakness in our character and personality. There will always be people who will try to hurt you but they will not succeed unless you give them the power. We do this in very unconscious way, the way we carry ourselves always walk with your shoulders squared and your head held high as if you were the most important person in the world and you are to yourself. Never belittle yourself even if you are not sure of yourself, act with confidence as if you knew exactly what to do. Sometime we are not sure what we should do, sit down and write down all the pros and cons. If the cons win then don't do it but if the pros win go forward with confidence. Another little trick that really works well, everyday at least once a day look at yourself in the mirror and say "Hey you, you are special there is no other person like me, I love me, I am loved, I will not let any negativity into my life today." It will not work the first times but as you begin to believe in what you say things will change. There will alway be some negativity in the world but with time you will stop taking it all onto youself. You are not responsible for the actions of the idiots in this world.
Bless, my the gods smile on you.
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Thank you Sparrow.

Whats the name of that hymn with the sparrow in it? I used to Love it so much. I used to do mirror magic. I cant stand the site of myself anymore, my eyes are hollow. But I will start up the practice again. I'll give it a try. Your a kind soul and its kindness' that reach through.



Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
" Another little trick that really works well, everyday at least once a day look at yourself in the mirror and say "Hey you, you are special there is no other person like me, I Another little trick that really works well, everyday at least once a day look at yourself in the mirror and say "Hey you, you are special there is no other person like me, I love me, I am loved, I will not let any negativity into my life today." ." "

Good one Sparrow

I was thinking a rosary is good. Every night before bed and everyday when you get up. Run through the rosary chanting to yourself " I love me, I am loved, I will not let any negativity into my life today."
Or something along those lines. Kind of a selfhypnosis. lol a selfactivated selfhypnosis.


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
I just got home from doing laundry. I have a bumper sticker on my car that says Pagan and Proud. I was putting my laundry in the car and the car next to me pulled out and the boy (there were three teens) rolled down his window and screamed "Proud of what? Jesus is the way" and spit at my car. Nice eh?

This kind of thing that you report, and the kind of heated arguments and insults that come from Sanctus and his bunch, really amaze and sadden me. I used to think that Canada and the States are the countries that have really outgrown this kind of religious hatred and oppression, that the people in these countries are really free to follow their beliefs. I just read today's posts, and the hostility that comes from Marygraspe and the like is really making my blood boil. And all this makes me so sad... I wish this day was over.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I wish the day over more days than not. My dream turn to aliens. Ive never dreamt of aliens until I met Sactus. Very strange.This is the meaning,

To dream that you are an alien, symbolizes the undiscovered part of yourself. Your manifestation as an alien may be your way of 'escaping' from reality. Dreams of this nature also symbolize your outlandish ideas and your wild imagination.

To dream that you are being abducted by aliens indicates your fears of your changing surroundings or your fear of losing your home and family. You feel that your space and/or privacy is being invaded.

To see aliens in your dream signifies that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling "alienated" and invaded. On a psychological level, seeing aliens may represent an encounter with an unfamiliar or neglected aspect of your own self.

This makes total sense. Vereya It makes me sad but for the most part Im in control of how I allow them to make me feel. Unfortunately lately Im vunerable, Im spiritually tired. I hurt but for reasons they'll never get. Loss drains you so much. But you know what? Id never give up my faith in Fae or Pan. I Love how they make me feel. I Love how my Goddess and God wrap there arms around me and I feel warm and safe. Or they send guides like yall here to keep me centered and knowing Im not alone. Our Goddess'/Gods are not sepratists.



Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
I think the title is "Eyes on the sparrow" or something close to that, I have it on one of my CDs. When I go out for coffee tonight I will look in my cd binder in my van and will get back to you later.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I think the title is "Eyes on the sparrow" or something close to that, I have it on one of my CDs. When I go out for coffee tonight I will look in my cd binder in my van and will get back to you later.

No thats it! I LOVE that song. There was another I liked when I went to Mass. They didnt play it often but Goddess touched my heart every time I heard it. "What soever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me"

Let me find the words.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Well that was interesting! How many wednesday the 7th's do you know run back to back????? I know the answer NOW! February AND March! The appointments for march. Iwas out in the cold 45 minutes before I came home and figured it out. Ended up in a full blown panic attack.....its dark and cold and somebody was making very loud noises in the dumpster. Im gonna make tea.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Making loud noises in the dumpster? Homeless person? London does not have "large" homeless population. Not a relatively large town (10th in Canada) so most gravitate to Toronto. Plus this weather drives most in to shelters. I think Canadian winters keeps homeless problem down a bit. likely to freeze to death. My bro was in LA and said after 5pm the whole downtown is flooded with homeless folk. never been homeless. No fixed address but never homeless.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I dont think so, a small pick up came out and the office is doing work. So prolly somebody scavaging. Iget jittery and I shouldnt have stayed there so long.

Ive lived on the streets in my younger days. It was cold and scary and I was hungry, I didnt want to be there BUT there are some that choose that way of life. They see it as a way against the government or they just dont know anybetter. Some(most) are just plain ill, touched and have no where to get better. I did, My friend found me and brought me home and made me see a doctor. I was one of the lucky ones


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Actually found a small Rainbow in the bottom back of my freezer last night. Used my new indoor grill. Need to use that more to get a handle on how it cooks. Fish was a tad dry. Had herbed mashed tater with it and green peas.

Also dawned on me last time I went grocery shopping I left behind my milk, oj, cauliflower, strawberries and carrots. Don't know how I missed bagging them. All my favs too. Frozen cauliflower is just not the same. The carrots were whole and organic too. :(