I was prescribed paxil 4 years ago. I had just quit smoking and was having some problems. I went to the hospitol and talked to somebody for about three hours, she wrote down everything I said. I actually just wanted to talk to someone about what was going on. The doctor comes out and tells me I have a general anxiety disorder and it was causing me to go into a depressive state, and that the best thing for me was drugs. I really didn't want to go on them but he convinced me it was best... so, so wrong.
I wasn't suicidal or anything, but I did think of suicide more, if that makes any sense. The drugs made me worse, and after three months or so, I quit and havn't looked back.
That said, I do have a friend who was on them, and he's been in a state of psychosis for about 5 years now. He was on the paxil too, but he got off of it, but he hasn't gotten better. He's seeing a psychiatrist now, and hes completing a degree in psychology of all things. I think he's come to terms with it now, and he even is giving the idea of drug treatment consideration, and I think it could benefit him. I think in most cases it's best to go into counseling first before drugs, unfortunately the resources aren't always there.