

Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
This kind of thinking would kill me. Without lithium Im simply dead. You may be speaking of situationak depression and even that can warrent 3 months on Paxil and your fine. (in my sis' case) Some people are predisposed to depression, its genetic. In my family on my mothers side we have a strong Indian genetics and all the girls are depressive except one aunt. All the uncles are alchoholics and Grandma and I are Bipolar. The research shows there is strong ties in families to depression and Bipolarism.

Self-Activated, in fact, after I wrote that post you replied to, I felt that I should add that I don't mean genetic or hereditary disorders, but I was too lazy to do it. :confused1:
If depression arises from some medical problem, like the disorder that you mentioned, it should indeed be treated "the medical way".
However, I wrote about people, who do not have this kind of health problems. It is possible for them to deal with their issues without having to take medicines.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Self-Activated, in fact, after I wrote that post you replied to, I felt that I should add that I don't mean genetic or hereditary disorders, but I was too lazy to do it. :confused1:
If depression arises from some medical problem, like the disorder that you mentioned, it should indeed be treated "the medical way".
However, I wrote about people, who do not have this kind of health problems. It is possible for them to deal with their issues without having to take medicines.

Im sorry Love its me being sensitive. Ive seen people talked out of taking meds and ending up in a world of hurt. I always come down on the meds side just as a precaution. Please forgive my being over sensitive.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
The best anti-depressant available to anyone and everyone is helping out somone else...

We are surrounded by people trapped..some willingly but most without any conscious awareness of their own depression and the manifestations of that depression are too often accepted as the "normal" way of feeling about one's self..and everyone else...

I've bullied people (metaphorically...) into finding somone to help...retuning books to the library or picking some up...for someone who can't.... shovelling a sidewalk or cutting someone's lawn...anything to achieve even a small sense of acheivement and affirmation of their availability to success and positive contribution...

There are no simple answers.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
The best anti-depressant available to anyone and everyone is helping out somone else...

We are surrounded by people trapped..some willingly but most without any conscious awareness of their own depression and the manifestations of that depression are too often accepted as the "normal" way of feeling about one's self..and everyone else...

I've bullied people (metaphorically...) into finding somone to help...retuning books to the library or picking some up...for someone who can't.... shovelling a sidewalk or cutting someone's lawn...anything to achieve even a small sense of acheivement and affirmation of their availability to success and positive contribution...

There are no simple answers.

Funny you'd mention this my shrink and I talked about it to great lengths today. He asked what was the one thing that made me feel better, happy just aint there yet, I told him educating people about AeA or Bi Polorism or Surviving Molestation, ect. That makes me feel better, that gives me purpose in life. Now we're talking about starting support groups or maybe a class in self worth, Who better to teach nutcases than a nutcase eh?


Electoral Member
Sep 27, 2006
I will not accept such findings ,being told the family is bi polar and the rest are bi and addicted ,only makes or lets one use that ,

letting just the person evolve with out that knowledge and they may have never experience depression-- its put on you from early on

not to say if it works for ya then by all means do it --the meds --i just think their not for everyone and like some above said --if you dont work out frustrations you ll never know true peace (inner )

Some seem to expect everyone not to be to happy nor too sad --well thats crap --were gonna end up zombies

I just dont think it fair at all ,basically suppressing feelings is a root cause ,not allowing a true feeling out ,
Ive watched people go from cari about their basic hygiene to not caring about anything with anti d --why cant we just accept were all different -and react different


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I will not accept such findings ,being told the family is bi polar and the rest are bi and addicted ,only makes or lets one use that ,

letting just the person evolve with out that knowledge and they may have never experience depression-- its put on you from early on

not to say if it works for ya then by all means do it --the meds --i just think their not for everyone and like some above said --if you dont work out frustrations you ll never know true peace (inner )

Some seem to expect everyone not to be to happy nor too sad --well thats crap --were gonna end up zombies

I just dont think it fair at all ,basically suppressing feelings is a root cause ,not allowing a true feeling out ,
Ive watched people go from cari about their basic hygiene to not caring about anything with anti d --why cant we just accept were all different -and react different

I respect your opinion and if that works in your life thats fantastic but its not a blanket statement, every single case is different and in my case.......well i wasnt diagnosed til I was 18 and tried to commit suicide 6 seperate times. Lithium saved my life as long as I took it. People in my life talked me out of it several times and again I became ill. But as Curio said Im not the OP's target person.

Situational depression can hide, inhance or cause depression. Should every person be medicated? Hell no. Finding a good clinical Shrink is imperative to find the solution.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2007
Harare , Zimbabwe
But I agreed to your Idea , and I know some time there is no way out but the whole idea is to avoid medicines as long as there is no real time use of the same there are lot many peole who do not take medicines even for disease like CANCER also but they do meditate and take netural thing like plans roots and all diffrent type of water mixed with stones


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I do agree that herbal medicine is very helpful. I take herbs myself, BUT and I dont mean to sound like a broken record BUT some herbs can contradict other medications. If I take staint johns wart I can really get sick because of other drugs I take. Its always best to consult a doctor before taking any herb or even vitamins. B-12 can cause havock combined with certain drugs. Ive learned all this the hard way lol


Council Member
Jan 19, 2007
Harare , Zimbabwe
The kind of depression that will most likely benefit from treatment with medications is more than just "the blues." It's a condition that's prolonged, lasting 2 weeks or more, and interferes with a person's ability to carry on daily tasks and to enjoy activities that previously brought pleasure. The depressed person will seem sad, or "down," or may show a lack of interest in his surroundings. He may have trouble eating and lose weight (although some people eat more and gain weight when depressed). He may sleep too much or too little, have difficulty going to sleep, sleep restlessly, or awaken very early in the morning. He may speak of feeling guilty, worthless, or hopeless. He may complain that his thinking is slowed down. He may lack energy, feeling "everything's too much," or he might be agitated and jumpy. A person who is depressed may cry. He may think and talk about killing himself and may even make a suicide attempt.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2007
Harare , Zimbabwe
I know you must be having this but again....

Side Effects of Antidepressant Medications

1. Tricyclic Antidepressants
There are a number of possible side effects with tricyclic antidepressants that vary, depending on the medication. For example, amitriptyline (Elavil) may make people feel drowsy, while protriptyline (Vivactil) hardly does this at all and, in some people, may have an opposite effect, producing feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Because of this kind of variation in side effects, one antidepressant might be highly desirable for one person and not recommended for another. Tricyclics on occasion may complicate specific heart problems, and for this reason the physician should be aware of all such difficulties. Other side effects with tricyclics may include blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, dizziness when changing position, increased sweating, difficulty urinating, changes in sexual desire, decrease in sexual ability, muscle twitches, fatigue, and weakness. Not all these medications produce all side effects, and not everybody gets them. Some will disappear quickly, while others may remain for the length of treatment. Some side effects are similar to symptoms of depression (for instance, fatigue and constipation). For this reason, the patient or family should discuss all symptoms with the doctor, who may change the medication or dosage. Tricyclics also may interact with thyroid hormone, antihypertensive medications, oral contraceptives, some blood coagulants, some sleeping medications, antipsychotic medications, diuretics, antihistamines, aspirin, bicarbonate of soda, vitamin C, alcohol, andtobacco. An overdose of antidepressants is serious and potentially lethal. It requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of an overdose of tricyclic antidepressant medication develop within an hour and may start with rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, flushed face, and agitation, and progress to confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures, irregular heart beats, cardiorespiratory collapse, and death.
2. The Newer Antidepressants
The most common side effects of these antidepressants are gastrointestinal problems and headache. Others are insomnia, anxiety, and agitation. Because of potentially serious interaction between these medications and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, it is advisable to stop taking one medication from 2 to 4 or 5 weeks before starting the other, depending on the specific medications involved. In addition, some SSRIs have been found to affect metabolism of certain other medications in the liver, creating possible drug interactions.
3. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
MAOIs may cause some side effects similar to those of the other antidepressants. Dizziness when changing position and rapid heartbeat are common. MAOIs also react with certain foods and alcoholic beverages (such as aged cheeses, foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG), Chianti and other red wines), and other medications (such as over-the-counter cold and allergy preparations, local anesthetics, amphetamines, insulin, some narcotics, and antiparkinsonian medications). These reactions often do not appear for several hours. Signs may include severe high blood pressure, headache, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, possible confusion, psychotic symptoms, seizures, stroke, and coma. For this reason, people taking MAOIs must stay away from restricted foods, drinks, and medications. They should be sure that they are furnished, by their doctor or pharmacist, a list of all foods, beverages, and other medications that should be avoided. Precautions to be observed when taking Antidepressants When taking antidepressants, it is important to tell all doctors (and dentists) being seen not just the one who is treating the depression about all medications being used, including over-the-counter preparations and alcohol. Antidepressants should be taken only in the amount prescribed and should be kept in a secure place away from children. When used with proper care, following doctors' instructions, antidepressants are extremely useful medications that can reverse the misery of a depression and help a person feel like himself again.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I know you must be having this but again....

Im not sure of your meaning. Im never against education and research when it comes to health. Its your duty to yourself to be informed. Ive had many years of experience on this subject and Ive been a Speaker at several groups. What I tell them is that before you allow anyone power over your physical and mental health research it. Take control, be educated.

Discussions such as these are hugely important because people are brought to an awareness.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Yes the old ones did Divalproex and others. I couldnt stand being touched. (part of that was my past too)

I made a choice to go off all the other stuff they had me on and I stick to Lithium (a natral salt that my body doesnt make) and seroquil (I take for sleep). When I stopped the old "cocktail" Oh my Goddess! I refound my interest in sex and I have a very healthy sex life ever since. But again I researched it.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2007
Harare , Zimbabwe
Treating Depression since its creation in 1996. HBC Protocols, Inc. has been dedicated to providing new, science-based solutions to emotional health, depression, and aging concerns through the development of research-grade medications such as St. Johns wort, Idebenone, Lithium Orotate, Sleep, St John's Wort Homeopathic Spray, Thea-Zen, RNA/DNA, SAMe, 7 Keto DHEA, Human Growth Hormone, Kava Kava, 5 HTP, Vigorex, Calcium and Magnesium, Carbohydrate blockers, DMAE, Anti Alcohol Antioxidant, Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba, Glucosamine, Human Growth Hormone seals, HGH patches, Hyaluronic Acid, Masquelier's French Pine Bark Grape seed extract, Confidence Rx, Omega oils, Saw palmetto, Lycopene, Lutine, Methyl-sulfonyl-methane, MSM, Natural Vitamin E, Oxygen Water, Vinpocetine, as well as myriad of other factors proven to support higher levels of awareness, satisfaction, and intensification of the human experience.