Why are you Conservative?


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
Hi everybody :wave:, im new here. Im from Montréal and my english is a bit limited...

I have a simple question for people here:

why are you conservative?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
First, welcome to the board! Hope you enjoy it here.

Second, the term 'conservative' has fallen into disfavor here in the States as they have been exposed as phonies for their religious hypocrisy, moral turpitude, political corruption, lies, hatred, favoritism towards the wealthy, bigotry towards minorities, and warmongering.

Political candidates now take a more sobered approach in presenting themselves and the day of right wing extremists is over. Hopefully this will mean a climate of greater tolerance, tack and diplomacy, and an end to warmongering.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Hi everybody :wave:, im new here. Im from Montréal and my english is a bit limited...

I have a simple question for people here:

why are you conservative?

That's a deceptively complex question. I would not call myself conservative, but I do have what would be called conservative opinions on some issues. I also have what would be called strongly leftist opinions on some issues. And some strongly liberal opinions... I don't and can't vote ideologically, my opinions span the whole range from far left to far right, depending on the question.

And don't worry about having limited skills in English. Your English is obviously better than my French. My French is limited to being able to read the labels on cereal boxes and pill bottles. There are French language threads here, and most of us who hang around in the English language threads will make the effort to understand somebody who's first language is not English.

And welcome to CC.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'm 52.

If you'd have asked me when I first became politically aware (at about 16) I'd have told you I was a Marxist.

I've voted NDP, Reform, Canadian Alliance, and Conservative. As of yet I have not completely gone over to the Dark Side and voted Liberal............

Why am I conservative?

Because I learned, over time that individual rights are the only rights that count. The left swears mostly by collective rights.........which are usually used only to increase the power of the State at great cost to the individual.

The greatest threat to our freedom comes from the Left.

Certainly not the ONLY threat.........but the greatest threat.

That is part of the reason I am conservative.

In addition, I love history, and have spent a fair bit of time and energy studying the development of the free societies we are so fortunate to live in. Thus I recoil at rapid change, at any casual or rapid sloughing off of our traditions.

That is the very definintion of conservative.

I hope this helps.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That's a deceptively complex question. I would not call myself conservative, but I do have what would be called conservative opinions on some issues. I also have what would be called strongly leftist opinions on some issues. And some strongly liberal opinions... I don't and can't vote ideologically, my opinions span the whole range from far left to far right, depending on the question.

And don't worry about having limited skills in English. Your English is obviously better than my French. My French is limited to being able to read the labels on cereal boxes and pill bottles. There are French language threads here, and most of us who hang around in the English language threads will make the effort to understand somebody who's first language is not English.

And welcome to CC.

As usual, well said, Dexter.

The old left-right definition is really outdated...........most choose some ideas from all areas of the spectrum......but I just wind up mostly conservative.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
The greatest threat to our freedom comes from the Left.

Certainly not the ONLY threat.........but the greatest threat.

That is part of the reason I am conservative.

I am very agree with this. But i think center-left is not too bad.

And im also wondering, is the right(not center-right) and the ultra is doing exactly the same with secrecy and corruption? When i look at the U.S, i think it does...

I have come with the conclusion lately that when you fold the paper, the extreme reach themself? :scratch:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I am very agree with this. But i think center-left is not too bad.

And im also wondering, is the right(not center-right) and the ultra is doing exactly the same with secrecy and corruption? When i look at the U.S, i think it does... :scratch:

Absolutely........the left-right political spectrum would be better portrayed as a circle...........but left and right extremists come to a nasty place......the same place.

Now, try and define "far" left or "far" right.

I was a member of the Reform Party........which I in no way considered a "far-right" party.

Nor do I consider the NDP (or the Bloc) to be "far-left". In Canada we are a little niave, as all our major parties are crammed in the centre.


Nominee Member
Jan 23, 2006
Chicoutimi, Québec
Like most people, it depends on the issue with me. I am most accurately described as a Liberal or leftist, however there are quite a number of things I am "conservative" about. But I have never been a Conservative (with a capital C), that is, a member of the Conservative party.

I too value individual freedom, but feel it must be reconciled with the needs and rights of a functional society of people who care for one another. I am not a sun-loving, tree-hugging, dread-locked hippie by any means. My liberalism comes from both a sense of practicality (what I think our country needs) and ideology (where I think our country should go). IF we have created for ourselves a successfully democratic state that is accountable at all times to its citizens, then (in my opinion) we need not fear the state. Working towards a more just society is the noblest of all human efforts, and it is the natural progression forward for our species. In this race for a just and advanced society, Canada is or could be the world leader. But the progression must be slow and steady, never abrupt, which is why I am thankful for our conservatives, however often I may disagree with them or curse them for what I would call hindering our country.

As a Canadian citizen I do not fear the Canadian government, it belongs partly to me and is accountable in part to me directly.

As an American citizen, however, I do fear the U.S.government when I am in their jurisdiction, because that government is a permanent fixture whose policies and leaders are difficult and sometimes impossible to hold accountable. Americans come to believe from a very youngage that their government is all-powerful and can do anything, and that if anyone should hinder them, then they should just be blown up. It is imperialism; a colonialist mentality. This is why many Americans cannot help but be jingoists. In short, the US government can do whatever it wants and no one, not even the American public, can stop it (it is only in theory that this is possible). In this sense, I feel that the US is an unsuccessfully democratic state in comparison with the other occidental countries, however successful it may be in comparison with developing nations. The US is a country that, despite its almost supreme power on the world stage, is in danger of losing itself. Canada is a country that, despite its almost constant state of uncertainty about its future in any respect from physical unity to economic sustainability, will always succeed.

I suppose that was a bit of a digressive rant, but in there I think I have expressed somewhere my reasons for essentially not being a conservative and instead being a Liberal (with a capital L).


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
As an American citizen, however, I do fear the U.S.government when I am in their jurisdiction, because that government is a permanent fixture whose policies and leaders are difficult and sometimes impossible to hold accountable. Americans come to believe from a very youngage that their government is all-powerful and can do anything, and that if anyone should hinder them, then they should just be blown up. It is imperialism; a colonialist mentality. This is why many Americans cannot help but be jingoists. In short, the US government can do whatever it wants and no one, not even the American public, can stop it (it is only in theory that this is possible). In this sense, I feel that the US is an unsuccessfully democratic state in comparison with the other occidental countries, however successful it may be in comparison with developing nations. The US is a country that, despite its almost supreme power on the world stage, is in danger of losing itself. Canada is a country that, despite its almost constant state of uncertainty about its future in any respect from physical unity to economic sustainability, will always succeed.

What i fear the most about the U.S is the secret societies. Im very confuse about all this.

In other hand, im very agree with the fact that bieng at the left lead to communism or socialist. And both will kill all our freedoom. Slowly this kind of evolution lead to communist, i have no doubt. Its in fact what many are seeking. Some people may say they(U.S) are evil but im starting to believe they are more than right in what they say. Everybody has the right to lie and no one should be told by laws to care about others. Freedoom is fredoom.

But at some point, i wonder if this freedoom is not simply anarchy?

Because if we look at Bush(ultra), hes basicly saying : "My class is over the law, i am tought on crime but i believe in total economic anarchy." This is a total non-sense. First hes almost fascist socialy and than anarchic economicly?. This lead me to wonder, maybe they are just globalist? Seeking for a total melting of all contry by economic globalization? Im very afraid of that, and its also why Harper lost my support. If harper was not a Bush supporter, i would probaly votre for PC. I can't trust Bush because of the secret societies and we know what.

For now, its why i can't be at right. Let's say im in the center-right.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I usually describe myself as having a right slant, but I am in the same boat as Dex and Colpy, whom by the way, summed it up better then I could. But Besides sharing all of their views, you can add a smidge of gophers cynasism to my plate.

I hope you enjoy your time here, this is an awsome site. Your contribution, will be a wonderful addition.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
A little bit of both???

Interesting thread. I consider myself mostly to be "c"Conservative, as I, not unlike the previous posters, swing "both ways" so to speak on some issues. But, I strongly disagree with the "social engineering" which some on the left seem to think is "good for the country" and could lead to a more "socialist/communistic" state. I resent it when people presume to speak for me, telling me what's good for me. I think I am able to make those decisions by myself. Obviously, there are decisions a government has to make for the good of the country; that's what they were elected to do. But, for the most part, depending on the issue, I'm 'left' on some, 'right' on others. I wonder if most Canadians aren't the same way....



Electoral Member
Sep 27, 2006
Why am I --I always thought to be conservative was the ability to work ,live ,play with just enough and not to splurge ,overspend ,somewhere conservation has been lost ,I still live conservatively even though the Conservative party of Canada has strayed

I am Conservative but I"m not a Conservative --lol
The first 2 defiitions are from WIKI

The last from Dictionary .com

Conservatism is a political philosophy that usually favors traditional values and strong foreign defense. The term derives from to conserve; from Latin conservāre, "to keep, guard, observe". Since different cultures have different established values, conservatives in different cultures have different goals. Some conservatives seek to preserve the status quo, while others seek to return to the values of an earlier time, the status quo ante.

In Canada, political conservatism is generally considered to be primarily represented by the Conservative Party of Canada at the federal level, and by the various right-leaning parties at the provincial levels. Organized conservatism in Canada dates back to the creation of the Liberal-Conservative Party of Canada in 1854, prior to Confederation. Canadian conservatism has similar ideological roots as British Conservatism; nationalism and protectionism, but in the last 20 years has taken a sharp turn toward economic liberalism or neoconservatism.

American conservatism is a constellation of political ideologies within the United States under the blanket heading of conservative. Included are fiscal conservatives, free market or economic liberals, social conservatives,[1] and religious conservatives,[2][3] as well as supporters of a strong American military, opponents of internationalism,[4] and proponents of states' rights.[5]

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–adjective 1.disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. 2.cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate. 3.traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit. 4.(often initial capital letter
) of or pertaining to the Conservative party. 5.(initial capital letter
) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism. 6.having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative. 7.Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar. –noun 8.a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc. 9.a supporter of conservative political policies. 10.(initial capital letter
) a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain. 11.a preservative.
What A liberal conservative party ???


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
I resent it when people presume to speak for me, telling me what's good for me. I think I am able to make those decisions by myself. Obviously, there are decisions a government has to make for the good of the country; that's what they were elected to do.


And Québec parti québecois proove exactly what you are saying. They always told what people should do, i think they want to create a totalitaire régime. And i don't need to tell you they are socialist(like René-Lévesque was)...


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
I am Conservative but I"m not a Conservative --lol
The first 2 defiitions are from WIKI

The last from Dictionary .com

Conservatism is a political philosophy that usually favors traditional values and strong foreign defense. The term derives from to conserve; from Latin conservāre, "to keep, guard, observe". Since different cultures have different established values, conservatives in different cultures have different goals. Some conservatives seek to preserve the status quo, while others seek to return to the values of an earlier time, the status quo ante.

The conservative want to keep something?
If this something have make progress for other people in the past years, this mean they are not only conservative but also UNprogressive?

Also the question is, how far they are willing to go to stop evolution? Is Harper willing to go as far as the U.S? When i see him attacking the CRTC, i think its a possibility.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
And Québec parti québecois proove exactly what you are saying. They always told what people should do, i think they want to create a totalitaire régime. And i don't need to tell you they are socialist(like René-Lévesque was)...
Can't argue with that at all...
The conservative want to keep something?
If this something have make progress for other people in the past years, this mean they are not only conservative but also UNprogressive?

Also the question is, how far they are willing to go to stop evolution? Is Harper willing to go as far as the U.S? When i see him attacking the CRTC, i think its a possibility.
The CRTC is archaic and antiquated, it's high time that the socialist strangle hold they have on the viewing and listenning practices of the average Joe Schmuck Canadian, was cut off.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
The CRTC is archaic and antiquated, it's high time that the socialist strangle hold they have on the viewing and listenning practices of the average Joe Schmuck Canadian, was cut off.

For me, one of the most important thing for democracy is the media. Leaving the media control out of the hand of the corporation is the way to keep democracy.

If many people at the right can't understand this, we can cleary see that many people at the right understand this pretty well(the americains).

Im not a socialist because i want to keep the CRTC strong.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
For me, one of the most important thing for democracy is the media. Leaving the media control out of the hand of the corporation is the way to keep democracy.

If many people at the right can't understand this, we can cleary see that many people at the right understand this pretty well(the americains).

Im not a socialist because i want to keep the CRTC strong.
You're not a socialist! But you support the CRTC?

Ok, fair nuff...

What aspect of the CRTC are you supporting, the typical CAN CON crap? Or the Communications regulations on appropriate language, ie swearing and such, etc etc etc.?


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
You're not a socialist! But you support the CRTC?

Ok, fair nuff...

What aspect of the CRTC are you supporting, the typical CAN CON crap? Or the Communications regulations on appropriate language, ie swearing and such, etc etc etc.?

Are you a socialist because you support the public medical care system? This is wierd because if i read the conservative Founding Principles:

"The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:

• A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and"

So you are a socialist too if i follow your logic?

I want to keep the CRTC strong to keep democracy. Giving the media control to the corporation is also giving total power to the coporation and the right.

Do you want a Canadian democracy or a americain democracy? Thats the question. And the first step to acheive americain democracy is to kill the CRTC.