Why are you Conservative?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Are you a socialist because you support the public medical care system? This is wierd because if i read the conservative Founding Principles:

"The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:

• A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and"

So you are a socialist too if i follow your logic?

I want to keep the CRTC strong to keep democracy. Giving the media control to the corporation is also giving total power to the coporation and the right.

Do you want a Canadian democracy or a americain democracy? Thats the question. And the first step to acheive americain democracy is to kill the CRTC.
You must be a politician, you answered my questions with questions.

Try answering a question. Then I'll answer yours, I'm so tired of this circular dance. Make claims and statements, then be queried, only to answer the questions with questions.

Seems many posters feel the need to speak their mind, just fail to be able to back it up or expand on it.



New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
You must be a politician, you answered my questions with questions.

Try answering a question. Then I'll answer yours, I'm so tired of this circular dance. Make claims and statements, then be queried, only to answer the questions with questions.

Seems many posters feel the need to speak their mind, just fail to be able to back it up or expand on it.


I have answered your question, you didn't for mine.

Your question was : "What aspect of the CRTC are you supporting, the typical CAN CON crap? Or the Communications regulations on appropriate language, ie swearing and such, etc etc etc.?"

My awnser was :
" I want to keep the CRTC strong to keep democracy."

Than the question that you avoid is:
Are you a socialist because you support the public medical healthcare?
If the anwser to this is no, than you can't call me a socialist because i support the CRTC. Otherwise you are also a socialist if we follow your logic.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I have answered your question, you didn't for mine.

Your question was : "What aspect of the CRTC are you supporting, the typical CAN CON crap? Or the Communications regulations on appropriate language, ie swearing and such, etc etc etc.?"

My awnser was :
" I want to keep the CRTC strong to keep democracy."

Than the question that you avoid is:
Are you a socialist because you support the public medical healthcare?
If the anwser to this is no, than you can't call me a socialist because i support the CRTC. Otherwise you are also a socialist if we follow your logic.
That hardly answers the question, it poses more, if anything at all.

To make you feel all special. I am a tad of a socialist when it comes to healthcare. Aren't most Canadians? That is actually more of our Identity then anything force fed us by atiquated CANCON regulations.

The CRTC, hardly promotes democracy. It stifles it. By it's very essence it is anti free speach and anti majority rule. Those being a couple of the hallmarks of democracy.

Your logic is flawed to say the least.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
To make you feel all special. I am a tad of a socialist when it comes to healthcare. Aren't most Canadians? That is actually more of our Identity then anything force fed us by atiquated CANCON regulations.

So the Canadians conservative are also socialist? I think you are the first one in my life who ever said that. I think you need to understand there is the right, the left, and the centre. And perhaps you should understand that i am not a socialist at all because i support the CRTC but i am in the centre. Can we say that the conservative party in Canada is more at center-right than right? Yes i think we can.

The CRTC, hardly promotes democracy. It stifles it. By it's very essence it is anti free speach and anti majority rule. Those being a couple of the hallmarks of democracy.

Radio-Canada is not under the control of their shareholder. Radio-Canada offer a free press for Canada because its the centrer-control of the mass-media.. And a free-press is one of the most important thing for democracy. In the U.S, they are under the control of their shareholder and everybody is agree about its impact on the free-press.

Reporters Without Borders is agree:
Canada rank is 16, while U.S rank is 119

And the wiki is agree:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Like most people, it depends on the issue with me. I am most accurately described as a Liberal or leftist, however there are quite a number of things I am "conservative" about. But I have never been a Conservative (with a capital C), that is, a member of the Conservative party...........


I suppose that was a bit of a digressive rant, but in there I think I have expressed somewhere my reasons for essentially not being a conservative and instead being a Liberal (with a capital L).
That's pretty good, Mac. Nice and clear. I tend to dislike parties as they get cranky when you don't toe the party line. Libertarian parties aren't too bad, but they're impractical, so I usually vote independent.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
For me, one of the most important thing for democracy is the media. Leaving the media control out of the hand of the corporation is the way to keep democracy.
You mean like Corus, Black's newspaper groups, the government's lapdog (CBC), etc.?

Im not a socialist because i want to keep the CRTC strong.
I agree there should be some regulation on the media, but the CRTC is like WCB, ICBC in BC, the Wheat Board, etc. They think they're some kind of godlike creatures and power has twisted their perceptions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The CRTC issue is curious. Al Jazeera as a network wouldn't work, but maybe some other network with a canadian content of 60% or better could show Al Jazeera newscasts instead of a 24 hour channel. If the content were below 60 %, just run Anne of Green Gables, BAM, 150% for the time it's on air between 7-11pm.

As far as political leanings go, I'm a bit left of center, but not quite Ghandi material. I'm not even sure thats completely accurate. As with most people I know, the older I get the more conservative I seem to be getting. I'd like to know how many people consider themselves outside the center, really how many people recognize their disassociation from the "norm" in the center. It's funny to even think of the center as "norm", because there you'll find all the elements in the spectrum, fringe and what have you.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Do you want a Canadian democracy or a americain democracy? Thats the question. And the first step to acheive americain democracy is to kill the CRTC.
I prefer a democracy like the Swiss have. The pols only have as much power as the public lets them have and they know that at the bottom line, the public is the boss, not them.
Canada's democracy is a joke as is the USA's. The only time there's much democracy is at election time, the rest of the period is either oligarchy or dictatorship. Either way, they are both too authoritarian.







Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So the Canadians conservative are also socialist? I think you are the first one in my life who ever said that. I think you need to understand there is the right, the left, and the centre. And perhaps you should understand that i am not a socialist at all because i support the CRTC but i am in the centre. Can we say that the conservative party in Canada is more at center-right than right? Yes i think we can.
So if the conservatives put money into healthcare, what are they again. Oh yes, conservatives. Public healthcare as I stated is more a part of our social fabric or idenrity, then it is a political ideology. If you fail to grasp that, so beit.

Your support of the CRTC, is fine, if that is what you want. Constant overseer groups sorting through the imagery and audio files to assess what is and is not going to be acceptable for us sensitive Canadians.

As far as the obvious necessaity of a communications governing body, much like the CRTC. I think they have have over stepped their bonds with the CANCON regulations. IMHO.

As for promoting democracy, you have a lot of work ahead of you trying to convince me they are anything, but an extention of the liberal nanny state mentality.

By your posts, I take it, you have an axe to grind, somewhere in the feild of Canadian film making.

Radio-Canada is not under the control of their shareholder. Radio-Canada offer a free press for Canada because its the centrer-control of the mass-media.. And a free-press is one of the most important thing for democracy. In the U.S, they are under the control of their shareholder and everybody is agree about its impact on the free-press.
No they are under the control of the liberal elitist class, hence their detatchment from reality and the will of the people.

The scariest thing about the CBC is, they are the only outside voice in many areas. Leaving thousands of people in virtual objective darkness.

You mean like Corus, Black's newspaper groups, the government's lapdog (CBC), etc.?

I agree there should be some regulation on the media, but the CRTC is like WCB, ICBC in BC, the Wheat Board, etc. They think they're some kind of godlike creatures and power has twisted their perceptions.
Absolutely correct.

That power has mutated their perceived mandate, into one of, "WE know wahat the people should be listening to or watching" and now feel it is their duty to censur beyond what is decent.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
Canada's democracy is a joke as is the USA's. The only time there's much democracy is at election time, the rest of the period is either oligarchy or dictatorship. Either way, they are both too authoritarian.

We need to respect the U.S, im agree with this. I won't try to change americain opignon about their gouvernement. Its why our free-press and democracy is a bit censured. This is a Canadian site, i don't post in U,S site.

And it look like reporters without borders are not really agree with what you say, Switzerland is 6 and we are 16.
like i posted:

Reporters Without Borders is agree:
Canada rank is 16, while U.S rank is 119

And the wiki is agree:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
We need to respect the U.S, im agree with this. I won't try to change americain opignon about their gouvernement. Its why our free-press and democracy is a bit censured. This is a Canadian site, i don't post in U,S site.

And it look like reporters without borders are not really agree with what you say, Switzerland is 6 and we are 16.
like i posted:

Reporters Without Borders is agree:
Canada rank is 16, while U.S rank is 119

And the wiki is agree:
OK. But what's this "reporters without borders" have to do with my opinion that the Swiss have a very efficient, stable, accountable gov't?
The press is the press. I prefer independent press because it prints or airs exactly what it finds out, unlike gov't press (like the CBC) or Black's or whoever whose employees only air or print what is acceptable to their employers. IOW, mainstream press is a joke.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
No they are under the control of the liberal elitist class, hence their detatchment from reality and the will of the people.

The scariest thing about the CBC is, they are the only outside voice in many areas. Leaving thousands of people in virtual objective darkness.

If they are under the control of the liberal, then they took it by democratie, not by secrecy.
If the liberal are suposed to be able to take the control of the mass-media, than the conservative should also be able to do it since they currently have the same powers.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
The press is the press. I prefer independent press because it prints or airs exactly what it finds out, unlike gov't press (like the CBC) or Black's or whoever whose employees only air or print what is acceptable to their employers. IOW, mainstream press is a joke.

Do you bankrupt yourself? You think they will? Thats the problem when the the mass-media are controled by people with share in everythings.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If they are under the control of the liberal, then they took it by democratie, not by secrecy.
If the liberal are suposed to be able to take the control of the mass-media, than the conservative should also be able to do it since they currently have the same powers.
I guess you missed the "elitest class" part of that. You may know them, you sound a lot like them. They arethe ones that feel they know what is best for all of society, regardless of the democratice free will the people show. Hence "grey market" satalite dishes. If the people were the true pervayors of the democratic process, the CRTC would not have in place, some of the restrictive regulations they have.
Well, whatever the CBC are, they aren't impartial nor at times are they factual. Certainly not worth what they suck out of our tax money.
Nothing wrong with that FACTUAL statement.
Do you bankrupt yourself? You think they will? Thats the problem when the the mass-media are controled by people with share in everythings.
The mass media is as corrupt and biased as they get. They pander to target audiences, while trying to appease the CRTC. There is no unbiased journalism on TV, stop watching it.

If you think the CRTC promotes democracy, I have some beautiful beach front property in Florida, $1 an acre. PM me for more details.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
Well than CDNBear, i guess democracy is impossible for you. Perhaps hidded faschiste is the only way out for you?

If you say the current system is not 100% democratic, im maybe a bit agree with you. But the system you are willing to instaure is by far worse for me. I think both system are under the control of the current gouvernement, but one of them is never under the control of the shareholder. Its why i think our current system is by far better.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well than CDNBear, i guess democracy is impossible for you. Perhaps hidded faschiste is the only way out for you?

If you say the current system is not 100% democratic, im maybe a bit agree with you. But the system you are willing to instaure is by far worse for me. I think both system are under the control of the current gouvernement, but one of them is never under the control of the shareholder. Its why i think our current system is by far better.
Oh yes of course, I dissagree, therefore, I am a fascist, I hate democracy.<---Please note heavy sarcasm.

I see that higher intellect is in shining order today. <---Please note, even heavier sarcasm.

What's next? I'm a nazi, a neo con. I hope your game gets better then this hunny.

Could you please post a link to someplce where I stated this supposed system I proposed?

Of couse you feel the present system is far better, it is nothing more then industrial welfare and most left leaners love welfare and telling the majority about how they should feel and what they should be watch and/or listening to.

Please explain to me how that is promoting democracy? It isn't, it is a dictatorship. When you no longer do what the majority of the people want, but rather what you want the majority of people to do, you are no longer running under the moniker of a democracy, not that Canada is a democracy anyways, as was so thoughtfully pointed out by MikeyDB a while ago.

btw, what's with the link to my profile?


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
dead account
I think the way the board is run reflect well what you are.
I was looking for some nice canadian political discusion in a democratic system, i don't think this is the place for it.
I think you just proove me what i tought.

This said Good bye.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think the way the board is run reflect well what you are.
I was looking for some nice canadian political discusion in a democratic system, i don't think this is the place for it.
I think you just proove me what i tought.

This said Good bye.
OH, I'm sorry, I thought you came to actually discuss the issues you raise.

How very stupid, undemocratic and fascist of me.

You really just came by to have your views messaged, so you could justify them. I get it now.

My most humblest apologies.

If you make claims, be prepared to back them up. I had to learn that and fast when I first showed up here. And the fierce debate, multiple points of view, broad cross section and wide expance of knowledge is what prompted me to stay. If everyone agreed with me, what would be the point...

Did you here about Israel today?

No what?

They blow up another school!

No really?


Wow, how sad.

Yep, those poor Isarelis are going to have to buy more shells from the US.


Besides assinine, do you see how that conversation might get stale?

If you look back, I called you no names, in any threads. Yet you felt the need to call me an idiot, a fascist and state that I am undemocratic, for not embracing your views, because I see them as flawed, I have asked you to substantiate them, but you haven't. You just started calling me names. Oh well, if that was the extent of your ablity to contribute, then perhaps you should...