You must be a politician, you answered my questions with questions.Are you a socialist because you support the public medical care system? This is wierd because if i read the conservative Founding Principles:
"The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:
• A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and"
So you are a socialist too if i follow your logic?
I want to keep the CRTC strong to keep democracy. Giving the media control to the corporation is also giving total power to the coporation and the right.
Do you want a Canadian democracy or a americain democracy? Thats the question. And the first step to acheive americain democracy is to kill the CRTC.
Try answering a question. Then I'll answer yours, I'm so tired of this circular dance. Make claims and statements, then be queried, only to answer the questions with questions.
Seems many posters feel the need to speak their mind, just fail to be able to back it up or expand on it.