Dinning Alone


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I get 3 channells :) ABC, CBS, NBC.........dats it :)

I watch 3 channels The Food Network, History Channel and Showcase. The Food Network online is a good site for recipes. http://www.foodnetwork.com/ Cable TV is mostly trash. I grew up on 3 channels CBC, TVO and the local channel 9. Later we got Global. We would go a friends house on Sat. morn. They had a tall tower antenna. If weather was cloudy, signals from Detroit channel 2 would get reflected off clouds and we could watch Japanese monster movies, admittedly with bad reception but we were only 8 yrs old. I did not see cable till I was 20yrs old. We did not get a clour TV till I was 17. I much prefer a good book on history or a biography.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I was brought up on a farm. We did chores, chores and more chores. My absolutely favorite thing to do was wrap up in a blanket , sit in my rocking chair and read. Im quite the romantic, I read EVERYTHING on King Arthor and Merlin I could get my hands on. I ADORED Shakespear. Now adays Ive read everything I can on Wicca and Shamanism. Ive always been a Solatary wishing I was in the "inner circle" But that never happened. I couldnt be cruel so I was always the loner and Im still the solatary.
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Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Have you read Bernard Cornwell's Excalibur series. The Winter King, Enemy of God and Excalibur. Lots of romance. May not seem like it at first but love does conquer all in the books. Even if it starts a lot of things though. Local library or used book store should have it.

As a kid I liked to go out toboganning during winter and come home, change and lie in the huge sunny area created by our picture window in living room. It was only time us kids were allowed in living room was to sit quietly and read a book. Parents didn't want us jumping all over good furniture. That's what the basement family room was for.

Most of the activities I engage in are solitary. I can be a team player but really like time alone. I ride bicycles and motorcycles because of the isolation of them. Just me my bike and the road. Same with a book. You can watch TV with friends. You can't read a book with friends. Maybe discuss one.

Had a bowl of heart smart clam chowder last night for supper. Kinda thin compared to real clam chowder but eating the real thing will quickly undo all the good docs work. Finished off with an ice cream bar made of 98% fat free ice cream. My only source of trans fats (.1 gram) these days except for maybe beef, which does not carry food labelling and is only eaten once a week by me. My old eating habits would have supplied me with a month or two worth of transfats in one day. Rumour has it outlawing trans fats in food here in Ontario may be in the works.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
They're talking about that here in the states too(trans fat). I have arthritis have ever since I was real little. Step dad would kick me out side (literally) and Id cry so hard on the steps my tears would freeze. Wasnt a very good childhood. All the things I did alone helped me smile. I'll check out the books, im due for something a bit more light hearted.

Im still working on my venus demilo soup lol It may be a whoops but it still tastes good :)


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Now that's heart breaking. A little girl crying on the steps and her tears freezing. Is the lousy bastard still alive? It's amazing how hard it is to shake off childhood influences, wether good or bad. My childhood at home was great. School was another story. I get a lot of satisfaction from the fact most of my tormenters are losers today. The bullies are drunken, pot bellied, wife beaters and the popular girls are divorced, overweight, and lost their looks. Not to put a bad light on all divorced, overweight women but on some they got their come uppance. As for the guys, I got the pleasure of beating the hell out of one of my worst tormenters when he was really really drunk. His height of maturity and pinnacle of success was getting to sit in the back seats of the school bus. The public school bus too. The 4 years of high school was obviously a total waste on him.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
yes he's still alive but I dont speak to him. I had a love /hate relationship with high school. I weighed 333 and people were very cruel. At the end of sophmore year I was beaten to a pulp on the last day of school (my 16th bday) I was in a body cast and Im loosing my eyesight to a tumor they caused........LOL I need to stay away from stories lol Next year I had enough and beat the crap outta one girl in gym, principle was extatic and noone bothered me again ;)

Thing is now adays Im trying to move on. People have and do hurt me a great deal.......I have to move on.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Know what you mean. Still the satisfaction of seeing him laying on the ground with his nose all mashed over was great. And in truth he did pick the fight and threw first punch. Missed by a mile but gave me an excuse.

Am defrosting a small piece of lamb for supper tonight. Small portion hardly as big as my palm. Which is about the right size for a portion of red meat. Its too small to make up a pan sauce for. I did get some Crosse and Blackwell mint jelly which I did not know but is supposedly a requirement in England for lamb. Thing a batch of Knorr's Yorkshire pudding mix in toaster oven would go well with it, some mashed potatoes and some peas. How much more English can I get in a meal. We always had Yorkshire pudding with roast beef but never ate lamb. I am assuming it either was too expensive or my dad did not like it. I think we only got veggies my dad liked and grew up on. Hated brussel sprouts and still do.

The problem with mashed potatoes is you have to peel them. And the peel has most of the fiber. I am really trying to stay true to my commitment to eat much much better than ever before. Water soluble fiber is good for flushing out excess cholesterol. Our bodies can make cholesterol but cannot break down excess and recycle it. Am eating lots of fruit so "cheating" by peeling my potatoes every now and then shouldn't hurt.

My lunch lately is totally fat free. Fig bars, dried mango, a mandarin orange and fat free yogurt with strawberries. We do need fat in our diets but I think I am ok with my 1% milk in morning on my cereal. I use what I call my "Jethro Bodine" bowl for my cornflakes. And my usual meat portions are quite large. Way bigger than the palm sized serving suggestion.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
We got 18" of snow here last night. Woo Hoo I love lots of snow. I got to snowshoe into work. I got an environmentally signifigant forest between me and work. When I got here the place was closed down for a snow day and they forgot to call me. So I am really dogging it now. Surfing the web at a high rate of pay. Am leaving soon as I got no reason to sit at work all night. Think I will stop at a local for a cold one on way home. They should see me coming across the field with my snowshoes on and ski goggles. I love the ESA forest. My fishing club is there It's been around since 1875 and is the oldest club of it's kind in Canada. When it was created it was way outside city limits and now lies well within. I mountain bike, snow shoe, xc ski, fish, hike and take photographs thre always. My old apartment overlooked it. I love the outdoors and would rather walk in the rain then sit and watch TV. Though I will admit to getting lazy a lot and watching way to much boob tube. Especially if I have just smoked a fatty. Currently on a hiatus from partaking. Makes me appreciate it more when I start again. Plus I hate to be called chronic.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Women have been told all their lives dont fight its not lady like........LOL well as you know I beat the daylight out of one of my tormentors and they left me alone!

Im going to boast a bit since you mentioned cholesterol. My #'s were 260 VERY high. I started eating 1 bowl (prolly 2 servings) oatmeal everyday. (ciiamin, brown suger and cranraisins) I had a count last week..........173!!! Docs REAL proud of all my #'s including my lithium. Im real proud too :)

Its funny you mentioned Lamb I was wanting that tonight. Even went to pull it out of the freezer but Im not one to waste good soup. I'll have it next week :)


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
We got 18" of snow here last night. Woo Hoo I love lots of snow. I got to snowshoe into work. I got an environmentally signifigant forest between me and work. When I got here the place was closed down for a snow day and they forgot to call me. So I am really dogging it now. Surfing the web at a high rate of pay. Am leaving soon as I got no reason to sit at work all night. Think I will stop at a local for a cold one on way home. They should see me coming across the field with my snowshoes on and ski goggles. I love the ESA forest. My fishing club is there It's been around since 1875 and is the oldest club of it's kind in Canada. When it was created it was way outside city limits and now lies well within. I mountain bike, snow shoe, xc ski, fish, hike and take photographs thre always. My old apartment overlooked it. I love the outdoors and would rather walk in the rain then sit and watch TV. Though I will admit to getting lazy a lot and watching way to much boob tube. Especially if I have just smoked a fatty. Currently on a hiatus from partaking. Makes me appreciate it more when I start again. Plus I hate to be called chronic.

Voila! I can see! I dont like the cold, it hurts. BUT I do Love looking at it, or those warm winter days we used to go sledding across the pond. My absolute FAV was in the early spring when the snow mobile club would see who would go the farthest over a mostly melted pond LOL You just want to say "THERE'S your sign!!!" I thought I was the only nut that walked in the rain LOL I tick off the grocery stores because open their doors and flood the forie(sp) LOL Singing loudly "singing in the rain" LOL Im very bad lol As for the "fatty" I havent partaked in 24 years (since Critter was concieved) Wish I had some Im looking for a spirit quest" but being a loner it makes finding it difficult LOL


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
So it seems to me that the cure for Dinning Alone is to force some drunk guy to have sex with you so you can then entrap him into buying you a house, a car, and supporting you for the next twenty years. When that child becomes about 10 years of age, teach the child to cook. Then you can Din for Two without having to cook or pay for groceries.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Yes but then I wouldnt be the center of attention to such handsome men as those in these pages, then would I?

As for sleeping with a drunken man? I prefer them sober and willing, well maybe a touch restrained, it can be fun.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
So it seems to me that the cure for Dinning Alone is to force some drunk guy to have sex with you so you can then entrap him into buying you a house, a car, and supporting you for the next twenty years. When that child becomes about 10 years of age, teach the child to cook. Then you can Din for Two without having to cook or pay for groceries.

The more I read over your post, the sadder I felt for you if you really meant it. Darlin, Im way past childbearing years and after 2 divorces, Sweetheart Im NO advocate of marrage. And if thats the only reason you need a man, your missin out on the best bits. I have an incantation I say every night. Its about finding a companion not a mate. Some one that Loves nature, reading, kindness, a good guiness, and a sweet blonde (that be me) but see Im great about the skin Im in. I dont need someone to live with me to appreciate them. In fact I prefer to live alone with my cat, Zack. Im not saying my lifes perfect but the more I think about it the more I KNOW its damned close. I tell people straight from the hip. I dont hide my true feelings and Im well aware nowadays of the concaquences of my honesty. Thanks for the mirror. Ive actually enjoyed the image I see of myself


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
The great beyond
I´ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyes
All the sights that I have seen
I can´t believe that I believed I wished
That you could see
There´s a new planet in the solar system
There is nothing up my sleeve

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

In all this talk of time
Talk is fine
But I don´t want to stay around
Why can´t we pantomime, just close our eyes
And sleep sweet dreams
Me and you with wings on our feet

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I want the hummingbirds, the dancing bears
Sweetest dreams of you
I Look into the stars
I Look into the moon

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great
Answers from the great, answers

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great
Answers from the great, answers

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great
Answers from the great, answers


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Ive had a sleepless night. Knitted half a scarf for my friend. Ive got Physical Therapy this afternoon. I think i'll take out some Liver for dinner, Mushrooms, onions and a nice brown gravy. raw Broccolli and salad creme. Not great for the waistline but great for the iron count. Last thing I need is getting anemic again.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
No dinning alone this weekend. Spent most of weekend selling Christmas trees at my fishing club. My buddy came home with me for dinner every night. His wife is a meat and potatoes kinda gal. The only time he gets seafood is when he comes to my house for dinner. She is an awesome gal and a good cook but does not like seafood so he does not get it. Left work Friday night and stopped by club to see what was up. Got shanghaied into digging out trees so they could be sold. I think some folk put as much thought into a tree purchase as they do for a house, car or naming of their first born.

Friday night supper was sauteed bacon wrapped beef medallions (not filets) with steamed rock lobster tails, mashed potatoes and carrots. A cheap version of surf and turf. With taters and carrots was a surf, turf and earth. I haven't peeled potatoes in 20 years. A little rusty but got in to swing of it. Only had to do 5 small taters. Dessert was a mandarin orange fruit cup. Drinks was a red grape wine spritzer. I'm not much of a drinker and do not like wine at all. This stuff is non-alcoholic and about 3$ a bottle from grocery store.

Saturday was sauteed bacon wrapped scallops. Big, huge, giant scallops. The bacon is precooked bought stuff as normally bacon is not on diet list. I keep a few around for scallops but don't normally eat bacon. Back bacon yes not side/belly bacon. I did my quick spicy rice. My buddy can be a bit snobby. Before we started he turned his nose up at converted rice. My curry recipe changed his tune. Did up peas with it. Dessert was a frozen orange filled with orange sorbet. Found them in grocery freezer section. As they are no fat I thought to give em a try. They were good. Drinks were white grape wine spritzer.

Sunday he missed out on lamb to eat with his wife. He did stop by after walking the dog at club for homemade brownies. I followed the recipe on the Fry's cocoa can substituting 67%RSF Becel marg for butter and reduced fat and cholesterol egg product for real eggs. Used a low fat chocolate frosting. It has some trans fats (.5g per 2 tbsp) but not a part of regular diet so I can cheat a bit. I nailed the recipe. They were moist and done just right. I had to ask my mum for advice as recipe called for 13x9 pan and I had an 8x8. Did not know how much brownies would rise. Ended up splitting batter in half. Baked two loads and stacked em for a double chocolate braownie cake. He loved it and so did I. My mum called back to see how it went and was happy for me. Am going to bring them for company potluck lunch before Christmas.

So I can cook and bake, woo hoo. The young, hot, rich girlfriend can't be far now.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
LOL Your so cute! Made me laugh after a really horrible day. Have you read the south beach diet? I lost quite a bit of weight with it but platued and got stuck. Anyway, the recipes are really good. I'll pull it out after Ive had some sleep.

Your not going to have a bit of trouble finding that rich girlfriend any woman worth her salt appreciates a man that can cook for her and cook well.

Sorbet is one of my food memories as a child. I was 13 and Mom took us to NYC. We were coming out of St. Pats. (amazing place, put it on you to-do list) and this Lil Italian man fselling Sorbets fell in love with my sisters red hair. We got free sorbet and he talked with Mom for nearly an hour lol Mom is where I got my "people skills" from :)


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I have never been "accused' of being cute. Eloquent and a smooth talker maybe. I get girls by talking them in to it. Flattery, sensitivity and good manners will get you usually get you somewhere. Once the lights go down other techniques of the oral arts kick in.;)