Prophesy about Florida


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Jesus died on the cross to show that those who are innocent of sin suffer because of the sins of the guilty. He was representing a huge number of people (probably most people to a greater or lesser extent). In modern times, it is the sins of the very rich agonstics in the World who cause suffering to the very poor in the World (of which there are more than 2.5 billion). Whether you believe or not, the argument of Jesus stands: the wages of sin is death. If you don't follow Jesus then the consequences of your actions will be death and suffering.

What if you didn't have to be forgiven by Jesus himself, but by those who have been your main sin bearers? After all, your sins have not been teleported to 2000 years ago; they have an effect here and now, so it would make more sense for you to face those who have actually suffered because of your sins. How would you feel about that? Wouldn't you rather help solve poverty?

Ok, let me address this in order...

First the Vatican, is a huge corparation, it is one of the largest. It is also the pinnicle of Christianity(oh that might come back and bite me) and by inlarge the most wealthiest single religion. It has holdings in companies that manufacture condoms, yet lies about them in the third world so its followers will not use them to quell the spread of disese and famine.

So there ya go, not only the top of the Christian food chain, but wealthy and sinning today in a third world near you. It has the wealth to put a huge dent in the worlds hunger issues, but choses not to. Ask the church to solve poverty, it is helping it spread.

No the consequences of my sin will be repentence if and when I meet Jesus. It says so in your own KJV of the bible. I can repent at or after death. Besides, does it not say "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."? Jesus, must have stepped on a spider or two, or something, because he didn't throw the rock. If was without sin, he could have.

So punishment for sins is death and suffering. So when the pope pissed of a tom of muslims and then nuns got killed and churches toasted, would that not be a sin?

What if nothing, now you are just making stuff up to bolster the use of the church to come clean. It is a fraudulent statement and you know it.

If God is everywhere in time and space, blah blah blah, then he was with my people beforethe churches crossed the Atlantic. Then therefore I could live my life as they did then. Killing over land and taking women captive from other Nations to keep as slaves. Right?

Jesus died, if at all, for shooting his mouth off, he was talking, when he should have been listening.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Insane people blamed Hurricane Katrina on gay people in New Orleans. Why not global warming? Or just a freak natural disaster? You can believe what you want, but don't blame natural disasters on God.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The website

(a) Proves Christianity
(b) Disproves other religions
(c) Calls for an end to the idolatrous external form of the Christian faith (and clearly explains why it is so)
(d) Prophesies the immediate future (as well as resolving the prophesy of Danial)
(e) Uses the whole Bible - not just traditional prophetic parts
(f) Shows what God wants us to do about poverty

Would I be right in thinking that web site is yours, and you wrote that stuff on it?

Point (a) is wrong, there's no proof of Christianity at that site. There's a lot of mysticism and some pretty tortured interpretations of scripture and assorted coincidences, but there's nothing that anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of logic, reason, and the rules of evidence would accept as proof of anything. You should also know, though I have no hope you'll accept this, that coincidences do happen, and if you had even the slightest knowledge of probability and statistics you'd understand that. In fact, you'd understand that coincidences are inevitable and statistically predictable.

Point (b) is also wrong, essentially for the same reasons point (a) is wrong.

Point (c) is half right. It does call for an end to what you've called the idolatrous external form of the Christian faith, but the explanation of why it is so is far from clear.

Point (d) is right, as far as it goes. It does offer some prophecies for the near future, and offers a resolution of some obscure things in the book of Daniel, but I see no reason to believe them. At its most basic, you're predicting the destruction of the east coast of North America, with a particular focus on Florida because you think it resembles a snake's head (and what's that about? Snakes buy the farm first because of the serpent in Eden, or something like that?), by a tsunami due to volcanism in the Canary Islands. Geologists raised that possibility a long time ago, there's no need to invoke a deity as the cause of it, it's explicable entirely by well-understood natural processes and might happen tomorrow or 10,000 years from tomorrow. But I'll personally be very surprised if it happens within the next thousand years. And yes, I've had university-level training as a geophysicist, this is not some self-educated layman you're talking to. I can do the math.

Point (e) is, well... even if it's right (and I don't think it is), so what? I don't think it's right simply because it isn't long enough. The Bible is a huge and complex document, you can't possibly consider it all in the relatively few pages at that web site. But even granting that you've used the whole Bible, again my response is, so what? You appear to be one of those who believe the Bible to be literally true and absolutely correct in all things, so it can't possibly matter whether you use bits of it or all of it. All of it's true and any selected bit of it is true.

Point (f) is wrong. It shows us what *you* think God wants us to do about poverty.

This is exactly what you would expect the Archangel to do isn't it?
No, it's not. I have no expectations at all of Archangels, because I see no reason to believe there's any such creature. It is, however, what I'd expect from a megalomaniac who thinks he's somebody very special and has a lock on some kind of absolute truth.

God has also called me to do it. I expect that He will intervene, as I get these kind of responses from those who cling to hymn singing. Unfortuanately His intervention will involve the destruction of the East coast of America.
Sure. Actually, if I were God, as the web site invites me to imagine, I think one of my first interventions would be to take out false prophets--by which I mean anyone who believes he has a lock on some absolute truth--with a ilghtning bolt.

Also can anyone here tell me why Jesus died on the Cross?
He was executed for treason and sedition by the Roman civil authorities, in a much more barbaric time than our own. If the rules of those days applied today, we'd be killing off pretty much every standup comedian on the planet.

I think this has to be the end of my conversation with you about these matters, alasdair. You're not giving straight answers to the questions I ask, you seem to understand very little of what I've written, your knowledge of the things you claim to know well appears very shallow to me, and I think you've got some serious issues with your ego. You've in effect claimed to be a messenger from God with your remarks about being called to do whatever it is you're trying to do, and as an unrepentent old atheist I can only conclude that you're seriously delusional. I don't think we have anything more to talk about.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
The website reiterates what the original true form of Christianity is, and how people should now be following it. I am aware that true Chrsitianity is difficult to follow; for this reason there is a tendancy to argue from the point of view that you wish to argue from - and remain either agnostic or in the idolatrous outward form of Christianity. The site does address points (a) to (f), and shows the communication that God has left in the World to prove Christianity and warn against false ideologies.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Why do many disasters hit America?

Average American salery greater than $30000 per year.
2.5 billion people living on less than $700 per year.
Those on $30000 a year happily sing in expensive buildings to God while many of the 2.5 billion people die in poverty.

America is a non-Christian country. It is barely any more Christian than an Islamic state, although it pretends to be. The pretense of Christianity is worse than an absence of religion in many ways because it actively stops those who are trying to find the true Christian faith.


Electoral Member
Aug 11, 2006
I think that you are a very misguided person when it comes to religion. My Uncle-In-Law has a seat in Rochester Cathedral as a Canon, and even he calls the Bible "A book for nutters", and I think that you are kinda on your way to proving his point.

I think that if you go back 1000 years, you will find that you dont like Christianity. The Bible is as brutal as the Koran. Religion incites hatred. The Bible is full of pain, suffering, murder, slavery etc. Is this what your God stands for?

Deuteronomy 13 is a perfect example of the brutality of your God.

How many have you murdered for the cause of being a "true" Christian and not just being a "hymn singer" in a posh building? Do you own no possesions other than the shirt on your back? Are you in Africa helping people in poverty?

I think you need to preach to yourself before you start trying to preach to me.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
My Uncle-In-Law has a seat in Rochester Cathedral as a Canon, and even he calls the Bible "A book for nutters"

Thank you

You have just proven my point. Non-Christians run Cathedrals. At the time when people follow the outward form of the religion (2 Timothy 3:1-9), you get the end of time. is the apocalypse (in progress) and is the beginning of the end.

As for your comment of Deuteronomy - you've misunderstood the purpose of the Old Testament. Please see


Electoral Member
Aug 11, 2006
Never, in all my days have I heard such cr*p.

You seriously need professional help. I suggest you crawl to the nearest psyco hospital, and ask for immediate admission.

You are looking at your religion through your own specially developed rose-tinted glasses mate. I am assuming that the website that you are referring everything to is yours, which woul make sense.

But, and here is the laugh of it all. You came on here to preach the end of the world and that we should all repent - where here it is Archangel - you have failed. Maybe your God will punish you for this failure, I dont know. You stand more chance of convincing me to convert to a snail than you now do of me following your words.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
I haven't failed. The apocalypse has to be in place before the end time plagues, otherwise people would not understand what was happening. I pray that people will see the proof on the website, understand what it says and follow Jesus. However, even raising awareness is enough for the moment. Please let others know about it.


Electoral Member
Aug 11, 2006
In order for you to stop this apocalypse - you said you needed people to repent - so awarenes is NOT good enough is it? You given job as Archangel means you have to get people to repent in order to save millions. Thats a big responsibility on such little shoulders, and I do understand your weariness.

But you have to realise sunshine, is that in order for people to repent, you are going to have to convince them, and you are not. Your arguments are hollow and have little fact in them. They are based on a conspiracy throey that holds about as much water as a teaspoon.

Best bit of advice I can give you - dont just jump in with the heavy $hit about the world ending, try and make people realise that your religion can do them good - you may get more people listen to you then. Shouting your mouth off (as this discussion has proved) gets you nowhere.

Good luck in your future quests Archangel Alasdair.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
What is happening now is taught in the parable of Exodus. The Egyptians represent the rich, and the Israelites represent the poor. God hardened the hearts of the Egyptians, suich that it was necessary for many plagues before the Israelites were allowed to go free. It would be great if modern people could learn from the mistakes of our ancestors, but I suspect that some divine intervention will be required. This is your opportunity to prove me wrong! Be Christian! It is easy to believe when you have proof.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
Just wondering where god was gathering his wealthiest info from? Because as far as I ca tell California is kicking Florida's butt in the wealth department. Even Grennwich CT has more income par capita, than those two islands you are probably using to spew the doomsday scenario for the sunshine state...And what about those crazy sinners in Baker MO? Those 5 people must be on the highway to hell because there average income is 182,000....:D


New Member
Sep 7, 2006
The worst thing is that I read the entire thread. Who is gonna give me back those 15 minutes?

Someone should watch this character very closely... He can go balistic any minute now.




Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The website reiterates what the original true form of Christianity is, and how people should now be following it. I am aware that true Chrsitianity is difficult to follow; for this reason there is a tendancy to argue from the point of view that you wish to argue from - and remain either agnostic or in the idolatrous outward form of Christianity. The site does address points (a) to (f), and shows the communication that God has left in the World to prove Christianity and warn against false ideologies.

You keep talking about "true" Christianity, but you keep quoting a bastardized version of the Old Testiment, the King James version.

Why do many disasters hit America?

Average American salery greater than $30000 per year.
2.5 billion people living on less than $700 per year.
Those on $30000 a year happily sing in expensive buildings to God while many of the 2.5 billion people die in poverty.

America is a non-Christian country. It is barely any more Christian than an Islamic state, although it pretends to be. The pretense of Christianity is worse than an absence of religion in many ways because it actively stops those who are trying to find the true Christian faith.

America was founded by Christians, it is one of the most deep seeded enclaves of Christianity on the planet. Did you miss Bush's "crusades" remark?

What is happening now is taught in the parable of Exodus. The Egyptians represent the rich, and the Israelites represent the poor. God hardened the hearts of the Egyptians, suich that it was necessary for many plagues before the Israelites were allowed to go free. It would be great if modern people could learn from the mistakes of our ancestors, but I suspect that some divine intervention will be required. This is your opportunity to prove me wrong! Be Christian! It is easy to believe when you have proof.

Umm, in the immortal words of some old lady, "Where's the beef?" That lacks so much substance, it is actually hard for me to believe you believe it.

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
Better Relevancies!

This is a very urgent prophesy about Florida.

Florida looks like the head of a snake (with lake ochechobee as the eye, and Florida Keys as the tongue).

There is an island called La Palma in the Atlantic ocean. Part of it could fall into the sea and cause a Tsunami which would wipe out Florida.

Florida is the richest state in the US, and the wealthiest place in the world. It is therefore not going to be in favour with God since 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.

La Palma contains the word Palm (as in Palm Sunday - the return of Jesus to Jerusalem; or in modern terms the second coming of Jesus).

The book of Revelation talks about a large mountain being thrown into the sea at the end of time.
Please see for further details. People in the area need to repent.

The grace of the Lord be with you,

The brand name

Notice the “O” comes after the “Spaghetti”.

Meaning we should be in “O” I.E. in “OH!” or “IN AWE”

Being in “AWE” of “Spaghetti“.

Accompanied by the “New Revelation” OF “FSMism“.

You simply can not deny the global relevance and worldly impact. Plus all of the quotes I used, and I have a “Link” also….(more quotes)

Your blind if you just don’t “SEE” it! (more quotes, huh, huh!)