Jesus died on the cross to show that those who are innocent of sin suffer because of the sins of the guilty. He was representing a huge number of people (probably most people to a greater or lesser extent). In modern times, it is the sins of the very rich agonstics in the World who cause suffering to the very poor in the World (of which there are more than 2.5 billion). Whether you believe or not, the argument of Jesus stands: the wages of sin is death. If you don't follow Jesus then the consequences of your actions will be death and suffering.
What if you didn't have to be forgiven by Jesus himself, but by those who have been your main sin bearers? After all, your sins have not been teleported to 2000 years ago; they have an effect here and now, so it would make more sense for you to face those who have actually suffered because of your sins. How would you feel about that? Wouldn't you rather help solve poverty?
Ok, let me address this in order...
First the Vatican, is a huge corparation, it is one of the largest. It is also the pinnicle of Christianity(oh that might come back and bite me) and by inlarge the most wealthiest single religion. It has holdings in companies that manufacture condoms, yet lies about them in the third world so its followers will not use them to quell the spread of disese and famine.
So there ya go, not only the top of the Christian food chain, but wealthy and sinning today in a third world near you. It has the wealth to put a huge dent in the worlds hunger issues, but choses not to. Ask the church to solve poverty, it is helping it spread.
No the consequences of my sin will be repentence if and when I meet Jesus. It says so in your own KJV of the bible. I can repent at or after death. Besides, does it not say "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."? Jesus, must have stepped on a spider or two, or something, because he didn't throw the rock. If was without sin, he could have.
So punishment for sins is death and suffering. So when the pope pissed of a tom of muslims and then nuns got killed and churches toasted, would that not be a sin?
What if nothing, now you are just making stuff up to bolster the use of the church to come clean. It is a fraudulent statement and you know it.
If God is everywhere in time and space, blah blah blah, then he was with my people beforethe churches crossed the Atlantic. Then therefore I could live my life as they did then. Killing over land and taking women captive from other Nations to keep as slaves. Right?
Jesus died, if at all, for shooting his mouth off, he was talking, when he should have been listening.