Prophesy about Florida


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
I'm an ordinary human being called to do an extraordinary job. If you were to give me a Biblical label, it would be the Archangel Michael. I prefer my own name!


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Said1 Italy is shaped like a boot so it can kick Florida in the ass after Florida shoots Italy and it's all over who has the best wine. Don't ya know.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
Said1 Italy is shaped like a boot so it can kick Florida in the ass after Florida shoots Italy and it's all over who has the best wine. Don't ya know.
I have th best wine...and when I see foolish threads Bickering about possible End time Theroys I give it a good Chug.

All this Biblical Fear Mongering ALDISAR... is foolsih and your not going to win anyone over with it. You want to be a Good Christian, act like one in your evryday life, and witness to those who need witnessing not those who you feel need it, due to your poor interpetaion of scripture, your starting to mkae me realize wh non christans think we are annoying and crazy.

Get off your computer chair Go forth and be one with God, worry about your own walk with Christ, dont be busy on the internet trying to prove that you think you know more than others about christ, and the bible, becuase thats what it seems like your doing... or net or osmehting...go there to bother people thats what that site is for

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I'm an ordinary human being called to do an extraordinary job. If you were to give me a Biblical label, it would be the Archangel Michael. I prefer my own name!

You're claiming to be an incarnation of the Archangel Michael, the Guardian Angel of Judah, the leader of the loyalists fighting for God against Lucifer? Or are you just being metaphorical and claiming a role similar to Michael's?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
... you're starting to make me realize why non Christans think we are annoying and crazy.

If it's any comfort to you ESS, most of us non Christians actually know better than that. Some of my favourite people are serious Christians, and two of my closest friends are ministers. Most Christians of my experience aren't as heavily into eschatology as our friend alasdair, and don't take it any more seriously than I do. You have the truth of things, I believe: it's better to live your faith than try to flog others with it. Alasdair, however, on the basis of no good evidence at all that I can see, thinks the world's about to blow up in some sense and he's trying to warn us. Can't really hold that against anyone, but he's so far not succeeded in giving any substance to the warning.

It's like a guy who comes to the door to tell you your house is on fire, but you can't detect any sign of flames or smoke anywhere, so you have to wonder why he thinks so. Well, at least I do. Then it turns out he's got this big complex book and he's interpreted certain obscure passages in it to be predictions that your house will soon catch fire unless you take certain steps to prevent it, which only he can explain to you. But your own study of the book produces quite different conclusions. That's about where we are, I think.


Senate Member
Florida is the richest state in the US, and the wealthiest place in the world. It is therefore not going to be in favour with God since 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.

No its not.

Is your knowledge of the Bible as poor as your knowledge of the United States?

Florida is below the US average and ranks 25th of all 50 states.

There are several countries ahead of the United States


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Florida's GDP is about $450 billion as of 2003 ( A Tsunami would wipe out more than just Florida - also cities like New York. I apologise if I'm wrong about Florida being the wealthiest state (I'm sure I heard that somewhere!), but I think I'm right in saying that nearby east coast cities (like New York) constitute a huge amount of wealth.

I have no problem with Florida looking like a gun in addition to a snake - you are probably quite right!


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Am I claiming to be "an incarnation of Michael" - the question is phrased rather strangely! There has never been a "previous incarnation" of me. From my actions, and my date of birth: 22/2/82 - four paris of people went into the Ark (of the covenant) in Genesis - you can give me the Biblical label of Ark-angel. I have been called to do what I am now doing.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Not making much sense to me there, alasdair. What has your birthdate got to do with four pairs of people going into the Ark of the Covenant? Is it just because four pairs is eight people and there are four twos and an eight in your birthdate? That makes you an Ark-angel? Is that the same to you as an archangel? I think you'll find the etymology of archangel to indicate that the prefix arch- means a superior one, an over-angel, not somebody associated with the Ark of the Covenant.

And what about everybody else who was born the same day you were? Are they archangels too? Or Ark-angels? You still haven't answered the question either. Are you claiming to be the Archangel Michael? All that requires is a simple yes or no. I don't see that I phrased the question oddly either. "Incarnation" in that context just means you've taken corporeal form. Since there are several mentions of the Archangel Michael in documents thousands of years old, and you were born in 1982, clearly if you *are* Michael you haven't always been in your present form. That of course leaves aside all the other difficulties I have with the idea that that's even possible. There were no implications about previous incarnations, I dunno where you got that from. Somehow I think an archangel's reading comprehension and powers of logic would be somewhat stronger than you've displayed so far.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You can argue about translation - however God directs the whole world (even the translators!). Some translations lose some meaning in some places, and its sometimes necessary to look at both an old translation (eg. KJV) and a new one (eg. GNB).

Imagine that God wrote the bible right now for us, then went back in time to sort it out in such a way that the current version is exactly how he wants it - even down to the last comma! God is simultaneously everywhere across time and can do this.

Loses some meaning???

The book of creation comes from Sumarian texts, in which the now replaced word "God" was actually plural and reffered to planetary bodies, as apposed to celestial beings.

Was he there when a whole new church of Christians was created because a British King(whos name fails me at this moment) wanted a divorce?

It is a flawed arguement to try and prove or disprove the validity of any one religion. The three big ones, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, all come from the old testiment. Period. There is no room for error here. Read the Quran, the Torah or the Christian Old Testiment, before it was changed by whom ever to be a more touchy feely version. You will see that they all come from the same place.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
No one has told me that I'm the Archangel Michael, but I clearly intepret what I am doing ie. (a) writing the apocalypse and (b) calling for Armageddon. I am called by God very clearly to do this, and am provided with constant guidance as to the nature of the text. I recognise myself in the bible (eg. the "one horn that says great things" in Daniel - in KJV at least!). So you can label me as "Archangel Michael" if you wish to do so. However, you can equally well label me "alasdair". That is unimportant to me - what is important is the apocalypse, armageddon and solving poverty in the way that God wishes us to do so. I hope this answers your question! I am certainly not a "superior" angel, however the "hierarchy" in the Kingdom of God is dependent on service to others, and I am serving a lot of people - Jesus is Lord because he served everyone in the Kingdom of God - he is the base of the tree. I hope this answers your question.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
God referred to as a planetary bodies? That is extremely interesting and I'm glad you told me that, because the end of time is by asteroid.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No one has told me that I'm the Archangel Michael, but I clearly intepret what I am doing ie. (a) writing the apocalypse and (b) calling for Armageddon. I am called by God very clearly to do this, and am provided with constant guidance as to the nature of the text. I recognise myself in the bible (eg. the "one horn that says great things" in Daniel - in KJV at least!). So you can label me as "Archangel Michael" if you wish to do so. However, you can equally well label me "alasdair". That is unimportant to me - what is important is the apocalypse, armageddon and solving poverty in the way that God wishes us to do so. I hope this answers your question! I am certainly not a "superior" angel, however the "hierarchy" in the Kingdom of God is dependent on service to others, and I am serving a lot of people - Jesus is Lord because he served everyone in the Kingdom of God - he is the base of the tree. I hope this answers your question.

As much as I realize that, that was written to someone else, an I'm trying to turn a new leaf here, you do make that hard on a guy, don't you?

I mean this with all sincerity, seek the help of a professional shrink. The saint complex is quite, umm well, for lack of anything better to say, over the top. If you are not just having us on, with your saintly endevours, the angel complex is not healthy.

I believe that if you do good deeds, and walk through life in the foot steps of you god of choice, bully for you. It is not mosts cup o tea. But to catagorise yourself as an angel, slightly or otherwise is a bit off.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
God referred to as a planetary bodies? That is extremely interesting and I'm glad you told me that, because the end of time is by asteroid.

"God" was not reffered to as a plantary body. The actual word used before being translated into hebrew and singulared, by someone not unlike yourself, with an agenda, was the plural word for planetary body, otherwise known as planets or celestial bodies. Not some holy being or Allah, a group of planets. You should be better aquainted with them, being a space cadet and all.

That grasp of what I said, is a glaring example of the misguided, lost and otherwise braindead way, in which people grasp on to something and twist it to there whim.

Get help soon.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Jesus was also accused of having a demon. I don't have one. The website

(a) Proves Christianity
(b) Disproves other religions
(c) Calls for an end to the idolatrous external form of the Christian faith (and clearly explains why it is so)
(d) Prophesies the immediate future (as well as resolving the prophesy of Danial)
(e) Uses the whole Bible - not just traditional prophetic parts
(f) Shows what God wants us to do about poverty

This is exactly what you would expect the Archangel to do isn't it? God has also called me to do it. I expect that He will intervene, as I get these kind of responses from those who cling to hymn singing. Unfortuanately His intervention will involve the destruction of the East coast of America.

So please listen and repent! I know you'd rather follow the watered down religion because it is easy. Christianity is actually hard work.

Also can anyone here tell me why Jesus died on the Cross? I'll give a metaphorical gold star to anyone who can... Before you answer consider this: Do you think Jesus went to the cross thinking "now that I am dying on this cross, everyone in the future will be free to sin"? Aren't you accusing Jesus of being Satan if you say that? "He died to take away our sins" is correct, but it requires elaboration. Would you like to elaborate?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Jesus was also accused of having a demon. I don't have one. The website

(a) Proves Christianity
(b) Disproves other religions
(c) Calls for an end to the idolatrous external form of the Christian faith (and clearly explains why it is so)
(d) Prophesies the immediate future (as well as resolving the prophesy of Danial)
(e) Uses the whole Bible - not just traditional prophetic parts
(f) Shows what God wants us to do about poverty

This is exactly what you would expect the Archangel to do isn't it? God has also called me to do it. I expect that He will intervene, as I get these kind of responses from those who cling to hymn singing. Unfortuanately His intervention will involve the destruction of the East coast of America.

So please listen and repent! I know you'd rather follow the watered down religion because it is easy. Christianity is actually hard work.

Also can anyone here tell me why Jesus died on the Cross? I'll give a metaphorical gold star to anyone who can... Before you answer consider this: Do you think Jesus went to the cross thinking "now that I am dying on this cross, everyone in the future will be free to sin"? Aren't you accusing Jesus of being Satan if you say that? "He died to take away our sins" is correct, but it requires elaboration. Would you like to elaborate?

He died on the cross, if it actually happend at all, because he was a heratic (if that's how it is spelled) in the eyes of the Jewish leaders. Just because you read parts of a book, does not make it real. Just because a website says it is so, does not make it.

I stand by my opinion, that you can not and will not ever difinitively prove one religion is the right religion. It is impossible.

Besides all that, if he died on the cross for my sins and all that I have read in the new versions of the Bible. If and when I die, if by chance I end up in front of him, I will simply say, "Holy **** i was wrong, wow, can you ever forgive me?" and of course, because I will actually mean it, I will be absolved of my sins, and allowed into the Kingdom of heaven. Now if I'm right, and I end up in the Great Hunting Grounds with my ancestors, I'll send you a post card and a map, we'll go fishing.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Jesus died on the cross to show that those who are innocent of sin suffer because of the sins of the guilty. He was representing a huge number of people (probably most people to a greater or lesser extent). In modern times, it is the sins of the very rich agonstics in the World who cause suffering to the very poor in the World (of which there are more than 2.5 billion). Whether you believe or not, the argument of Jesus stands: the wages of sin is death. If you don't follow Jesus then the consequences of your actions will be death and suffering.

What if you didn't have to be forgiven by Jesus himself, but by those who have been your main sin bearers? After all, your sins have not been teleported to 2000 years ago; they have an effect here and now, so it would make more sense for you to face those who have actually suffered because of your sins. How would you feel about that? Wouldn't you rather help solve poverty?