Jesus was also accused of having a demon. I don't have one. The website
(a) Proves Christianity
(b) Disproves other religions
(c) Calls for an end to the idolatrous external form of the Christian faith (and clearly explains why it is so)
(d) Prophesies the immediate future (as well as resolving the prophesy of Danial)
(e) Uses the whole Bible - not just traditional prophetic parts
(f) Shows what God wants us to do about poverty
This is exactly what you would expect the Archangel to do isn't it? God has also called me to do it. I expect that He will intervene, as I get these kind of responses from those who cling to hymn singing. Unfortuanately His intervention will involve the destruction of the East coast of America.
So please listen and repent! I know you'd rather follow the watered down religion because it is easy. Christianity is actually hard work.
Also can anyone here tell me why Jesus died on the Cross? I'll give a metaphorical gold star to anyone who can... Before you answer consider this: Do you think Jesus went to the cross thinking "now that I am dying on this cross, everyone in the future will be free to sin"? Aren't you accusing Jesus of being Satan if you say that? "He died to take away our sins" is correct, but it requires elaboration. Would you like to elaborate?
He died on the cross, if it actually happend at all, because he was a heratic (if that's how it is spelled) in the eyes of the Jewish leaders. Just because you read parts of a book, does not make it real. Just because a website says it is so, does not make it.
I stand by my opinion, that you can not and will not ever difinitively prove one religion is the right religion. It is impossible.
Besides all that, if he died on the cross for my sins and all that I have read in the new versions of the Bible. If and when I die, if by chance I end up in front of him, I will simply say, "Holy **** i was wrong, wow, can you ever forgive me?" and of course, because I will actually mean it, I will be absolved of my sins, and allowed into the Kingdom of heaven. Now if I'm right, and I end up in the Great Hunting Grounds with my ancestors, I'll send you a post card and a map, we'll go fishing.