Depends on who you ask, there is, it's just not against black, latino, asians, etc, and not against women, but against the poor widdle white boys.
The thing about the trans rights issue is, at least as I see it, is that it's not about trans people wanting 'extra rights', rather to just have the rights they have - like everyone else - be respected/applied like it should be.
For example the stuff Trump just did, it prevents the free travel of trans people. Now some would argue that it doesn't, but doesn't it? Trans people are allowed to travel as the gender they are?
No, no they're not. They're even having their passports taken and held so that if they do travel beyond the US, getting back - if they want - is not gonna happen.
What's happening instead is trans people are being told their gender and if they don't like it, too bad. If they want to do anything in their lives, they have to lie about that status and assume a false name to go with it, just to exist.
So what happened to the right of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
It's the same for any other minority too, this isn't just trans exclusive. But this IS suddenly a big focus considering what Trump just did all in the name of misogyny and bigotry and just plain cruelty and abject stupidity.