I think the NDP has a good case for replacing their leader and likely will after the next election.
The Liberals do too but changing leader won't remove the sespool of corruption that is the Liberal party but may win then a few more votes.
The Conservatives have a leader that is appealing to more Canadians than any other leader.
Compared to leaders you (and I ) already agree should be replaced.
That doesn't make him appealing. That makes him a 'bit better choice than bad choices'.
People aren't going to vote for the Cons because of PP, they're voting for them because they're not Libs/Trudeau.
That's how we get these continual bullshit Governments over and over and over again.
And looks to give them a majority.
Gods help us if that's true. At least with a minority there might be actual good stuff done for Canada.
He is also fluent in French
Yes, I've seen his fluency in action... being able to repeat a word over and over when asked a question by someone doesn't make him fluent in anything but bullshit.
Being fluent in French doesn't mean jack shit when it's part of your Job description? If he was fluent in say... Spanish, or (and I hate that this'll be a thing) Mandarin Chinese or maybe Hindi or Russian, then that'd be more impressive and useful.
and has a pretty sharp whit.
He hides it well if he has wit at all, let alone a sharp one.
Why would they want to replace them?
Because he offers nothing.
Besides his "Axe the Tax" (which isn't a thing) and anything anti-Trudeau, what one good thing is there that he said he'd do? Where's one discussion where he actually respects ALL Canadians, and not "just the chosen few" (those being pro Conservative).
I'm not saying he's the only asshole politician that doesn't do shit he should, they all do but I'd rather not have a repeat and worse of Trudeau, thanks.
Besides they would never replace him with someone you would consider voting for anyways.
Really? That's a huge assumption on your part.
Then again maybe you're right, I wouldn't vote for anyone who is part of THIS so called Conservative party.
Give me actual Canadian Conservatives and not American mini-wannabe's, then maybe we'll talk.
Here, I'll give you an example of why I DON'T like PP - that isn't based on his sexism or his stupidity over LGBTQIA+ issues (or Climate Change which for me is a HUGE issue due to where I live).
He whines like a little bitch about not knowing about affairs of importance that need a security clearance to access. He admits that he COULD get one, but won't, because to get one means that he cannot then talk about or share anything that may divulge information from said matters to the public.
Basically he's the fucking idiot who wants to know all the juicy secrets just so he can share it with everyone else like a fucking gossiping mean girl and see what shit rolls down hill after all the info dump happens.
I would get not understanding the depth of commitment to learn about such issues and not being able to talk about them to ANYONE if he was a newbie to the reality of Federal politics. But PP is not some newbie. For someone who is a CAREER politician (and I thought the Con types hated the career politicians), this is not only in-fucking-sane behaviour, it also shows a serious LACK of understanding of the severity of things that Government needs to know, the rest of society does not. It shows a serious lack of wanting to protect national interests, and people in positions that get us those information at risks to their lives in some cases. It shows he doesn't give a damn about how such things may affect not just Canada but other countries as well, and it's all about how he'd use that info for his gains alone.
He'd be the fucking idiot in a game of poker who would give himself away first chance he could.
Someone like THAT should be nowhere NEAR being leader of our country.