Hamas attacks Israel


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You can't be one without being the other. Either you support Israel, or you support terrorism.

Millions of people are both. I don't support Israel's current stupidity, but I don't support Hamas's stupidity either (or it's existence).

Others out there - including people in Israel itself - agree with that kind of thought too.

Or are you going to say those Israeli's who are against their Government are supportive of Hamas?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Or are you going to say those Israeli's who are against their Government are supportive of Hamas?
As a matter of fact, they are. Perhaps not intentionally, but by not supporting their government, they are making it easier for the terrorists.
The only stupid thing Israel did was not flatten Terran on October 8th.
  • Haha
Reactions: Serryah


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I support Israel 100%.
It's hilarious how the kidnappers, rapists, suicide bombers, and rocket launchers all want a negotiated cease-fire.
Fucking joke.

Send them to Paradise.

Huh, last I heard Netanyahu wanted no cease-fire... (nor rescued hostages either)

He must'a changed his mind?

BTW RCS - Israel has ALSO kidnapped, raped and rocket launched against innocents for years. Hamas does not have the exclusion on those horrors. Which is why Hamas and Israel are both disgusting examples of human (or so called human; I wouldn't call either group human, honestly) depravity.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I support Israel 100%.
It's hilarious how the kidnappers, rapists, suicide bombers, and rocket launchers all want a negotiated cease-fire.
Fucking joke.

Send them to Paradise.
Get out your notebookd kids. Today’s lesson is in the Jew Klux Klan.

Oct 1, 2022 -World

Scoop: Menendez warns Netanyahu against working with Jewish supremacists​

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, second from left, poses for a picture with Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., left, ranking member Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., center

Then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sen. Bob Menendez at the

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) during a trip to Israel last month warned Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu that if he forms a government after the Nov. 1 elections that includes right-wing extremists, it could harm U.S.-Israel bilateral relations, according to two sources familiar with the meeting.

Why it matters: Netanyahu recently united several radical right-wing Jewish supremacist parties as part of his effort to consolidate his right-wing bloc and win the November election.
  • The former Israeli prime minister needs to win a 61-seat majority in the Knesset to form a coalition that could pass laws and take steps to stop his corruption trial.
  • Including Jewish supremacists in any potential future government could give them a lot of leverage over Netanyahu to push through racist policies.
Behind the scenes: During the Sept. 5 meeting with Netanyahu, Menendez raised his concerns about the opposition leader's political partnership and cooperation with extreme right-wing parties, according to two U.S. sources familiar with what was discussed in the meeting.
  • The sources said Menendez, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee one of the most outspoken Democratic supporters of Israel in the Senate, specifically mentioned Jewish Power party leader Itamar Ben Gvir, a Jewish supremacist who will likely be a minister if Netanyahu wins the elections.
  • Menendez told Netanyahu he has “serious concerns” over a possible partnership with “extremist and polarizing individuals like Ben Gvir” in a potential future government, the sources said.
  • “People who were in the room saw how pissed off Bibi got" with Menendez's comments, one of the sources said.
Menendez did not back down from the issue even after Netanyahu expressed his annoyance over his comments, the source said.
  • “The senator told Netanyahu he needed to realize the composition of such a coalition could seriously erode bipartisan support in Washington, which has been a pillar of the bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Israel," the source added.
  • Menendez was in Israel as part of a bipartisan congressional delegation led by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
The big picture: Ben-Gvir was convicted in 2007 of supporting a terror organization and inciting racism. He is perhaps best known for ripping the Cadillac emblem off of then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s car in 1995 and declaring, “We reached Rabin’s car, we will get to Rabin too." Rabin was assassinated later that year.
  • Ben Gvir has said he wants to establish a new ministry for encouraging the immigration of “enemies” and people who are “disloyal” to the state. He also says he will try to pass laws for implementing the death sentence against those he calls "terrorists."

  • Netanyahu managed to unite Ben Gvir and his party with another extreme right-wing party called "Religious Zionism.” The party's leader, Bezalel Smotrich, has a history of making racist remarks about Arab citizens of Israel. Smotrich has said the murder of a Palestinian family by Jewish settlers was not terrorism, and organized an anti-gay parade in Jerusalem.
  • Netanyahu also united these two parties with a third party called Noam, a radical religious party that focuses primarily on opposing LGBTQ+ rights.
State of play: The right-leaning Israel Hayom newspaper reported on Wednesday that other U.S. officials are concerned about the possibility of Ben Gvir becoming a minister if Netanyahu wins the elections and forms a government.
  • According to the report, major Jewish organizations in the U.S. are equally concerned about this scenario and its influence on the ability of the pro-Israel community to defend Israel in Washington.
  • A senior U.S. official confirmed the report to Axios and said the Biden administration is very concerned about what impact such a political development could have on U.S.-Israeli relations.
What they're saying: State Department spokesperson Ned Price told Axios the Biden administration is not weighing in on domestic politics in Israel.
  • Netanyahu’s office declined to comment.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I support Israel 100%.
It's hilarious how the kidnappers, rapists, suicide bombers, and rocket launchers all want a negotiated cease-fire.
Fucking joke.

Send them to Paradise.
You support the Jew Klux Klan? Do you wear that badge of honour on your chest or you're just fucking clueless to their existence?

Why would you support anyone who openly calls you a dirty pig and wants you dead?.

They are the sons and grandsons of those who used terrorism and commited ethnic cleasing of Christians and Muzzies in the creation of Israel.

Did the Zionist terrorism go away? The King David attack which was a direct attack on Britain didnt happen? Haifa didnt happen because it was scrubbed from history in 2009 which is in itself a continuation of terrorism.

Were these acts the reason Jewish refugees were denied entry to the Commonwealth, US and A, Argentina, Brazil etc etc? Thats a giant golden YES. Was it antisemitic to deny them entry? No, just like ISIS they were a public safety risk.

When Truman went to the UN and had the creation of Israel rubber stamped was it out of pity or a way to keep them out of the US? His hopes and the hopes of the British was that the Arab Christians and Muzzies would finish what Germany had started.

Why didnt that prophecy come to fruition? The Zionist terrorism didnt stop and its still on going.

I already know you're uneducated reply....but but but fags and dykes, Arab Israelis are equal, Palestine didnt exist, Arabs are the cause of on going violence not Zionist terrorism etc

Lets review the actions of the fair and just cute and fluffy Zionist bunnies of the Middle East.

The term "from the river to the sea" originally come from the Zionists and was usurped and is now a pointed stick in the eye to the Zionists.

Years before forming his current extremist government, Netanyahu declared that Israel was “not a state of all its citizens”. Referencing a 2018 law he wrote, “According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people – and only it.” In recent days the Knesset adopted legislation that in certain circumstances gives Jewish Israelis milder punishment for rape and sexual assault than Palestinian citizens of Israel. They also passed a law – by a large margin – effectively allowing communities to exclude non-Jews.

According to Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, more than 65 Israeli laws discriminate against non-Jews. Additionally, the World Zionist Organization, Jewish Agency and Jewish National Fund, which has quasi-state status, are constitutionally committed to serving and promoting the interests of Jews and only Jews. In 2021 leading Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem published “A Regime of Jewish Supremacy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea: this is Apartheid.”

You'll find more of the lunatic asshole Jew Power supremacist bullshit in the thread above.

Youre way too fucking smart to get behind the JKK and the Ben Gvir Jew Power party who fully endorsed and more than likely were behind the assassination of Itzakh Rabin.

Zionists arent innocent fluffy bunnies under perpetual attack by radicals, they are the violent terroist radicals.