UNRWA. It's like this...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Damn right! Who needs the IMO, the ITU, and all those other scumbags?
The ITU predates the UN by about 80 years. The UN did not create that organ. While the IMO has proven itself pretty goddam useless lately. The UN MIGHT have been a good idea at one point but it has long passed its best before date.

Meanwhile UN Security Council member Russia is executing and murdering Ukrainian PoWs and committing other war crimes while UN Security Council member China violates as many countries' territorial waters and EEZs as it can get away with. Not to mention drag-lining and trawling in the protected Galapagos waters.

At least Argentina's President Milei is willing to stand up to China's bullshit even if the pathetic UN won't. His Coast Guard sank a Chinese fishing vessel fishing within Argentina's EEZ. When the CCP demanded he explain his actions he demanded that the CCP explain THEIR actions fishing in HIS country's EEZ. The boat that was sunk by the way, after getting caught they shut off their locater, turned towards the Coast Guard vessel and increased their speed as if to ram it. Which is a typical tactic of Chinese fishing vessels when caught poaching in other nations' waters. Although that doesn't even begin to describe China's highly provocative actions in the international waters of the South China Sea.
Good thing the IMO exists to ensure maritime safety and deal with legal matters like violating maritime territorial integrity, eh?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Hearts and minds that Israel lost?

Most recent Canadian polls I could wrangle say:

What happened? They overplayed the holocaust card?
Maybe Iran/Hamas/Palestine/Hezbolla/Islamic Jihad/Houthi’s/etc…with advance knowledge got the jump on the propaganda campaign out of the gates Oct 7th with signs printed & flags to distribute already in place (?) internationally & where able to turn the current before opinions where set? Tents already being purchased for “student” protest/encampments with the bulk discount in mind sorta thing?

The post-1979 Iran-speak is the language of the anti-Israel crowd it seems. It is interesting from the outside looking all over the place.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe Iran/Hamas/Palestine/Hezbolla/Islamic Jihad/Houthi’s/etc…with advance knowledge got the jump on the propaganda campaign out of the gates Oct 7th with signs printed & flags to distribute already in place (?) internationally & where able to turn the current before opinions where set? Tents already being purchased for “student” protest/encampments with the bulk discount in mind sorta thing?

The post-1979 Iran-speak is the language of the anti-Israel crowd it seems. It is interesting from the outside looking all over the place.
Ummmmm. NO! The holocaust wore off after 4 generations.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We're getting old. Shit happens.

A generation gap in attitudes could be undermining support for Israel in the West

Younger Canadians are more likely to describe Israel's offensive in Gaza as excessive

Evan Dyer · CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2023 3:00 AM CST | Last Updated: November 9, 2023

Younger Canadians are less likely to have actually known somebody who fought in World War 2, so the whole thing is completely abstract to them, not something that happened and involved people they may have known themselves.

World War II ended 80 years ago now. Everybody here on this forum would’ve known people that fought in that war, relatives, etc…but not the kids that are in college now. They would only know what they’re told.

I guess there’s a logic in that 3 generation time limit thing (biologically speaking) with great-grandparents being an exception across most species.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Younger Canadians are less likely to have actually known somebody who fought in World War 2, so the whole thing is completely abstract to them, not something that happened and involved people they may have known themselves.

World War II ended 80 years ago now. Everybody here on this forum would’ve known people that fought in that war, relatives, etc…but not the kids that are in college now. They would only know what they’re told.

I guess there’s a logic in that 3 generation time limit thing (biologically speaking) with great-grandparents being an exception across most species.
Its far beyond that. Those 3 gens ago all devoutly sat in Church every Sunday with the 2 generations before them.

They saw "The Holy Land" (no Israel yet) as the epicenter of Armaggedon. The had an emotion tie to keeping peace in "The Holy Land" all while figuring Jewish people would all convert over the short term to Christian and eventually long term.

That tie is now gone and its also frowned upon to have an "oppressive" religion tieing you down.

They see both Judaism and Christianity as the creators of their oppressive environment and the ill of Mid East
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Its far beyond that. Those 3 gens ago all devoutly sat in Church every Sunday with the 2 generations before them.

They saw "The Holy Land" (no Israel yet) as the epicenter of Armaggedon. The had an emotion tie to keeping peace in "The Holy Land" all while figuring Jewish people would all convert over the short term to Christian and eventually long term.

That tie is now gone and its also frowned upon to have an "oppressive" religion tieing you down.

They see both Judaism and Christianity as the creators of their oppressive environment and the ill of Mid East
Yeah yeah. They do a fine job of oppressing each other too. Hamas oppresses the Palestinians. Hezbollah oppresses the Lebanese. Iran oppresses its own people. The Taliban oppresses Afghanistan. ISIS/ISIL will oppress whomever they can wherever they can. Arabs/muslims have been warring with each other and oppressing each other with internecine violence and sectarian violence since even before the Romans showed up.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
We're getting old. Shit happens.

A generation gap in attitudes could be undermining support for Israel in the West

Younger Canadians are more likely to describe Israel's offensive in Gaza as excessive

Evan Dyer · CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2023 3:00 AM CST | Last Updated: November 9, 2023

Yeah, it's not like they haven't been poisoned by news media and social media propaganda and their own education systems.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah yeah. They do a fine job of oppressing each other too. Hamas oppresses the Palestinians. Hezbollah oppresses the Lebanese. Iran oppresses its own people. The Taliban oppresses Afghanistan. ISIS/ISIL will oppress whomever they can wherever they can. Arabs/muslims have been warring with each other and oppressing each other with internecine violence and sectarian violence since even before the Romans showed up.
You need to read my post again. You missed the point.
Yeah, it's not like they haven't been poisoned by news media and social media propaganda and their own education systems.
Poisoned? Is that how Napoleon's evil lost its shine? Should we be avenging his victims or nobody gives a shit because they have no connection? Whats your emotional connection to Israel and Zionism?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Does there have to be one? What’s your emotional connection to those that wish to end Israel and Zionism (?) to replace it with anything (probably not a “Palestine”) and Arab nationalism or Muslim Trans-nationalism?
Its obviously emotionally driven. If rational, and observant its near impossible to pick or want to pick a side.

Which side do I back? None. Have you heard me back anyonoe other than the real Jews who oppose secular Zionism.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Joly's photo op reignites debate over Canada's funding of UNRWA
Author of the article:Bryan Passifiume
Published Sep 30, 2024 • 3 minute read

OTTAWA — Canada’s continued funding of a contentious UN agency has reignited the debate over Ottawa’s Middle East policy — particularly after Sunday’s death of a prominent Hamas leader who also headed the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) teachers union.

On Saturday, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly tweeted a photo of herself shaking hands with Palestinian Authority head Mohammed Mustafa on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

“I expressed Canada’s deep concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and reaffirmed our support for UNRWA and humanitarian access into the region, as well as the PA’s reform efforts,” Joly wrote.

While Canada followed suit with the United States earlier this year in halting funding for the UNRWA due to the organization’s ties to Hamas, the Trudeau Liberals resumed funding in March — despite evidence that UNRWA employees took active roles in the deadly Oct. 7 attacks.

That reversal came in time for Canada to fulfil a $25-million pledge to UNRWA, part of a $100-million grant announced last June — despite Israel sharing intelligence with the government proving UNRWA’s links to terror.

That prompted a legal challenge by Canadian relatives of Oct. 7 victims, a lawsuit the government tried to quash last month.

UNRWA’s ties to Hamas were reinforced with the death of Hamas’ Lebanon chief Fateh Sherif Abu el-Amin, killed Sunday in an Israeli air strike.

Sherif, a key Hezbollah liaison in Lebanon, was among a handful of UNRWA employees placed on leave for his “political activities,” reported the Times of Israel. Sherif was also head of the UNRWA’s teachers union.

Invitations by the Sun to Joly’s office for a comment went unacknowledged.

Canada’s continued funding of UNRWA is a point of contention with the country’s Jewish groups.

“Despite repeated incidents, such as the case of Fateh Sherif Abu el-Amin, the Trudeau government continues to fund UNRWA with Canadian taxpayer dollars,” said David Cooper, vice-president of government relations for the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), a plaintiff in the aforementioned court case.

“In effect, Canada is subsidizing the salaries of terrorists. That is why CIJA is taking legal action to put an end to this misuse of public funds.”

Casey Babb, a senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and adviser to Secure Canada, said UNRWA’s insidiousness goes much deeper.

“UNRWA is an organization that has been hijacked and weaponized by Arab nations and their many enablers around the world, including Canada, who are using it intentionally to ensure a never-ending pipeline of Palestinian ‘refugees’ — the only group of people in history who, generation after generation after generation, get that claim,” he said.

“When you signal to people that they get to be refugees forever, you’re conditioning them to think they’ll be able to right some wrong and that wrong was the founding of Israel.”

Iddo Moed, Israel’s ambassador to Canada, told the Toronto Sun the Trudeau Liberals are already well aware of UNRWA’s connections to Hamas, courtesy of shared intelligence.

“(Canada) has everything they need to know, from our perspective it’s just untenable to continue to fund UNRWA,” Moed said, adding there’s no argument about the need to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, pointing to daily shipments of supplies, food and aid being delivered to Palestinians in need.

“It’s not just about a few apples, the whole tree is rotten to the core.”

X: @bryanpassifiume


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"push back against Israeli attacks on the agency".

Oh great, more JKK war crimes of attacking humanitarian aid?

So aid needs Hamas protection from Israel?

Who do they think they are? Russia?

EXACTLY! The JKK are the Slavic Jews.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Oh, by the way, there is something going on in Iran. The new president hasnt been very active in going along with the whack jobs.
The Supreme Leader whack job? The Iranian president's duties include the following, subject to supervision, policy guidance and approval by the supreme leader: Second in command (after the supreme leader) of the executive branch of government and chairperson of the cabinet. The deputy commander-in-chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army.

I don’t think the Iranian president has much choice, but to go along with the whack job.