Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Doesn’t sound like these are students, at least not all of them…

So you stand by until something happens. ID checks aren't Constitutional down here. They have to be supported by reasonable suspicion that the person (not the crowd) has committed, is committing, or intends to commit a crime.

Trespass also isn't a crime. It's a civil matter. It only becomes a crime if a person with authority over the property demands that the person leave, and the person refuses or fails to do so.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Interesting question. Nobody is going to jump regarding this until at least Friday 3rd…if at all.

I’d suspect Iran before Trudeau, but let’s flip the coin & see which way it lands I guess. Maybe it’s both? I haven’t seen Trudeau dressed like Aladdin for a while.
Why wouldn't he? Iran is fantastic cover.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So you stand by until something happens. ID checks aren't Constitutional down here. They have to be supported by reasonable suspicion that the person (not the crowd) has committed, is committing, or intends to commit a crime.

Trespass also isn't a crime. It's a civil matter. It only becomes a crime if a person with authority over the property demands that the person leave, and the person refuses or fails to do so.
The 4th is an outstanding piece of work.

We have to ID on demand.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
“We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on October 7. Long live October 7.”

It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

It was yet another harangue from Charlotte Kates, international co-ordinator for the Samidoun Prisoners Solidarity Network, one of the main groups behind the dozens of “pro-Palestine” rallies and demonstrations across Canada since the Hamas atrocities of October 7 last year. The savageries of that day led to the war in Gaza that has so far cost the lives of perhaps 30,000 Palestinians.

This time it was last Friday, at a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. “Long live October 7” was also the slogan chanted in Ottawa on April 21, eliciting denunciations from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. At the Vancouver rally, Kates added some colour to the slogan by referring to October 7 as an instance of the “beautiful, brave and heroic resistance of the Palestinian people.”

Kates also made it plain that she was unconcerned about whether her remarks should be understood as condoning or celebrating terrorism. “It is long past time to delist Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations from Canada’s so-called list of terrorist entities,” she said. “Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Islamic Jihad is not a terrorist organization. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is not a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization.”

But…but not all Palestinians are Hamas, but all Hamas are terrorists, or Palestinians, or something like that, right?

All these entities are listed as terrorist organizations in Canada.

“These are resistance fighters,” Kates fairly shouted into her megaphone. “These are our heroes. These are those who are sacrificing so that we can live and speak and struggle and fight. These are the people whose blood is being shed to defend humanity and to defend the world.”
After the “Long live October 7” slogan was chanted in Ottawa, Poilievre responded this way: “I condemn these pro-genocide, antisemitic chants.” Under Section 318(1) of the Criminal Code, anyone who advocates or promotes genocide is liable to imprisonment for five years.

Trudeau responded this way: “It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.”

While glorifying terrorism isn’t against the law in Canada, it is against the law, under Section 83.05(1)b of the Criminal Code, to knowingly act on behalf of, at the direction of or in association with a listed terrorist group.

I’m curious how Amira Elghawaby would justify this, and how commenting on this would be anti-Muslim or Islamophobic, etc…?

Brock University has launched a review after a professor praised Hamas’s October 7 atrocities against Israeli civilians, compared the Jewish state to Nazi Germany, and cited antisemitic conspiracy theories in a series of blog posts.

Tamari Kitossa, a decolonization and anti-racism scholar at Brock University, where he heads the critical sociology department, wrote a four-part series written following the Hamas atrocities, which Kitossa describes as “miraculous.” He argues that Zionism and Nazism are one and the same, etc…
In an email, Maryanne St. Denis, manager of content and communications at Brock University, said the school was unaware of Kitossa’s blog posts until National Post brought them to the school’s attention. “We are currently reviewing this matter,” the school said.

St. Denis added that Brock has a “range of policies in place to ensure a safe and welcoming campus environment. There is absolutely no place on our campus for hate of any kind.” Etc…(standard institutional disclaimer)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
They all stand with Palestinian but none want to go back . Funny that .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The ambush of unarmed civilians on that Oct. 7 demanded and still demands a clarion statement from our leaders of totally unambiguous support for Israel, a visit to relations of those killed, and those still hoping for release of their family members held hostage.

Where has Justin Trudeau been? Where’s the utter denunciation of Hamas and those complicit with Hamas in mass murder, mass rape and mass kidnapping?

And where is Mr. Trudeau’s message to the green-flag-flying activists that Israel is not genocidal, an accusation ludicrous, lying and insolent at the same time.

I hear that at the U of T a Jew must show proof of anti-Israel beliefs to be allowed on his or her own campus. I hear there have been firebombing at synagogues and hate graffiti. I hear that individual Jews have been harassed and threatened.

It would be so interesting to see the response to these phenomena if it were, say, Muslims instead of Jews who were bearing the freight of atavistic hate and murderous intent.

To see a Muslim professor get barred from his office on a Toronto campus. Or a Black feminist specializing in colonialism having her speech drowned out.

What a world of difference the coverage would show. What intense concern. And this, this difference, everyone already knows it to be true. Or to switch examples, it’s the same when 10 or 30 or 60 Christian churches are burned in Canada. Burning churches, while highly undesirable, is — we have been told from the highest Canadian political level — nonetheless “understandable.”
Oct. 7 was an enormity, I say again, on a historic scale. Were an equivalent atrocity to have fallen on Muslims somewhere in the West, this world of ours would be spinning into the sun on the strength of universal and ferocious denunciations.

But hey, this was Israel. Those killed, raped and kidnapped were Jews. Jews who lived in Israel. So, this runs on a totally different moral and political plateau.

Now before anyone jumps on me with “Yeah but’s” and such, I’ve copy & pasted a newspaper article…but if I was responding to a pack of “Yeah but’s” I’d do it with Muslim on Muslim violence stats to go scoreboard where there isn’t and weren’t western protests ‘cuz Israel wasn’t involved.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In Gaza and in Tel Aviv, Palestinians and Israelis were in turns elated and then tormented by rumours of a ceasefire that turned out to be like a mirage in the desert. And in Canada, owing to “safety and security considerations,” there will be no public ceremony attending to the raising of the Israeli flag on Israel’s Independence Day May 14, the City of Ottawa announced Tuesday.

“This decision is based on recent intelligence that suggests hosting a public ceremony poses a substantial risk to public safety.” Damn violent Jews with their Jewiness being all sneaky setting up an Independence Day 75yrs ago knowing it would interfere with Anti-Jew Culture in Canada in 2024. Talk about playing the long game!!

In keeping with Ottawa’s custom of hosting flag-raising ceremonies and other such events in honour of 190 countries around the world, the flag will be raised, but Ottawa is telling everyone to stay away. It would be unsafe to attend. “The City must prioritize the safety of its residents, visitors, and employees.”

($10 say’s it’s not the Irish or Buddhists that Ottawa is worried about breaking the peace on this coming May 14th)

Ottawa’s capitulation followed a widely-circulated harangue issued by the “Ottawa 4 Palestine” group, advising that “the shameless Zionists along with disgraceful city council members are planning to raise the genocide flag in city hall to commemorate the 76 years of occupation, land theft, Zionist terrorism and injustice.” Etc…

Rather than merely announce a protest at the flag-raising ceremony, Ottawa 4 Palestine explicitly invited its supporters to “shut it down” ‘cuz DEI? Well, maybe not the “I” part of DEI…so Ottawa complied in advance.
On the far side of the country, University of British Columbia president and vice-chancellor Benoit-Antoine Bacon sent a letter to students and faculty on Tuesday reassuring everyone that the UBC administration was “actively monitoring” a fenced encampment of about 100 anti-Israel activists who took over MacInnes Field last week.

“This protest is part of a broader movement that started in the United States and has now spread to Canada. Students are looking at a world in crisis and at their core, the campus protests are seeking the end of violence in Israel and Palestine.”

BUT…the end of violence in Israel and Palestine is not quite what the encampment’s organizers say they’re after.

The “People’s University” is demanding that UBC Endowment Fund shed its investment in Israel’s “settler-colonial occupation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestinians” etc, etc…Their submission to a global academic boycott of Israeli universities, and a commitment from UBC to keep police away from the campus ‘cuz Law Enforcement do not respect their authority, etc…
Nevertheless, Bacon said the university community should be expected to “peacefully co-exist” with the activists making these demands, and UBC has invited the encampment’s representatives to discuss the university’s investments.

There is nothing to discuss, an encampment spokesperson told a CBC reporter last week. “We’re not really hear to negotiate. We’re here until our demands are met, etc…”

UBC doesn’t even hold direct investments in Israel. The UBC Endowment Fund is managed by external investment managers, and investments in “problematic” companies comprise what Bacon estimates to be less than one per cent of the Endowment Fund’s assets.
And so the activists dig in.

(The UBC encampment was heavily promoted by the Samidoun network, the Vancouver-headquartered overseas recruitment and propaganda arm of the terrorist-listed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The city of Ottawa handed Canada’s Jew-haters a propaganda victory this week when it announced it is cancelling an annual ceremony scheduled for May 14, marking the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.

Why? Presumably because Ottawa’s municipal officialdom is afraid that Jew-haters might disrupt it and become violent.

Of course, the city didn’t put it that way in a statement on Tuesday announcing its decision.

After all, an appeaser — famously described by Winston Churchill as “one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last” — seldom says what he or she actually means.

The city of Ottawa, in explaining its decision, said: “After consulting with the Ottawa Police Service and stakeholders (?), the City is following recommendations based on safety and security considerations to not hold a public ceremony this year. This decision is based on recent intelligence that suggests hosting a public ceremony poses a substantial risk to public safety.

“The City must prioritize the safety of its residents, visitors, and employees. Therefore, this year’s commemoration will occur without the customary ceremony. The decision reflects a commitment to safeguarding the welfare of all Ottawa residents, while upholding principles of inclusivity and respect for diplomatic relations.”

Normally the city, according to its statement, “celebrates national holidays and independence days and holds flag-raising events and activities, in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, for more than 190 federally-recognized countries.”

But now, Israel will be the lone exception.
The Ottawa mayor said he is “very disappointed that the flag-raising ceremony to commemorate Israel’s Independence Day has been cancelled, for the first time ever, for safety and security reasons” adding “it will be another blow to the Jewish community that the customary ceremony will not take place because of escalating threats and hostility.

Today, a simple question for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Does he agree with his anti-Islamophobia adviser, Amira Elghawaby, that the only problem with what we’ll laughably call a “pro-Palestinian” demonstration in Ottawa last weekend was that, as she put it on ‘X’, “a few individual protesters engaged in problematic speech?”

She added “this is unacceptable and contrary to our shared values” before warming up to her main argument which was that: “What is also concerning are deliberate efforts to smear all protesters with one brush, suggesting that anyone calling on Canada to uphold and protect international humanitarian law is aligned with terrorism. This is a patently false and harmful insinuation.”

In the demonstration Elghawaby referred to, the marchers cheered as one of their number, equipped with a microphone, shouted this praise for Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel:

“Our resistance attacks are proof that we are almost free! Oct. 7 is proof that we are almost free! Long live Oct. 7! Long live the resistance. Long live the intifada! Long live every form of resistance.”

In other words, long live murder, rape, torture and kidnapping by terrorists.
One “assumes” (ass/u/me) Trudeau believes this incident was more “problematic” than Elghawaby, given that he said on ‘X’: “There is a difference between peaceful protest and hateful intimidation. It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.”

What happened in Ottawa over the weekend is far more than “problematic” in the context of the reality that for months Jewish gathering places have been firebombed, Jewish day schools shot at, Jewish-owned businesses torched and vandalized, Swastikas painted on synagogues and homes, Jewish university students threatened and Jewish communities, described as “Zionist-infested” areas, targeted.

The Liberals know this but they’re politically paralyzed when it comes to countering it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The city of Ottawa handed Canada’s Jew-haters a propaganda victory this week when it announced it is cancelling an annual ceremony scheduled for May 14, marking the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.

Why? Presumably because Ottawa’s municipal officialdom is afraid that Jew-haters might disrupt it and become violent.

Of course, the city didn’t put it that way in a statement on Tuesday announcing its decision.

After all, an appeaser — famously described by Winston Churchill as “one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last” — seldom says what he or she actually means.

The city of Ottawa, in explaining its decision, said: “After consulting with the Ottawa Police Service and stakeholders (?), the City is following recommendations based on safety and security considerations to not hold a public ceremony this year. This decision is based on recent intelligence that suggests hosting a public ceremony poses a substantial risk to public safety.

“The City must prioritize the safety of its residents, visitors, and employees. Therefore, this year’s commemoration will occur without the customary ceremony. The decision reflects a commitment to safeguarding the welfare of all Ottawa residents, while upholding principles of inclusivity and respect for diplomatic relations.”

Normally the city, according to its statement, “celebrates national holidays and independence days and holds flag-raising events and activities, in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, for more than 190 federally-recognized countries.”

But now, Israel will be the lone exception.
The Ottawa mayor said he is “very disappointed that the flag-raising ceremony to commemorate Israel’s Independence Day has been cancelled, for the first time ever, for safety and security reasons” adding “it will be another blow to the Jewish community that the customary ceremony will not take place because of escalating threats and hostility.

Today, a simple question for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Does he agree with his anti-Islamophobia adviser, Amira Elghawaby, that the only problem with what we’ll laughably call a “pro-Palestinian” demonstration in Ottawa last weekend was that, as she put it on ‘X’, “a few individual protesters engaged in problematic speech?”

She added “this is unacceptable and contrary to our shared values” before warming up to her main argument which was that: “What is also concerning are deliberate efforts to smear all protesters with one brush, suggesting that anyone calling on Canada to uphold and protect international humanitarian law is aligned with terrorism. This is a patently false and harmful insinuation.”

In the demonstration Elghawaby referred to, the marchers cheered as one of their number, equipped with a microphone, shouted this praise for Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel:

“Our resistance attacks are proof that we are almost free! Oct. 7 is proof that we are almost free! Long live Oct. 7! Long live the resistance. Long live the intifada! Long live every form of resistance.”

In other words, long live murder, rape, torture and kidnapping by terrorists.
One “assumes” (ass/u/me) Trudeau believes this incident was more “problematic” than Elghawaby, given that he said on ‘X’: “There is a difference between peaceful protest and hateful intimidation. It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.”

What happened in Ottawa over the weekend is far more than “problematic” in the context of the reality that for months Jewish gathering places have been firebombed, Jewish day schools shot at, Jewish-owned businesses torched and vandalized, Swastikas painted on synagogues and homes, Jewish university students threatened and Jewish communities, described as “Zionist-infested” areas, targeted.

The Liberals know this but they’re politically paralyzed when it comes to countering it.
The Liberals are busy chasing the dialong boogey man .