This is much the same as putting all your money on hot numbers at a roulette or craps table. As long as your number or colour or dice roll is coming in your portfolio goes up and up. When it doesn't, then it doesn't. Both the roulette table and craps table and the crypto market have the same soundness of investment behind them. So enjoy your run. The only difference with a craps table sometimes you have a hot blonde beside you to blow on your dice.
You can't cash out on roulette when you see 14 red not going to happen then take your cash or reinvest moments before the Coupier calls 00 green and rakes the table. 35:1 at random is random but a predictable 1:∞ is a whole new game.
I can walk into my credit union and buy crypto currencies or manger it myself on wealth simple as an example. CRA tracks your data so don't expect to walk away with a shitty mere 35:1 in cash like a casino.
Give it a try. Start with $10 United States of America Federal Reserve USDC crypto bought through your financial institution that you can deposit back whenever you want.
Shit, even the damn USDC can make you 2 pts in a day if you pay attention.
There are several flavours of backed crypto to choose from.
Start with 10 USDC on CUDOS for one week. If you don't earn. I'll make up the difference.
Here's what I pulled off on $26 with that one in the "challenge account"
It's on a bull run. See above for my personal.
I can sell to fiat CAD anytime.