It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ontario temperature records broken as unseasonable warmth hits province
Toronto Pearson cracked 11C by 10 a.m., busting record set on the same day in 1938

Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Feb 09, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 1 minute read

Unseasonal heat swept across parts of Ontario on Friday, breaking daily temperature records in several cities.

The temperature cracked 11 C by 10 a.m. at Toronto Pearson International Airport, busting a daily record set on the same day in 1938, when it reached a high of 10.6 C.

Daily temperature records have fallen across Canada this winter, reflecting what forecasters had warned would be a warmer winter due to a strong El Nino climate pattern paired with the effects of human-caused climate change.

“We have seen warm temperatures like this in the past in February,” said Peter Kimbell, an Ottawa-based warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment Canada.

“But the thing is, it’s continuing a trend of very warm temperatures all winter long.”

It was nearly five degrees warmer than average in December and 3.4 degrees above average last month in Toronto, Kimbell said.

At the airport in London, Ont., the temperature hit 12 C by noon on Friday, surpassing a record set last year, according to Environment Weather data going back to 1941.

Ottawa hit 7.7 C at 1 p.m. Friday, slightly above a daily record Kimbell said was set in 1990.

The unseasonable warmth across Canada has had far-reaching effects.

Some First Nations in Manitoba and northern Ontario declared states of emergency this week due to impassable winter roads, which communities depend on for deliveries of fuel, food supplies and construction materials.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Yabut. . . it's cold someplace, which proves global warming is all a hoax!
Yep, & we as humans are nothing if not adaptable. Hairless but (relatively) intelligent apes inhabiting six continents with a toehold on the seventh.
1707664296564.jpegWe’ve (our ancestors anyway) lived through Continental glaciation and the warm periods between them, surviving and thriving not via carbon taxes but adapting to whatever came down the pipe.
Now in the Three Bears (goldilocks) concept, with the middle bed & porridge being “just right” if related to our species… we shouldn’t be damn near everywhere, but we are.
So with Global Warming/Cooling/Changing, perhaps we have to look at adapting as opposed to stagnating via carbon taxes to try to not have the global environment change up or down in the middle of an interglacial warming period.

Strangely (or maybe not so strange), humanity seems to flourish in the warmer periods and do not so great in the cooler periods. Which is the lesser of two evils?

I’m not saying we’re not pigs, and I’m not saying that we can’t clean up our act, but I am saying that Canada is a fart in a windstorm on this front, & we could do so much more by exporting natural gas to the countries that are using coal fired power plants…than we can by banning plastic straws…if the goal is actually to try and mitigate the percentage of global temperature increasing due to human influence, but by our actions I don’t think that’s the goal.

The goal (at least in the microcosm that is Canada) is to control minute details in average people’s lives to subtract from their standard of living to posture that were actually doing something when we’re not, instead of actually doing something that will make a difference… for political reasons of seeming like….ugh….we’re “above” the dirtiness of thriving while surviving.

This being preached by those not following their own preaching upon those that have little to no choice but to sacrifice to those ideals set forth by the ones not sacrificing. It’s frustrating to say the least being preached to by (assumably) well meaning but entirely self serving hypocrites.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep, & we as humans are nothing if not adaptable. Hairless but (relatively) intelligent apes inhabiting six continents with a toehold on the seventh.
View attachment 21093We’ve (our ancestors anyway) lived through Continental glaciation and the warm periods between them, surviving and thriving not via carbon taxes but adapting to whatever came down the pipe.
View attachment 21094
Now in the Three Bears (goldilocks) concept, with the middle bed & porridge being “just right” if related to our species… we shouldn’t be damn near everywhere, but we are.
View attachment 21095
View attachment 21096
So with Global Warming/Cooling/Changing, perhaps we have to look at adapting as opposed to stagnating via carbon taxes to try to not have the global environment change up or down in the middle of an interglacial warming period.

Strangely (or maybe not so strange), humanity seems to flourish in the warmer periods and do not so great in the cooler periods. Which is the lesser of two evils?

I’m not saying we’re not pigs, and I’m not saying that we can’t clean up our act, but I am saying that Canada is a fart in a windstorm on this front, & we could do so much more by exporting natural gas to the countries that are using coal fired power plants…than we can by banning plastic straws…if the goal is actually to try and mitigate the percentage of global temperature increasing due to human influence, but by our actions I don’t think that’s the goal.

The goal (at least in the microcosm that is Canada) is to control minute details in average people’s lives to subtract from their standard of living to posture that were actually doing something when we’re not, instead of actually doing something that will make a difference… for political reasons of seeming like….ugh….we’re “above” the dirtiness of thriving while surviving.

This being preached by those not following their own preaching upon those that have little to no choice but to sacrifice to those ideals set forth by the ones not sacrificing. It’s frustrating to say the least being preached to by (assumably) well meaning but entirely self serving hypocrites.
Precession is the cyclic change in Earth's rotational axis, amounting to roughly 1° every 72 years. One major effect of precession is that, at different times during the cycle, the seasons will be either more or less extreme in the northern or southern hemisphere.Dec 25, 2014 › learn › lesson
Precession Overview, Causes & Consequences -

What happens every 25920 years?

Thus the time it would take the equinox to make a complete revolution through all the zodiac constellations and return to its original position would be approximately 25,920 years. › wiki

Great Year - Wikipedia

How long does it take the sun to orbit the galaxy?​

between 225 million and 250 million years​

Even at such a mind-boggling speed, it takes the sun somewhere between 225 million and 250 million years to make a full orbit around the center of the galaxy.Sep 6, 201​ › 33963-hol...​

'Galactic Tick Day' Celebrates Sun's Trip Around the Galaxy -

THE SUN PROVIDES THE ENERGY THAT DRIVES THE EARTH'S CLIMATE system. Variations in the composition and intensity of incident solar radiation hitting the Earth may produce changes in global and regional climate which are both different and additional to those from man-made climate change.​ › ...PDF​

Solar influences on Climate - Imperial College London​

Davies and Constable discovered that the magnetic field could change direction by as much as 10 degrees per year in zones where the field was weakening — this rate is about 10 times faster than previous models suggested, and about 100 times faster than changes seen in modern observations.Jul 8, 2020​ › mag...​

Earth's magnetic field changes 10 times faster than once thought | Live Science​

For the past eight months, activity on the sun has steadily increased, indicating we transitioned to Solar Cycle 25. Solar Cycle 25 is forecast to be a fairly weak cycle, the same strength as cycle 24. Solar maximum is expected in July 2025, with a peak of 115 sunspots.
1707667244543.png › news › 2...

Hello Solar Cycle 25 - National Weather Service


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Yes, & as a species we’ve survived, and thrived up to about 8 billion of us with adaptability as opposed to a “Precession Tax” to mitigate the effects of Precession, or where we talking about Global Warming Cooling Changiness still & the benefits of Canada hamstringing itself financially for woke ideals of the select few Trudeau’s & DeCaprio’s & Thunberg’s, etc…?

I can imagine the “Precession Tax” already, ever increasing every April 1st, up to a limit that becomes limitless with it increasing every few years…to change our evil ways in accepting that Precession is a thing that happens…until we find equilibrium with zero precession by (pick an arbitrary date) 2050 because why not (?) & technology that doesn’t exist, will be inevitably created & implemented before that arbitrary date to stop Precession, etc..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yes, & as a species we’ve survived, and thrived up to about 8 billion of us with adaptability as opposed to a “Precession Tax” to mitigate the effects of Precession, or where we talking about Global Warming Cooling Changiness still & the benefits of Canada hamstringing itself financially for woke ideals of the select few Trudeau’s & DeCaprio’s & Thunberg’s, etc…?

I can imagine the “Precession Tax” already, ever increasing every April 1st, up to a limit that becomes limitless with it increasing every few years…to change our evil ways in accepting that Precession is a thing that happens…until we find equilibrium with zero precession by (pick an arbitrary date) 2050 because why not (?) & technology that doesn’t exist, will be inevitably created & implemented before that arbitrary date to stop Precession, etc..
If we tax hard enough we can cut it to 0.5° every 72 years.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
If we tax hard enough we can cut it to 0.5° every 72 years.
Shhhhhh….don’t give the current Liberal/NDP’er’s any ideas. I’m almost sorry I mentioned it above myself.

I can almost imagine a Charlie Angus-type coming up with a Bill to make it a criminal offence to point out how ridiculous a “Precession Tax” would be, and to make those that do into deniers of “following the science” of wealth distribution, etc…


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Shhhhhh….don’t give the current Liberal/NDP’er’s any ideas. I’m almost sorry I mentioned it above myself.

I can almost imagine a Charlie Angus-type coming up with a Bill to make it a criminal offence to point out how ridiculous a “Precession Tax” would be, and to make those that do into deniers of “following the science” of wealth distribution, etc…
Buy farm, grow oats and set up a solar power company. ChaChing!

PS get in with Ducks Unlimited.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ocean system that moves heat gets closer to collapse, which could cause weather chaos, study says
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Seth Borenstein
Published Feb 09, 2024 • 4 minute read

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future.

A long-worried nightmare scenario, triggered by Greenland’s ice sheet melting from global warming, still is at least decades away if not longer, but maybe not the centuries that it once seemed, a new study in Friday’s Science Advances finds. The study, the first to use complex simulations and include multiple factors, uses a key measurement to track the strength of vital overall ocean circulation, which is slowing.

A collapse of the current — called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC — would change weather worldwide because it means a shutdown of one of key the climate and ocean forces of the planet. It would plunge northwestern European temperatures by 9 to 27 degrees (5 to 15 degrees Celsius) over the decades, extend Arctic ice much farther south, turn up the heat even more in the Southern Hemisphere, change global rainfall patterns and disrupt the Amazon, the study said. Other scientists said it would be a catastrophe that could cause worldwide food and water shortages.

“We are moving closer (to the collapse), but we we’re not sure how much closer,” said study lead author Rene van Westen, a climate scientist and oceanographer at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. “We are heading towards a tipping point.”

When this global weather calamity — grossly fictionalized in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” — may happen is “the million-dollar question, which we unfortunately can’t answer at the moment,” van Westen said. He said it’s likely a century away but still could happen in his lifetime. He just turned 30.

“It also depends on the rate of climate change we are inducing as humanity,” van Westen said.

Studies have shown the AMOC to be slowing, but the issue is about a complete collapse or shutdown. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is a group of hundreds of scientists that gives regular authoritative updates on warming, said it has medium confidence that there will not be a collapse before 2100 and generally downplayed disaster scenarios. But van Westen, several outside scientists and a study last year say that may not be right.

Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth Systems Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research in Germany, was not part of the research, but called it “a major advance in AMOC stability science.”

“The new study adds significantly to the rising concern about an AMOC collapse in the not too distant future,” Rahmstorf said in an email. “We will ignore this at our peril.”

University of Exeter climate scientist Tim Lenton, also not part of the research, said the new study makes him more concerned about a collapse.

An AMOC collapse would cause so many ripples throughout the world’s climate that are “so abrupt and severe that they would be near impossible to adapt to in some locations,” Lenton said.

There are signs showing that the AMOC has collapsed in the past, but when and how it will change in the future is still uncertain, said U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration oceanographer Wei Cheng, who wasn’t part of the research.

The AMOC is part of an intricate global conveyor belt of ocean currents that move different levels of salt and warm water around the globe at different depths in patterns that helps regulate Earth’s temperature, absorbs carbon dioxide and fuels the water cycle, according to NASA.

When the AMOC shuts down, there’s less heat exchanged across the globe and “it really impacts Europe quite severely,” van Westen said.

For thousands of years, Earth’s oceans have relied on a circulation system that runs like a conveyor belt. It’s still going but slowing.

The engine of this conveyor belt is off the coast of Greenland, where, as more ice melts from climate change, more freshwater flows into the North Atlantic and slows everything down, van Westen said. In the current system, cold deeper fresher water heads south past both Americas and then east past Africa. Meanwhile saltier warmer ocean water, coming from the Pacific and Indian oceans, pushes past the southern tip of Africa, veers to and around Florida and continues up the U.S. East Coast on up to Greenland.

The Dutch team simulated 2,200 years of its flow, adding in what human-caused climate change does to it. They found after 1,750 years “an abrupt AMOC collapse,” but so far are unable to translate that simulated timeline to Earth’s real future. Key to monitoring what happens is a complicated measurement of flow around the tip of Africa. The more negative that measurement, the slower AMOC runs.

“This value is getting more negative under climate change,” van Westen said. When it reaches a certain point it’s not a gradual stop but something that is “cliff-like,” he said.

The world should pay attention to potential AMOC collapse, said Joel Hirschi, division leader at the United Kingdom’s National Oceanography Centre. But there’s a bigger global priority, he said.

“To me, the rapidly increasing temperatures we have been witnessing in recent years and associated temperature extremes are of more immediate concern than the AMOC shutting down,” Hirschi said. “The warming is not hypothetical but is already happening and impacting society now.”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In the face of resistance from provinces to its anti-fossil fuel agenda, and having endured several setbacks in the federal courts over some of its signature environmental policies, the Trudeau government has rolled out a new propaganda campaign to build greater support for its climate and energy policies.
According to the government’s new “Raising the Bar” campaign, manmade climate change has quickly evolved from a future threat to a real-time crisis where we’re experiencing more “wildfires, floods and droughts” that affect “our economy, our infrastructure, our health and our overall well-being.”
But is this true? Our government, which regularly claims to follow evidence-based policy, doesn’t provide much evidence to back up these claims — probably because there isn’t a lot of strong evidence that we’re seeing dramatic changes in extreme weather events.
The Trudeau government’s new campaign includes a slick video showing how Canadians are “Stepping Up” to the government’s ideas of the good life. We meet Charles, who now takes the bus twice a week, and Megan, who swapped her trusty gas-powered leaf blower for an electric one. Jade and Amina have taken government subsidies to swap out their reliable gas heating system for an electric heat pump. And the Nguyen family now dries its clothes on clotheslines. Of course, the video does not reveal that some of these virtuous acts will be fairly horrible in the cold winters that grip most of the country. One wonders how many tax dollars went to fund this little paean to Canadians who follow government dictates.
1707879020372.jpeg(Interestingly, when the government posted the video on YouTube, it disabled the comments so Canadians can’t, well, comment.)

One might dismiss the latest climate propaganda campaign as just another government Public Service Announcement intended to help people live more climate-healthy and mindful lives, but that would be a mistake. Because this propaganda campaign doesn’t simply encourage people to get more exercise or eat less junk food, it seeks to create a public mindset that will convince Canadians to accept a raft of coercive regulations — such as the hard cap on greenhouse gas emissions or restrictions on fuel tankers and pipelines — which prevent the development of oil and gas resources across Western Canada and restrict the economy.
Rather than making our lives better, as the “Stepping Up” video suggests, the coercive regulatory regime that underpins these new ways of living will, in fact, leave Canadians less prosperous and force them to pay more for less of just about everything.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In the face of resistance from provinces to its anti-fossil fuel agenda, and having endured several setbacks in the federal courts over some of its signature environmental policies, the Trudeau government has rolled out a new propaganda campaign to build greater support for its climate and energy policies.
View attachment 21139
According to the government’s new “Raising the Bar” campaign, manmade climate change has quickly evolved from a future threat to a real-time crisis where we’re experiencing more “wildfires, floods and droughts” that affect “our economy, our infrastructure, our health and our overall well-being.”
View attachment 21140
But is this true? Our government, which regularly claims to follow evidence-based policy, doesn’t provide much evidence to back up these claims — probably because there isn’t a lot of strong evidence that we’re seeing dramatic changes in extreme weather events.
The Trudeau government’s new campaign includes a slick video showing how Canadians are “Stepping Up” to the government’s ideas of the good life. We meet Charles, who now takes the bus twice a week, and Megan, who swapped her trusty gas-powered leaf blower for an electric one. Jade and Amina have taken government subsidies to swap out their reliable gas heating system for an electric heat pump. And the Nguyen family now dries its clothes on clotheslines. Of course, the video does not reveal that some of these virtuous acts will be fairly horrible in the cold winters that grip most of the country. One wonders how many tax dollars went to fund this little paean to Canadians who follow government dictates.
View attachment 21141(Interestingly, when the government posted the video on YouTube, it disabled the comments so Canadians can’t, well, comment.)
View attachment 21142

One might dismiss the latest climate propaganda campaign as just another government Public Service Announcement intended to help people live more climate-healthy and mindful lives, but that would be a mistake. Because this propaganda campaign doesn’t simply encourage people to get more exercise or eat less junk food, it seeks to create a public mindset that will convince Canadians to accept a raft of coercive regulations — such as the hard cap on greenhouse gas emissions or restrictions on fuel tankers and pipelines — which prevent the development of oil and gas resources across Western Canada and restrict the economy.
View attachment 21143
Rather than making our lives better, as the “Stepping Up” video suggests, the coercive regulatory regime that underpins these new ways of living will, in fact, leave Canadians less prosperous and force them to pay more for less of just about everything.
Step up to what? The pulpit of doom?