Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said Tuesday his government is nearing the “final stages” of the negotiations and internal planning needed to launch a public inquiry into foreign interference in Canada and he expects to make an announcement shortly.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The government began talks with the opposition parties in June, with the goal of unanimously agreeing to the terms of reference for an inquiry and the person who would lead it. Mr. LeBlanc acknowledged that the process has taken longer than expected.

“We’re not done yet. We’ve made a lot of progress and we are very close,” Mr. LeBlanc said in French, adding that the different political parties have for all intents and purposes agreed to how the inquiry will be structured and managed.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The government began talks with the opposition parties in June, with the goal of unanimously agreeing to the terms of reference for an inquiry and the person who would lead it. Mr. LeBlanc acknowledged that the process has taken longer than expected.

“We’re not done yet. We’ve made a lot of progress and we are very close,” Mr. LeBlanc said in French, adding that the different political parties have for all intents and purposes agreed to how the inquiry will be structured and managed.
More systemic racism. Mr The White.....really?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rags the puck on holding a public inquiry on China’s interference into Canadian democracy, which he’s never wanted, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is in China seeking its cooperation on climate change.

Guilbeaut’s trip isn’t surprising – U.S. climate envoy John Kerry was in Beijing last month seeking the same thing – nor will it will result in any breakthroughs.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who didn’t meet with Kerry, pointedly said in a speech while he was there that when it comes to lowering its industrial greenhouse gas emissions, China will not tolerate interference by foreign governments.

“The pathway and means for reaching this goal, and the tempo and intensity, should be and must be determined by ourselves, and never under the sway of others,” Xi said….& that’s that I guess…BUT…

More concerning than the fact Guilbeault is in Beijing to attend the annual meeting of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development – the previous Conservative government did the same thing – is what he will say.

Because it’s time for Guilbeault, and the Trudeau government to talk as tough to Beijing’s dictators on climate change as they do when they’re talking to Canadians.

The attitude of the Trudeau government when it talks to Canadians, versus China, was best summed up by former Trudeau environment minister Catherine McKenna in an indignant tweet storm last week.
She accused Conservative politicians of being arsonists for opposing the federal carbon tax and said Trudeau should convene a meeting of climate scientists, “to give a science briefing to Canadians,” live-streamed “to homes and schools across the country” while inviting “the Premiers to sit in the front row.”

The problem with McKenna when it comes to credibility is that she was so obsequious to China’s dictators on climate change when she was environment minister that she was quoted approvingly in its state-run media.
For example, china.org.cn – China’s state-run web portal – reporting that the “Canadian environment minister praises China’s efforts to combat climate change,” citing her comments during a 2018 visit to Beijing that “China has been and continues to be an essential partner in the fight against climate change … and China is committed to climate action.”

Servile comments like this from ostensible environmental leaders in the international community demonstrate to China that it can do what it wants with regard to its emissions – which it’s going to do anyway – free of any significant condemnation. It’s time our federal government stopped cheerleading for China on climate change.
Above Link, more, etc…
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
How will Steven Guilbeault, as the “Executive Vice Chairman for the Chinese Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development” advise the Chinese Communist Party in its dealings with other nations and their ministerial envoys like…Steven Guilbeault…in his other role as Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Trudeau cabinet??? No conflict there. Nothing to see. Move along.
Maybe Justin missed that in the vetting system they must have for Cabinet Ministers or Governor Generals or Special (& sometimes even Extra-Special) Rapporteurs, etc…


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
How will Steven Guilbeault, as the “Executive Vice Chairman for the Chinese Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development” advise the Chinese Communist Party in its dealings with other nations and their ministerial envoys like…Steven Guilbeault…in his other role as Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Trudeau cabinet??? No conflict there. Nothing to see. Move along.
View attachment 19112
Maybe Justin missed that in the vetting system they must have for Cabinet Ministers or Governor Generals or Special (& sometimes even Extra-Special) Rapporteurs, etc…
View attachment 19111
Is he allowed in the U .S .of A. ?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
How will Steven Guilbeault, as the “Executive Vice Chairman for the Chinese Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development” advise the Chinese Communist Party in its dealings with other nations and their ministerial envoys like…Steven Guilbeault…in his other role as Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Trudeau cabinet??? No conflict there. Nothing to see. Move along.
View attachment 19112
Maybe Justin missed that in the vetting system they must have for Cabinet Ministers or Governor Generals or Special (& sometimes even Extra-Special) Rapporteurs, etc…
View attachment 19111
You're really shocked that somebody once arrested for a non-violent, symbolic protest gets a place in government?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
You're really shocked that somebody once arrested for a non-violent, symbolic protest gets a place in government?
He is an ecoterrorist. Should be deported to the third world county of his choice.
Oh wait, he is there now. Lets cancel his return flight.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You're really shocked that somebody once arrested for a non-violent, symbolic protest gets a place in government?
Actually, a little bit, but that’s not the thing I most ‘shocked’ about.

Steven Guilbeault, as the “Executive Vice Chairman for the Chinese Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development” advises the Chinese Communist Party in its dealings with other nations and their ministerial envoys like…HIMSELF…in his other role as Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Trudeau cabinet.

That’s the weirder one of the two. I just find that a bit hard to reconcile, and in a cabinet that’s doing everything possible to avoid an inquiry into Chinese election interference in the last two federal elections…that this is open & blatant, and this wasn’t seen as a potential conflict when assigning him a cabinet position?

The “Chinese Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development” is involved in the whole Belt & Road initiative (and Guilbeault is its Executive Vice Chairman) where as the CCP loans nations across Africa & Asian funding for Infrastructure projects and then, when they can’t afford to repay these loans, pulls political and economic concessions from these countries.

How does Mr Guilbeault govern himself in these two potentially diametrically opposed positions without conflict directed towards one or the other without…what’s the term?…hypocrisy?

Guidance to China to expand its influence to building and expanding its economy, while stepping on the same things in Canada for Canadians. Go “Net Zero” in one direction while “Full Steam Ahead” for the other??? Maybe it’s just me though.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What do you want, ideally? To exclude China from all international relations?

Remember, it was a Republican U.S. President who opened relations with China.
Was it? Which one when? That’s interesting. We get told it’s was Pierre Trudeau but that’ll have a national bias attached to it.

I think, & call me crazy, that China is going to do whatever China is going to do, but having Steven Guilbeault in both roles for both countries is a conflict of interest and not exactly ‘picking a lane’ politically or nationally. I’m assuming most Canadians in his electoral riding didn’t vote for him to be a consultant for the Chinese Communist Party simultaneously while in office in the Canadian Government…where do his priorities lay? Whose best interests would he have at heart?

So no, my issue is not China and it’s international trade relations, but Guilbeault in his dual conflicting roles.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Was it? Which one when? That’s interesting. We get told it’s was Pierre Trudeau but that’ll have a national bias attached to it.

I think, & call me crazy, that China is going to do whatever China is going to do, but having Steven Guilbeault in both roles for both countries is a conflict of interest and not exactly ‘picking a lane’ politically or nationally. I’m assuming most Canadians in his electoral riding didn’t vote for him to be a consultant for the Chinese Communist Party simultaneously while in office in the Canadian Government…where do his priorities lay? Whose best interests would he have at heart?

So no, my issue is not China and it’s international trade relations, but Guilbeault in his dual conflicting roles.
Nixon met Mao.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
What do you want, ideally? To exclude China from all international relations?

Remember, it was a Republican U.S. President who opened relations with China.
we Canadians had open relations with China long before your Republican President . Was this Republican President’s Secretary of State sitting on the board of Chinese institutions ?
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Was it? Which one when? That’s interesting. We get told it’s was Pierre Trudeau but that’ll have a national bias attached to it.

I think, & call me crazy, that China is going to do whatever China is going to do, but having Steven Guilbeault in both roles for both countries is a conflict of interest and not exactly ‘picking a lane’ politically or nationally. I’m assuming most Canadians in his electoral riding didn’t vote for him to be a consultant for the Chinese Communist Party simultaneously while in office in the Canadian Government…where do his priorities lay? Whose best interests would he have at heart?

So no, my issue is not China and it’s international trade relations, but Guilbeault in his dual conflicting roles.
Is working in China's interests automatically opposed to working in Canada's?