WE really need to get rid of this guy

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Protesters making crazy claims will only help re-elect Trudeau
It will be the exact opposite result the people protesting claim they want

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jul 21, 2023 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

The Friendly City — as Belleville, Ont., touts itself — was anything but friendly for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday.

Trudeau was yelled at, heckled, accused of all manner of crimes, and eventually had to cut his visit to the local farmer’s market short.

Trudeau had just finished meeting with Belleville’s mayor, being presented with some donuts and was supposed to walk across the open air pavilion to meet with several vendors at the farmers market when the protest cut things short.

Video of the event shows Trudeau’s security detail quickly falling back to surround the PM in a close formation to keep the protesters away from him.

Roughly 100 people were said to be there, many of them waving flags with the now familiar cursing of the PM and his name. They also cursed him with their mouths.

“You’re a piece of sh– criminal,” one man can be heard shouting.

Trudeau continued walking through the crowd, pausing for selfies and shaking hands with those who supported him. While he worked the crowd, there were chants of “traitor” and others yelling at him that he was a pedophile and a coward.

“You’re a pathetic Jew,” one woman can be heard yelling twice while trying to block Trudeau’s vehicle.

Either these people are all Liberal plants trying to get Trudeau re-elected or they are seriously detached from reality. My fear is that it’s the latter and these people with only a passing familiarity with reality will still get Trudeau re-elected.

It’s understandable that people would be upset with the Prime Minister. He and his party have been in power for eight years and things are not going well.

We have a housing and affordability crisis that is hurting families across the country. If you own your home, your mortgage is costing more. If you rent, you are getting squeezed out. And as for the price of food, what cost you $500 two years ago, now costs you $600.

No wonder people are angry, no wonder Trudeau was named the worst prime minister since 1968 in a recent Research Co. poll.

None of that means he is a criminal or a pedophile. It’s become a point of faith for some fringe groups to believe that all politicians, except Donald Trump apparently, are part of a global pedophile sex trafficking ring.

It’s not true, it doesn’t make any sense, there is no proof, but this conspiracy theory that started in the United States has made it’s way into Canada. Calling for Trudeau to be arrested on false claims that he’s a pedophile makes the person yelling those claims look bad, not Trudeau.

It makes all the people protesting against him, including those with legitimate grievances, look ridiculous.

Same with yelling at the RCMP officers protecting the PM that they should be arresting him because he’s a traitor or a criminal. On what grounds would they arrest him? What law has he broken?

Sadly, it’s become a rallying cry for the left and the right to believe that any politician they disagree with needs to be arrested. I’ve heard the claim made plenty of times by people opposed to Trudeau but also by progressives opposed to Doug Ford or Scott Moe or Danielle Smith.

None of them have broken the law, we aren’t a banana republic yet and we don’t jail our political opposition.

As for yelling that Trudeau is a “pathetic Jew,” those who want to protest the PM better practice good political hygiene. If you stand with anti-Semites, you become one by association.

Trudeau was run out of Belleville on Thursday but if there are many more demonstrations like that, with crazy and anti-Semitic claims, he’ll soon by returned to office for another term. The exact opposite result the people protesting claim they want.


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Protesters making crazy claims will only help re-elect Trudeau
It will be the exact opposite result the people protesting claim they want

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jul 21, 2023 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

The Friendly City — as Belleville, Ont., touts itself — was anything but friendly for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday.

Trudeau was yelled at, heckled, accused of all manner of crimes, and eventually had to cut his visit to the local farmer’s market short.

Trudeau had just finished meeting with Belleville’s mayor, being presented with some donuts and was supposed to walk across the open air pavilion to meet with several vendors at the farmers market when the protest cut things short.

Video of the event shows Trudeau’s security detail quickly falling back to surround the PM in a close formation to keep the protesters away from him.

Roughly 100 people were said to be there, many of them waving flags with the now familiar cursing of the PM and his name. They also cursed him with their mouths.

“You’re a piece of sh– criminal,” one man can be heard shouting.

Trudeau continued walking through the crowd, pausing for selfies and shaking hands with those who supported him. While he worked the crowd, there were chants of “traitor” and others yelling at him that he was a pedophile and a coward.

“You’re a pathetic Jew,” one woman can be heard yelling twice while trying to block Trudeau’s vehicle.

Either these people are all Liberal plants trying to get Trudeau re-elected or they are seriously detached from reality. My fear is that it’s the latter and these people with only a passing familiarity with reality will still get Trudeau re-elected.

It’s understandable that people would be upset with the Prime Minister. He and his party have been in power for eight years and things are not going well.

We have a housing and affordability crisis that is hurting families across the country. If you own your home, your mortgage is costing more. If you rent, you are getting squeezed out. And as for the price of food, what cost you $500 two years ago, now costs you $600.

No wonder people are angry, no wonder Trudeau was named the worst prime minister since 1968 in a recent Research Co. poll.

None of that means he is a criminal or a pedophile. It’s become a point of faith for some fringe groups to believe that all politicians, except Donald Trump apparently, are part of a global pedophile sex trafficking ring.

It’s not true, it doesn’t make any sense, there is no proof, but this conspiracy theory that started in the United States has made it’s way into Canada. Calling for Trudeau to be arrested on false claims that he’s a pedophile makes the person yelling those claims look bad, not Trudeau.

It makes all the people protesting against him, including those with legitimate grievances, look ridiculous.

Same with yelling at the RCMP officers protecting the PM that they should be arresting him because he’s a traitor or a criminal. On what grounds would they arrest him? What law has he broken?

Sadly, it’s become a rallying cry for the left and the right to believe that any politician they disagree with needs to be arrested. I’ve heard the claim made plenty of times by people opposed to Trudeau but also by progressives opposed to Doug Ford or Scott Moe or Danielle Smith.

None of them have broken the law, we aren’t a banana republic yet and we don’t jail our political opposition.

As for yelling that Trudeau is a “pathetic Jew,” those who want to protest the PM better practice good political hygiene. If you stand with anti-Semites, you become one by association.

Trudeau was run out of Belleville on Thursday but if there are many more demonstrations like that, with crazy and anti-Semitic claims, he’ll soon by returned to office for another term. The exact opposite result the people protesting claim they want.

While I despise the man, what took place there will not help get rid of him & is not cool. While I respect the Office of the PM, I have absolutely no respect for him.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
StatsCan numbers show crime and shootings spike under Trudeau
Shootings have doubled under Trudeau while he attacks duck hunters and leaves criminals alone.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jul 27, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 3 minute read

In Justin Trudeau’s Canada, the crime wave continues to climb upwards.

In fact, outside of 2020, the year of pandemic lockdowns, the crime severity index tracked by Statistics Canada has gone up every year.

The overall crime severity index was up 4.3% from 2021 to 2022 while the violent crime severity index was up 4.6% compared to the year earlier. It’s violent crime that is up the most during Trudeau’s tenure from a ranking of 75.3 in 2015, the year he was elected, to 97.7 in 2022.

In fact, one of the most shocking statistics is that during Trudeau’s time in office shootings across Canada have doubled.

In 2015 there were 2,358, shootings recorded by Statistics Canada. But in 2022, after seven years of the Trudeau government and countless claims they were dealing with gun crime, Stats Can recorded 4,741 shootings in 2022.

How can it be that shootings doubled during those years given all the times Justin Trudeau and his ministers have stood before the cameras saying they would crack down on gun crime?

Could it be, as I and other wise people have pointed out, that Trudeau’s gun control policies focus more on farmers and duck hunters than the criminals who cause the crime?

To back up that claim, gun crime has never been higher in the last 20 years. During the years when the long gun registry was in place, the number of shootings never went above 2,300, nor did they after the Harper government got rid of it. But since Trudeau has come to office, things have gotten worse.

Overall, the crime severity index has gone up by 18% since Trudeau took office while the violent crime severity index has gone up 27.5% since Trudeau became PM.

“After eight years of Justin Trudeau, crime and chaos are common on our streets. We are experiencing the worst crime wave we have seen in recent memory,” Conservative MP and critic for public safety Raquel Dancho. “Gang murders have more than doubled, and violent gun crime has increased for the eighth year in a row.”

Dancho pointed out that the murder rate is the highest it has been in 30 years.

Yet, time after time, as criminal shoot up Canada’s streets, Trudeau comes out with new laws like Bill C-21 that seek to ban hunting rifles, that make life more difficult for legal, licenced gun owners. When it comes to criminals, Trudeau and his Liberal government take the opposite approach and try to make life easier for them.

With Bill C-75, the Trudeau Liberals made it easier for criminals to get bail telling judges and justices of the peace they needed to show restraint and offer bail as fast as possible under the least onerous conditions.

With Bill C-83, passed shortly after C-75, the Liberals made it easier for serious, violent criminals, like Paul Bernardo, to move to a medium security prison by requiring the least restrictive conditions as part of the jail conditions.

With Bill C-5, passed in November 2022, the Trudeau Liberals dropped mandatory minimum sentences, including gun smuggling and trafficking because who needs to ensure that those who come across our borders with illegal guns are held to account.

The Trudeau government has adopted a hug-a-thug approach to gun crime, something that is now showing up in the statistics in the worst way.

On Wednesday there was a major cabinet shuffle but don’t expect a change in direction from this government, which is more interested in keeping criminals safe than you and your family safe.

The attitude in Ottawa won’t change until the government changes.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Members in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet don’t offer resignations for their failures. They simply wait for the next cabinet shuffle. The awkward question of accountability never needs to be asked. Disastrous headlines are averted.

With the total number of ministers remaining constant at 39 following last week’s cabinet shuffle, only seven have stayed in the same position they were in previously. That’s a ministerial turnover rate of 82 per cent. And judging by the performance of the previous cabinet, there’s good reasons why many of them have been shuffled out.