Uh yeah, he is.
Sooo commies aren't idiots?
Don't give him more credit than he deserves.
What credit? It's not exactly "giving credit" calling someone a fucking commie.
(My thoughts on communism and fascism is both the same; both lead to dictatorships so neither is 'good' for anyone)
Well to be fair, Trudeau is actually a bit of both. While espousing ideals that are familiar to communism, he is also a Quebec nationalist who firmly believes that the Quebecois are superior to the rest of us.
Two quotes from Groper's past point that out. "Canada belongs to Quebec", and "Canada works better when Quebecers are in charge". Seems he also slid a wee bit into nazi territory as well with those comments.
In actuality, despite political scientists not having defined the term as of yet, Trudeau is in effect a communo-fascist.